A 300 dollar picture tube will protect a 10 cent fuse by blowing first. A President of a democracy is a man who is always ready, willing, and able to lay down your life for his country. A backscratcher will always find new itches; a brown-noser will always find new sense. A bad day fishing is better than a good day at work. A bureaucracy is like a septic tank, all the really big shits float to the top. A bird in the bush usually has a friend in there with him. A bird in the hand is always safer than one overhead. A bird in the hand is dead. A bird in the hand makes it hard to blow your nose. A boss with no humor is like a job that is no fun. A clean tie attracts the soup of the day. A closed mouth gathers no foot. A committee is a group that keeps minutes and loses hours. - Milton Berle A committee is twelve men doing the work of one. A conclusion is the place where you got tired of thinking. A consensus means that everyone agrees to say collectively what no one believes individually. - Abba Eban A conservative is a man who believes that nothing should be done for the first time. A conservative is a man with two perfectly good legs who has never learned to walk. - Franklin D. Roosevelt A consultant is an ordinary person a long way from home. A coup that is known in advance is a coup that does not take place. A couple of months in the lab can often save a couple of hours in the library. A crisis is when you cannot say "let's just forget the whole thing." A day without sunshine is like night. A diplomat is someone who can tell you to go to hell in such a way that you look forward to the trip. A disagreeable task is its own reward. A donkey is a horse designed by a study team. A fail-safe circuit will destroy others. A flying particle will seek the nearest eye. A fool and his money are soon elected. A fool and his money stabilize the economy. A free agent is anything but. A friend in need is a pest indeed. A geophysicist is not drunk as long as he can hang onto a single blade of grass and not fall off the face of the earth. A good scapegoat is hard to find. A good slogan can stop analysis for fifty years. A good solution can be successfully applied to almost any problem. A lack of leadership is no substitute for inaction. A little ambiguity never hurt anyone. A little humility is arrogance. A little inaccuracy saves a world of explanation. A little ignorance can go a long way.