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Air Gods

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Fertility, air.


Element of air, aka Addad or Addo.


Greek god of wind and air. Aeolos lived on an island near Sicily where he guarded the caves where he kept the winds. He would let out he wind only as the gods of Olympus instructed, whether in gusts, gales, or breezes.

One day, Odysseus visited Aeolos on the island. He was warmly welcomed, and when he left, Aeolos gave him a bag containing all the dangerous and theatening winds, so that Odysseus would have a safe travel back to Ithaca without worrying about bad weather.

Odysseus did as Aeolos bid him, but once his homeland was in sight, he laid down to sleep knowing he needn't worry about poor weather. But as he slept, one of his men curiously opened the bag, freeing all the fierce winds and blowing the little ship way of course.


Aeropė    Element of air.


Greek personification of air.


Aine of Knockaine
Celtic (Irish) goddess of love and fertility, later known as the fairy queen. Goddess related to the moon, crops, and farms or cattle. Aine is revered among Irish herbalists and healers and is said to be responsible for the body's life force.


A healing goddess of the celtic order of Tuatha de Danann, goddess of medicinal plants and keeper of the spring. Regenerates, or brings the dead to life again.


In Huron lore, he is the great spirit, invoked at times of desperate need or danger.


Aken    Element of air.


Alcis    Element of air.


The Invisible One, Element of air.


"The Invisible One". One of the most spiritual of the Egyptian gods. Symbolizes the element of air.


Near Eastern (Sumerian) deification of heaven. Element is air.


"Queen of Heaven", element of air, leo magic, lunar.


Angus Og
Celtic (Irish) god of beauty, love, and youth. His name means "son of the young". He is a Gaelic Eros known for his physical beauty and golden hair; his kisses become birds.


Anhert    Element of air.


Egyptian god of the power of the sun. He was depicted as a warrior wearing a headdress with four tall, straight plumes. Elements are air and fire.


Ani    Element of air.


Anila    Element of air.


Antum    Element of air.


Manifestation magic, moon, air, fertility, prosperity. Celtic (Irish) goddess of plenty. Mother earth goddess and maiden aspect of Morrigu.


Anulap    Element of air.


Anum    Element of air.


Greek Goddess of passion and sexual love, and womanly beauty. She is considered the epitome of beauty and femininity. Said to have been born of sea-foam.

She is kind to those she liked, but can be cruel and merciless to those who displease her. She married Hephaestos, had an affair with Ares, and was caught.

Aphrodite is the daughter of Zeus and Dione, and mother of Eros. Her animal totems are the dove, sparrow, swan, and swallow. Plants sacred to her are myrtle, poppy, rose, and apple. She symbolizes feminine prowess, sexuality, relationships, flower magic.


Aquilo    Element of air.


Italian witch goddess. She came to earth to teach her mother Diana's magic. Symbolizes the air element, the moon.


"The Silver Wheel", "High Fruitful Mother". Celtic (Welsh) goddess, the sister of Gwydion and wife of Don. Deity of element of Air, reincarnation, full moons, time, karma, retribution.


Fire and air.


"Queen of Heaven". Air element.


Asterius    Element of air.


Astraeus    Element of air.


Atea    Element of air.


Auster    Element of air.


Awhiowhio    Element of air.


Ayida    Element of air.


"Rider Of The Clouds". Canaanite rain god. Air, fire, fertility, health, fruitfulness, the moon, productivity.


Baal Haddad    Element of air.


Badessy    Element of air.


Baiame    Element of air.


Bast is typically shown as a beautiful girl with the head of a cat. She is commonly shown with black, white, yellow, or glowing skin. Sometimes She is shown as a light-skinned European girl with long blonde hair and bright blue eyes. She is often shown as fully cat, in which case she is called Bastet. Considered the sexual partner of every god and goddess. Symbolizes fire, cats, healing, childbirth, pleasure, passion, healing, goodness, joy, mirth, warmth. Goddess of light, lesbianism, truth, civilization, hemp. The enlighten maiden of the triple goddess. Also known as Bastet, Pasch.


Buadza    Element of air.


Bunji    Element of air.


Burijash    Element of air.


Opening What Is Shut, air, domestic and home situations.


Chiquinau    Element of air.


Corus    Element of air.


Greek Great Mother of the Gods. She is the leading deity of the Greek mystery religions. Symbolizes the element air and fertility.


Delphine    Element of air.


Deramulun    Element of air.


Dia    Element of air.


Celtic (Irish) god of healing and medicine. Once saved Ireland, married to Morrigan.

In the first battle of Moy Tura, Nuada lost his hand. Diancecht fashioned a new one of silver and joined it to Nuada's arm. One day, Diancecht's son Miach took what remained of Nuada's original flesh hand, placed it next to Nuada's arm, and spoke an incant. After three days and nights the hand was rejoined to the arm seamlessly.

Nuada rejoiced, but Diancecht was furious that his son was a better healer than he was. Diancecht struck Miach thrice on the head with his sword. Miach was able to heal each wound. Diancecht, more furious now, split Miach's head in two, killing him. From Miach's grave grew 365 herbs, each one with curative powers for one of the 365 nerves in the body. Miach's sister, Airmid, picked these herbs and arranged them according to their curative powers.

Diancecht became so enraged that his son rivaled him even after death that he scattered the herbs about, hoplessly confusing them. If Diancecht hadn't done this, man would be immortal.


Djinn     Element of air.


Celtic (Welsh) Queen of the Heavens and Goddess of air and sea. Ruled over the land of the dead. Corresponds to the Celtic (Irish) goddess Danu. Symbolizes control of the elements, the moon.


Ehecatl     Element of air.


The beautiful Miltonic prince of darkness with golden hair. His son was Bress.


Near Eastern (Sumerian) god of the earth and air. His gift to mankind was the pickaxe, which gave them the ability to build or destroy. He sent a flood that drowned the earth, and only king Ziusudra was warned in time to escape.


Near Eastern (Babylonian, Sumerian) goddess of the underworld and death.

The god Nergal once gained access to the underworld after being outcase by his fellow gods. He seized the terrible mistress Ereshkigal by the hair and threatened to kill her. She begged him to spare her life, promising that she would marry him, give him sovereignty of the underworld, and would also give him the tablets of wisdom. He accepted and was considered the consort of Ereshkigal from then on.


Air element. Also known as Eurus.

Embodiment of air and wind elements.


Favonius     Element of air.


Fei Lien     Element of air.


Feng Bo     Element of air.


Chinese goddess of the winds, she replaced Feng-Po. She symbolizes the elements of air and water, storms, precipitation and moisture.


Fujin     Element of air.


Ga-Oh     Element of air.


Gabriel     Element of air, the moon.


Hindu elephant-headed god of wisdom, the remover of obstacles. He symbolizes good fortune and prosperity. His totem animal is the rat, a symbol of perseverence. One of the most popular gods in Hinduism; all sacrifices, rituals, music, books, and affairs begin with an invocation to Ganesha.

When Paravati, wife of Shiva, gave birth to Ganesha, she was very proud of his bright and beautiful face. So proud was she that she asked Sani (Saturn) to look upon her child. Sani looked at the child's face, and instantly Ganesha's head was burnt to ashes.

Paravati rushed to the wise Brahma to seek help. Brahma told her to replace the child's head with the first head she could find, which was that of an elephant.


The Morning Star, element of Air.


Fertility, element of Air.


Hadad-Rimmon     Element of air.


Haddad     Element of air.


Harpyiai, The     Element of air.


"The Beautiful Face In The Boat For Thousands Of Years". Egyptian goddess of joy and love. Symbolizes love, beauty, happiness, joy, element of Air, the moon.


Mayan god of the winds, whirlwinds. Invoke for air elemental magic.


Greek goddess of matrimony and cycles of women's growth. Sister and wife of Zeus. She is best known for her intense jealousy of all of Zeus' affairs with mortal women. She can be invoked for love, the moon, element of Air, motherhood.


Hino     Element of air.


Holy Ghost     Element of air.


Holy Spirit     Element of air.


"The Mighty One of Transformations". Egyptian god, the son of Isis and Osiris. God of the all-seeing eye. His animal is the falcon. To understand the cycles of Horus' life, you should know his manifestations


Illil     Element of air.


Finnish god of air. Symbolizes element of Air, the element of wind.


Extremely powerful virgin daughter of Ilma, creatress and mother/nature goddess. Symbolizes the elements air and water.


Ilu     Element of air.


Near Eastern storm god. Air element, fertility.

"Highest of the immortals light,
God of gods by lofty might
He before whose prowess high
Tremble earth and upper sky
He is-- mortals, hear my verse--
Indra, lord of the universe!"


Iris     Element of air, communication.


Ishkur     Element of air.


Iskur     Element of air.


Finnish supreme creator god. Symbolizes the sky and thunder, weather, twilight, dusk, and the element of air.


Roman god of the sky and the father of all gods and men. He symbolizes the element air. Also known as Zeus [Greek]. See also Zeus.


Kambel     Element of air.


Kephera     Element of air.


"The Self-Created". Egyptian god of the sun. Symbol is the scarab beetle. Symbolizes the element of air. Also known as Kherpi.


Kinyras     Element of air.


Kolpia     Element of air.


Kratos     Element of air.


According to Hebrew legend, she was Adam's first wife. She refused to subordinate to him and was changed into a demoness as punishment for her disobedient. Her element is air.


The Lilitu
Wind elementals (sylphs), element of Air.


"Virgin Of The Sky", "Creatrix Of The World", symbolizes the element air and the moon.


"The High And Fruitful Mother Of Heaven", symbolizes fertility, element of Air.


Mader Atcha     Element of air.


Maiden     Element of air.


Maman Brigette     Element of air.


"The Great Sorcerer", symbolizes element of Air, health, element of earth, general magic.


Marut     Element of air.


Maruttas     Element of air.


"The Queen of Peace", "Queen Of Heaven". Air element.


Maryam     Element of air.


Roman god of communication and messages. Symbolizes the element of air, communication, health. See also Hermes.


Mercurym     Element of air.


Meret     Element of air.


Fire magic, element of Air, Leo magic.


Mist     Element of air.


Persian sun god and bringer of light, a god of wisdom, soldiers and warriors. Can be likened unto Prometheus, who brought fire to man in Grecian mythology. Symbolizes the mystery of magic, fertility, and the element air.


Morgen     Element of air.


The original Egyptian mother goddess. Wife of Amun. She had thousands of children, among them were Bast, Neith, Hapi, and Chons. She lost importance once Isis became the primary mother goddess. She symbolizes the element air.


"The Lord Of The Air", element of Air.


Norse (Scandinavian) God of winds, sea, fire, and wealth. His children were Freya and Freyr. In the pagan days, his name was said in court oath. Invoke for financial requests, prosperity, or those rites involving the elements air, water, or fire.


Notus     Element of air.


Egyptian goddess of the sky. Air element.


Nunamnir     Element of air.


Nyankopon     Element of air.


Nyankopon Kweku     Element of air.


Oeranos     Element of air.


Olila     Element of air.


Celtic (Welsh) goddess of flowers and springtime. Also symbolizes love.

Under the forgotten oak
She slept
Lily breasts
And crocus arms
And wild daisy hair


Ometecuth     Element of air.

Onouris     Element of air.

Onyankopon     Element of air.

Orion     Element of air.

Pavana     Element of air.

Peron     Element of air.

Perun     Element of air.

Phan Ku
Chinese creator god who formed the mountains, valleys, oceans, and rivers on the earth. When he died, his skull became the sky, his breath became the wind, his voice thunder, his earms and legs the four cardinal direction, his flesh the soil, and his blood the rivers. Then the fleas in his hair became human beings.

Piorun     Element of air.

Greek god of earthquakes and the sea. Symbolizes the elements air and water, can be invoked for the moon.

Puang Matowa     Element of air.

Pyerun     Element of air.

Raka     Element of air.

Ramman     Element of air.

Rangi     Element of air.

Near Eastern (Babylonian-Assyrian) storm god. Also symbolizes the element air, love, fertility. Also known as Rammon, Rammanus, Adad.

"The Star Goddess", air element.

"Sublime Dove", air element, beauty.

Egyptian god of darkness and evil. Known for murdering his brother, but was also revered as a protector of Egypt. Set was one of the earliest Egyptian deities, a god of the night often identified with the northern stars. He was variously hailed as a source of strength, and a protector, especially from the serpent Apep.

Within Egyptian theology, there are conflicting opinions regarding Set's strength and warlike resolution. At first, pictures of a god with two heads- that of Set, as the god of darkness, and that of his brother Horus, god of light, appeared. At first this was a symbol of harmony, the union of polarities. However, later, it was regarded as a symbol of the conflict between dark and light. Set is depicted as being untamed and wild looking with white skin and fiery red hair. He is symbolized by barren wastelands and deserts. Also known as Seth, Seti.

Chinese god of agriculture, pharmacy, medicine, and health. Symbolizes the element of air.

Shine-Tsu-Hiko     Element of air.

Shina-Tsu-Hime     Element of air.

"The Cosmic Dancer", "The Great Lord". Represents the aspect of the Supreme Being which continuously dissolves and recreated. Shiva is both a creator and a destroyer, he is associated with both the changes of the seasons and the balance and constant conflict of good and evil. This is the cycle of the universe; birth-death-rebirth. He is the third member of the Hindu Trinity, along with Brahma and Vishnu. He is also a god of mercy and compassion and protects man from evil. Elementally, he corresponds to air and fire.

"The Dry One". Egyptian god of the air represented in human form. Personifies the sun's light. Appears as a warrior, lion, or lion-headed man with a feather. Symbolizes the element air, and possibly fire.

Skan     Element of air.

Slyphs     Element of air. wind element.

Sopdet     Element of air.

Sothis     Element of air.

Throttler, air element.

Sprites     Element of air.

Stribog     Element of air.

Su     Element of air.

Fire element, air element.

"Lady Of The Peak", air element, health.

Chinese god of the affairs of men, protected humans and animals. Symbolizes fortune, fate, destiny, children, animals, karma, prosperity, protection, success.

Tamats Paike Tamoyeke
"Our Eldest Brother Walking Everywhere", air element.

Tana'oa     Element of air.

Tate     Element of air.

Tatsuta-Hime     Element of air.

Tawhiri     Element of air.

Tawhirimatea     Element of air.

Teliko     Element of air.

Tepozacatl     Element of air.

Teshub     Element of air.

Greek goddess who had an affair with Zeus. However, Zeus learned that Thetis' son would be more powerful than his father, so he married her off to Peleus. They had a son named Achilles. Thetis attempted to make him immortal by dipping him in the river Styx, but because she held him by the heel, his heel remained his weakness. Thus the allusion to "Achilles' Heel".

Saxon war god, found of the Saxon dynasty in Essex, element is air. Also known as Tiw, Seaxneat, Saxnot.

Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli     Element of air.

Tobe-No-Mikoto     Element of air. .

Tomor     Element of air.

"The Heavenly One",      Element of air.

Uranus     Element of air.

Vata     Element of air.

Vaya     Element of air.

"The One who Moves Through The Sky". Hindu air and wind god who was an ally of the storm gods who were known as the Maruts ("crushers"). Accompanies Indra, the storm god.

Veja mate     Element of air.

Australian pair of goddessses who represent the infinite force of life inherent in all women. This force of life cannot be extinguished or stopped.

Weret     Element of air.

White Texcatlipoca     Element of air.

Yansa     Element of air.

Yao     Element of air.

Yu-chhiang     Element of air.

Greek-Roman god fo the west winds, the most pleasant and favored of the winds. Symbolizes the element air. Also known as Zephyrs, Zephyr.

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