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Creator Gods

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African god of the Lugbara. Adroa is both good and evil, and considered the creator of heaven and earth.

Babylonia earth and mother goddess and creator of man.

North American Indian sky woman and creator goddess.

Egyptian sun god. In some creation myths he is the creator of the universe. Father of Shu and Tefnut. Astrologically related to the leo sign of the zodiac.

Hindu god, one of the members of the Hindu Trinity, along with Shiva and Vishnu. He symbolizes the aspect of the Supreme Reality that brings forth the creation. Because of this, he is regarded as the creator of the universe. His consort is the goddess Saraswati, who provides him with the wisdom and knowledge needed to create the universe.

As creation is the greatest work of the mind, Brahma symbolizes the concept of the universal mind, as well as the individual intellenct. Because of this, he is worshipped mostly by those seeking understanding or knowledge, like students and teachers.

O Brahma, thou rare old Divinity,
First Person of the Hindu Trinity,
You sit there so calm and securely,
With feet folded up so demurely --
You're the First Person Singular, surely.

-Polydore Smith

Iroquois creator god, had an evil twin. Symbolizes creation, benevolence, victory, and strength.

Egyptian deification of the blessed river Nile. Eventually thought of as the creator of everything. Without the waters of Hapi, all life would perish. Also known as Hapy.

Ancient mayan creator god who made the earth, the element of fire, animals, and mankind. Symbolizes fire, spiritual enlightenment, thunder, hurricanes, whirlwinds, disasters.

African creator god who tried to save men from death. He was chasing after death one day, and a human woman let Death hide under her dress. Imana was so angry at this betrayal that he left Death to do what he would. Had this not happened, man would be immortal.

Egyptian mother goddess of day and moisture. It was Isis who retrieved and reassembled the body of Osiris after his murder and dismemberment by Seth. Because of this she took on the role of a goddess of the dead and of funeral rites. Isis impregnated herself from the corpse and gave birth to Horus. She gave birth secretly and hid the child from Seth in the papyrus swamps. Horus later defeated Seth and became the first ruler of a united Egypt. Isis, as mother of Horus, was revered as the mother and protectress of the pharaohs. The relationship between Horus and Isis may have been an influence on the Christian relationship between Jesus and Mary. Icons of Isis holding the infant Horus as he suckled are quite remininscent of such images of Jesus in Mary's arms. Statues of Isis and Horus were gradually disallowed by the Christian churches.

Oh Isis, Great Goddess,
Mother of God, and Creator of Life
You reign over Philae and all other lands.
Oh Mighty Goddess, Queen of Philae
You rule over the celestial bodies
And give the stars their place.

-A Hymn to Isis

Mayan sky god and the father of the gods; humankind's creator. Lord of day and night. Omnipotent, remote, and impersonal. Personified the rising sun, light, life, knowledge, and the east. His sign was a red hand. Depicted as a cross-eyed, toothless old man with a lizard body. Animal totems were the lizard and the jaguar. Founder of Mayan religion. Invoke for healing, art, drawing, letters, crops, fertility, water, regeneration, medicine.

Japanese creator god, father god, man of men. Symbolizes magic.

Africa creator and rain god. As Jok Adudu, he presides over childbirth.

Finnish supreme creator god. Symbolizes the sky and thunder, weather, twilight, dusk, and the element of air.

"The Great Spirit", supreme god, father, creator, universal father- many native tribes. Similar in some aspects to the Christian concept of God, or the muslim Allah.

Master of light, god of the winds. Called by many names by many tribes. The supreme father, great spirit, creator.

Hindu goddess of nature and a universal creator.

Mayan creator god, defender from evil.

Australian self-created sky gods. Creators of mankind.

African bisexual creator god. Associated with the sky and mother earth.

The orisha of peace, harmony and purity. He is the father of most orishas and the creator of humankind. He is the owner and keeper of the world. He represents clarity, justice, ethics, reason, and wisdom. Invoke him for health, peace, and harmony.

African thunder god. Creator of all things and supreme deity.

Australian creator god.

Phan Ku
Chinese creator god who formed the mountains, valleys, oceans, and rivers on the earth. When he died, his skull became the sky, his breath became the wind, his voice thunder, his earms and legs the four cardinal direction, his flesh the soil, and his blood the rivers. Then the fleas in his hair became human beings.

In Greek mythology, Prometheus was the titan who stole fire from the gods and gave it to humans, along with the arts and civilization. He was also often regarded as the creator of man from clay, the first human, and humanity's savior when Zeus threatened to kill all human beings. He greatly offended Zeus by his actions and was punished. There are different sources with different accounts of the legend.

In Hesiod's version, Zeus' punishment was the creation of Pandora, the first woman, who was overtaken by temptation and opened a forbidden box thereby unleashing all the lamentations and evils of the world.

In the Aeschylean version, Zeus had Prometheus chained to a rock on Mount Caucasus where an eagle ate away at his liver, starting all over each day after the liver had grown back during the night. He is eventually rescued by Hercules.

Egyptian creator god of Memphis, created the cosmos and the bodies in which man's souls dwelt. Some legends say he created things as Thoth directed him to. It is also said that he created the elder deities. His is shown as a bald man, a scarab beetle, or a hawk. He can be invoked for stability.

Aztec god of the wind, sea breeze, and life breath. Creator god, identified with the planet Venus. He was considered a good god as he required only one human sacrifice a year.

Long ago, there was a race of people who lived in southern mexico called the Toltecs. They were ruled by Quetzalcoatl, who left his home in the land of the Sunrise to help the Toltecs build a strong and prosperous nation.

While he ruled, everyone was happy and industrious. Everything grew in abundance, and the people learned many practical arts, even how to make ornaments and beautiful clothing. They were dutiful but had plenty of leisure time. To the Toltecs, this was a Golden Age.

But neighboring peoples were savage and barbaric and very jealous of the happy Toltecs. They were ruled by warlike and fierce gods.

Tezcatlipoca, the chief of these savage gods, disguised himself as an old man and went to Quetzalcoatl, who was very sick. Tezcatlipoca fooled the god into drinking excessive amounts of wine by saying it was medicine, knowing Quetzalcoatl had never tasted wine. Soon he was very intoxicated. Tezcatlipoca took advantage of this opportunity and to bring merciless misery to the vulnerable Toltecs. He brought down plagues and disasters; strife and destruction.

When Quetzalcoatl became sober, he was angry to find that all his hard work had been undone. Furious, he destroyed the gifts he had given the people and left for his own country. The Mexicans believe that, as said in legend, the good god will one day return and bring them back to the enchantment of the Golden Age.

Egyptian sun god, can be likened unto the Christian God, as a supreme deity and creator. He created the 8 great gods and the human race came from his tears. Usually depicted as a human with a falcon or ram head. The sun was either his eye or his body. He traveled the sky every day, passing over the lands and then going into the underworld. Because of this legend, he is considered to be the god of the underworld. Ra also stopped wars between humans because he was too decent to let them perish. He may be invoked for cat magick.

"The Cosmic Dancer", "The Great Lord". Represents the aspect of the Supreme Being which continuously dissolves and recreated. Shiva is both a creator and a destroyer, he is associated with both the changes of the seasons and the balance and constant conflict of good and evil. This is the cycle of the universe; birth-death-rebirth. He is the third member of the Hindu Trinity, along with Brahma and Vishnu. He is also a god of mercy and compassion and protects man from evil. Elementally, he corresponds to air and fire.

Pawnee creator and sky god. Taught dictation, how to make and wear clothing, fire making, hunting, agriculture, body painting, tobacco smoking, religious rituals and sacrifices.

African (Akpossa of Togo) sky god and creator of everything including the minor gods. He is invoked for agriculture/harvest, spring, birth, rain, and sun. Gave mankind fire. He is seen as generally beneficant.

African creator god, give of life and cause of death. Like Zeus in the mythology of Greece, he punishes evildoers with lightning bolts.

African creator god and shaper of destiny.

Chinese sky god, father of heaven. He is a creator who made men, fashioning them from clay. He sees and hears all.

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