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Earth Gods A-M

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Greek vegetation god and consort of Aphrodite. He was actually a Phoenecian god who was later adopted by the Greeks as a mortal consort to Aphrodite. He was killed by a wild boar, and Aphrodite caused the plant anemone to grow from him when she discovered his body. Symbolizes, love, fertility, health.     Earth element,

African god of the Lugbara. Adroa is both good and evil, and considered the creator of heaven and earth.

Hindu fire god. He is a part of all things, the essence of life.

It was said that he consumed his parents when he was born, for they could not provide for him; this is symbolic of the fire born when two sticks are rubbed together because the sticks are consumed as well once the fire grows.

Agni loves all his worshippers equally. He visits everyone's hearth and gives them equal fire regardless of their social class. When people use fire, they must face it towards the proper direction. When facing East, the fire should be used for sacrifices to the gods. When facing South, the fire should be used for sacrifices to the spirits of the dead. A fire made to cook food should always face toward the West. Agni is also associatied with sex and virility in men. Invoke for the element of fire, purity, fertility.

Finnish earth mother and goddess of the harvest and female sexuality. Wife and consort of the supreme sky God Ukko. She symbolizes love, agriculture, womanliness.

Cheyenne native earth god, the soul of the earth

Ibo earth mother, goddess of justice, protection, laws. Protectress of the harvest. She took the dead in her pocket.

"Great Shining Heaven". Japanese sun goddess, guardian of the Japanese people and ruler of all deities. One of her tasks was to weave sacred robes for the gods.

When Amaterasu's troublesome brother Susanowo wreaked havoc on her land, she had to hide in a cave to escape the misery. He destroyed the forests, rice paddies, and the Heavenly Weaving Hall, killing Ama-Terasu's favorite weaving maiden. He sealed the cave that Amaterasu was hiding in so that no sunlight could reach the earth.

The gods worriedly met to plan a way to free her. After many failures to induce her to leave the cave, the lewd dancer Uzume stepped forth. She danced so that the gods all were delighted and laughed so much that the cave shook.

Amaterasu opened the door of the cave a bit to see what was going on, and asked why they would laugh in such a grim time. Uzume said that they were happy because a new, better, more beautiful sun goddess has come to replace her. Amaterasu immediately demanded to see this goddess, and was shown a mirror. She was startled and spellbound by her own reflection long enough for the gods to drag her from the cave, and so the world was light again and there was much rejoicing.

Amaterasu symbolizes warmth, harvest, love, fertility, goodness, wisdom, peace, light, sun, compassion.

Supreme African (Dogon) god who created the sun and the moon. The myth of Dogon is used to justify the custom of female circumcision as practiced in many parts of Africa. They said that he tried to procreate with the earth (female) but his passage to her was blocked by a "red termite hill". This had to be cut away before he could mate with the earth.

"Lady Of The Mountain". Near Eastern (Syrian) goddess of the earth, grain, and sacrifice. She is often portrayed as a bloodthirsty maiden. The strength of life. Symbolizes element of earth and fertility.

Manifestation magic, moon, air, fertility, prosperity. Celtic (Irish) goddess of plenty. Mother earth goddess and maiden aspect of Morrigu.

Italian witch goddess. She came to earth to teach her mother Diana's magic. Symbolizes the air element, the moon.

Celtic (Welsh) god of the underworld, terror, revenge, and ware. Invoke during     Earth element.

Babylonia earth and mother goddess and creator of man.

Greek Goddess of war and wisdom. She is the daughter of Zeus, born by springing forth fully grown from his forehead. It is believed that she was conceived to carry out deeds that Zeus could not do but would want to.

Her name, "Pallas Athene", is representative of her dual nature. She can be seen as "Pallas", goddess of storms, courage, strength, battle, war, chivalry, and victory. She can also be "Athene", the goddess of peace, beauty, wisdom, creativity, education, science, and the arts.

She was responsible for teaching mortals natal care and healing. She also invented the flute, created the olive tree, and showed men how to train horses.

Athena is the patron of craftsmen and the protector of cities. Her animal symbols are the cock, snake, owl, and olive tree.

I begin to sing of Pallas Athena, the glorious Goddess, bright-eyed,
inventive, unbending of heart,
pure virgin, saviour of cities,
courageous, Tritogeneia. Wise Zeus himself bore her
from his awful head, arrayed in warlike arms
of flashing gold, and awe seized all the gods as they gazed.
But Athena sprang quickly from the immortal head
and stood before Zeus who holds the aegis,
shaking a sharp spear: great Olympus began to reel horribly
at the might of the bright-eyed Goddess,
and earth round about cried fearfully,
and the sea was moved and tossed with dark waves,
while foam burst forth suddenly:
the bright Son of Hyperion stopped his swift-footed horses a long while,
until the maiden Pallas Athena had stripped the heavenly armour from her immortal shoulders.
And wise Zeus was glad.
And so hail to you, daughter of Zeus who holds the aegis!

-Homeric Hmyn #28

    Earth element.

Japanese goddess of happiness and good luck. She is generous and kind, and is known for being sympathetic to men who are being chased by dragons, and helps them out. Queen of the sea. Provides protection from earthquakes; bringer of inspiration and talent, wealth and romance. Can also bring love. Also known as Benzai.

Bona Dea
Roman earth goddess of fertility. She was only worshipped by women; even statues of men were covered during her rites.

Celtic (Welsh) Moon, Grain and Nature Goddess. Cerridwen's symbol is a white sow. Patron of the poets, greatest of all the bards.

She prepared in a cauldron a magical brew which stewed for a year and would yield three precious drops. These would bestow on the receiver the wisdom of the past, the knowledge of the present, and the secrets of the future.

Cerridwen symbolizes luck,     Earth elementk, death, fertility, regeneration, inspiration, inspiration, the arts, science, poetry, astrology/zodiac.

Celtic god of fertility, life, animals, wealth, and the underworld. The Horned God is born at the winter solstice, marries the Goddess at Beltane, and dies at the summer solstice. He alternates with the Goddess of the moon in ruling over life and death, continuing the cycle of death, rebirth and reincarnation. Symbolizes     Earth elementk, love, fertility, and luck.

Aztec goddess of fire, home and fertility. She symbolized pleasure and pain together. Her symbols were a red serpent and cactus spikes. She ruled wealth and precious stones of the earth. Invoke for fire elements, fertility, domestic matters.

Celtic (Irish) God of the Earth and Father God, leader of the Tuatha de Danaan. He mates with his wife the raven Morrigan on New Years day. Also a god of death; the father of Brighid.

A formidable fighter, but a god of simple tastes who dresses in a brown tunic, hooded cape and leather boots. Dagda had a staff which could slew nine men with one end, but could bring back life with the other end. He possessed two swine, one of which was perpetually roasting, the other perpetually growing. His other symbols are the bottomless cauldron of plenty and a harp with which he controls the seasons.

Greek Earth goddess. All-nourishing mother of the earth.

Her daughter, Persephone, was gathering flowers one day when Hades came out from the earth and abducted her to make her his bride. Demeter grieved and searched all the lands for her. Wherever she was warmly received, she would give people instruction in agriculture. Along her way she met the kind Keleos of Attica, and left him her snake-drawn carriage and the seed of barely so that he could spread the knowledge of agriculture around the lands.

Demeter finally found out where Persephone had been taken. Though Zeus had given Hades permission to carry off the girl, and had instructed the other gods not to help, Demeter was able to convince them to come to her aid. They agreed, provided that Persephone had not eaten anything in her time in the underworld. However, Persephone had eaten 6 seeds of a pomegranate Hades had given her as proof of her love. They came to a compromise; Persephone would spend 6 months of the year with Demeter, during which time the earth would prosper and flourish in Demeter's joy. The other 6 months would be passed by Persephone in the underworld with Hades. While Persephone is with Hades, Demeter grieves her and the earth suffered extreme temperatures and poor harvests. This is a myth which explains the seasons.

Demeter is the daughter of Chronos and Rhea. She is associated with agriculture, crops, and all produce, as well as abundance in childbirth and agriculture.

Greek nature and earth goddess, daughter of Uranus and Gaia. Mother of Aphrodite. Associated with divination, predictions, love, prophecy.

Hindu earth and mother goddess, in Hinduism, an ancestor of demons and giants.

Dwarves        Earth element.

Japanese god of the underworld. Depicted wearing a judge's cap and holding a mace. He judged the souls of the males. If the sinner was "saved" through prayer, they would be allowed to pass on to paradise or be reincarnated on earth. Symbolizes destruction, death, and revenge.

Near Eastern (Sumerian) god of the earth and air. His gift to mankind was the pickaxe, which gave them the ability to build or destroy. He sent a flood that drowned the earth, and only king Ziusudra was warned in time to escape.

Italian goddess of the earth, wildlife, forests, and fertility. Symbolizes prosperity as well.

Element of earth, divination, fortelling, health, prophecy.

A concept, rather than an actual deity, created in the early 1970s. Gaia can be thought of as a goddess, but was originally a name for the life force of the earth as a whole. Gaia corresponds to mother nature or mother earth. This concept is a deification of the earth. Today it has become something of a new age goddess, however, that was not what the concept began as. Gaia symbolizes health, element of earth, fertility, love. [One would invoke Gaia in a similar manner as The Goddess or another such all-encompassing goddess.]

"The Green Man". Egyptian god of the earth, symbolizes the element fire. Green skinned man with a goose on his head, often shown lying down beneath the feet of Shu with his phallus pointing straight up. He was said to imprison the souls of the dead, disallowing them to move on to the afterlife. His laughter caused the earth to shake.

Norse (Scandinavian) earth goddess who married Freyr. She was a giantess, and considered very beautiful.

Element of earth.

Navajo god of the home and hearth. Also symbolizes health.

Iroquois god of thunder, brought clouds and rain to cool the earth.

Japanese goddess of fire, both of the hearth and of volcanic erruptions. Protectress of the home, cures illness. A mediator between man and gods.

Aztec god of earthquakes.

Ancient mayan creator god who made the earth, the element of fire, animals, and mankind. Symbolizes fire, spiritual enlightenment, thunder, hurricanes, whirlwinds, disasters.

Chinese earth goddess, similar to gaia, the deification of the earth. Patroness of fertility, element is earth.

Hindu goddess of the earth, prayer and devotion, abundance in food, and nourishment.

Near Eastern storm god. Air element, fertility.

"Highest of the immortals light,
God of gods by lofty might
He before whose prowess high
Tremble earth and upper sky
He is-- mortals, hear my verse--
Indra, lord of the universe!"

Jesus Christ
"Prince of Peace". According to Christian beliefs, he is the son of God. He was said to be born of Mary, a virgin, to atone for mankind's sins. Jesus Christ taught people to treat eachother better, follow God, and be absolved of sin.

He was eventually betrayed by one of his 12 acolytes and crucified on the cross. He arose after three days and walked the earth until his service was finished and ascended majestically back into heaven to reign at God's right hand.

Norse (Scandinavian) primeval earth goddess. Mother of Thor and wife of Odin.

Hindu black earth mother. It is said that she induces fear in anyone who looks upon her, so grim is her appearance. She is a dark, destructive aspect of the goddess, and is known for giving life and then taking it away again. She often eats her own children for sustainance. She is worshipped primarily by assassins. She symbolizes the moon, protection, divination, creation, necromancy, combat.

There is no light, nor any motion.
There is no mass, nor any sound.
Still, in the lampless heart of the ocean,
Fasten me down and hold me drowned
Within thy womb, within thy thought,
Where there is naught-
where there is naught!

-Aleister Crowley, "Kali" (excerpt)

Kuan Yin
One of the most loved Chinese goddesses. It is said that her name brings protection and relief when it is simply spoken.

Before she was a goddess, she was the daughter of a cruel father. When she refused to marry into wealth like her sisters, she was sent to a temple where she was made to perform the most difficult of tasks. Birds, snakes, and tigers had pity on her and came to her aid. But her father was angered that she had not given in and married, so he first tried to burn her to death. However, she put out the fire with her hands.

When he finally did kill her, she was sent to the underworld. But she recited the words out of holy books, and the god of the dead was upset because he could not make them suffer while she was there. Frustrated, he sent her back to earth, where the Buddha made her immortal and rewarded her with great insight. She became a goddess of mercy and compassion.

Italian earth and nature deity. Invoke during sky, water, or element of earth, or for divination.

Celtic goddess of earth fertility and war.

Lunar, Element of earth.

Mayan earthquake god.

"The Great Sorcerer", symbolizes element of Air, health, element of earth, general magic.

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