Peregrine Took

Peregrine Took, also known as Pippin, is the fourth Hobbit to join the quest in the Lord of the Rings. Another friend of Merry, Frodo, and Sam, he is also young enough to not be considered a true adult by Shire reckoning. Pippin is not the most intelligent character, and often gets himself in trouble by not thinking his actions through. He serves as both comic relief to an often intense or dry storyline, and also serves as a caution to those who would act rashly; a concept consistent with Tolkien's views on cautious rational decision making.

Pippin, too, is matured throughout the books, thinking more and more about each action before he takes it. While his essential impulsive character remains unchanged, he gives the impression of a much more settled being by the end of the trilogy. This is shown by the manner in which he executes his duties after swearing allegiance to the Steward of Gondor.


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