
Friends Links:

The Homepage of Joel the Peppermint Whale (It's safer not to ask- really). Joel is a great guy who has a bunch of artistic stuff posted- poems, stories, and photographs. Great little site.

Heather's Homepage. A picture based site with lots of photos taken by Heather usually up in the Rocky Mountains. Recent problems with space have made all the subpages go away. Hopefully she'll have them back up and running before too long.

Quan's Projects Site. A classy text based site with information about programming and sample projects in a variety of languages.

The Dormouse's Teacup. The homepage that my little brother David maintains. It is a dark site filled with poetry, short stories, and other vaguely unsettling artsy fartsy stuff.

Organization Links:

Mars Hill Community Website. This is the website for the church college group that I am part of called the Mars Hill Community. Lots of info about the group, activities, and such.

Faith Church Website. This site is the homepage for the church I go to, of which Mars Hill is a part. Has a sermon archive, information about groups and people, and lists of recent missions activities.

Hobbie-Related Links:

Decipher Game Company. Decipher is the company that publishes the Star Wars and Lord of the Rings card games that I have articles about in my Hobbies section. They are also the ones who do the How to Host A Murder Mystery Dinners.

The One Ring.Net, a fan site for all things Lord of the Rings. They have vast picture archives revolving around games, movies, book art, and other things. One of the most notable things of interest on the site is a rumored LotR mod for AoK:TC.

There And Back Again, a Hobbit related fansite. Enjoy fan art about Bilbo, Frodo, Gollum, the Ring, and lots of Middle Earth information. Requires Flash 5.0. The site is absolutely beautiful, but takes a while to load.

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