Lord of the Rings

Dagobah Drain

This is a highly unusual deck. Despite that, it is reasonably playable, and doesn't suffer all that much from most other strategies. There are a couple of bullet cards that make life hard, but overall it'snot too bad. If I had the Mind What You Have Learned Ojbective, I could make the deck a little nastier, guaranteeing a much quicker setup, eliminating the Luke's Backs for some other elements: possibly more copies of the non-unique sites that I couldn't start with under the Objective. Anyway the basic premise is to conceptually take political control of the galaxy by Force draining the opponent's resources away at an unknown swamp planet that no one cares about at all, while simulatneously spying out opposing strongholds well enough to prevent any significant Force draining by the Dark player. Daughter of Skywalker would also be a huge boost to the playability and nastiness of the deck.

Jedi Test:
-Great Warrior

-Clouds x2
-Dagobah (Starting)
-Dagobah: Bog Clearing
-Dagobah: Jungle
-Dagobah: Swamp
-Dagobah: Training Area
-Dagobah: Yoda's Hut
-Forest (Starting)
-Jungle (Starting)

-Careful Planning (Starting)
-Luke's Back x3
-The Signal x2

-A Vergence in the Force
-Bargaining Table
-Encampment x2
-Honor of the Jedi
-Lightsaber Proficiency
-Projection of a Skywalker x2
-The Planet That It's Farthest From
-Traffic Control
-Undercover x3
-Wise Advice

-Jedi Lightsaber x4

-B-Wing Bomber
-Z-95 Headhunter x2

-Bothan Spy
-Commander Vanden Willard
-Figrin D'an
-Ithorian x3
-Jeroen Webb
-Ki-Adi Mundi
-Lando With Vibro-Axe (Should be Tamtel Sreej, but I don't have him)
-Momaw Nadon
-Plo Koon
-Princess Leia
-R2-D2 (Artoo-Detoo) -Son of Skywalker
-Tibanna Gas Miner x3


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