Lord of the Rings

Quiet Mining Colony

Quiet Mining Colony (QMC) was the useless Objective for a period of time, as it was difficult to flip, difficult to maintain, and offered limited benefits for so doing. However, with the advent of the helper Effect Keeping the Empire Out Forever, it became an amusing deck to play, as card combos are simple to generate when cards can be taken from the Force Pile during each turn. It would be tempting to set up a high activation deck with Keeping the Empire Out Forever, a couple Vaporators, and a Hydroponics Station to guarantee heavy hitting card combos. The deck relies heavily on people with matching weapons, and uses opponent's Force generation for a primary resource, although small modifications could be done to maintain a higher Force generation in the deck.

-Quiet Mining Colony/Independant Operation (Starting)

-Bespin (Starting)
-Cloud City: Guest Quarters (Starting)
-Cloud City: Platform 327
-Cloud City: West Gallery

-Alter and Friendly Fire
-Heading for the Medical Figate (Starting)
-It Could Be Worse x2
-Off the Edge (possibly replace with another site?)
-Rapid Fire
-Rebel Artillery
-Rebel Barrier
-Slight Weapons Malfunction

-Cloud City Celebration
-Honor of the Jedi
-Keeping the Empire Out Forever (Starting)
-Lightsaber Proficiency
-Secure Route
-Squadron Assignments (Starting)
-Superficial Damage (Starting)

Admiral's Orders
-I'll Take the Leader
-No Questions Asked (possible replace with a site)

-Anakin's Lightsaber
-Concussion Missiles x2
-Intruder Missile x2
-Jawa Ion Gun
-Leia's Blaster Rifle
-Naboo Blaster Rifle
-Obi-Wan's Lightsaber
-Qui-Gon Jinn's Lightsaber
-Stun Blaster
-X-Wing Laser Cannons x2

Starships (& Matching Pilots):
-Gray Squadron 1 & Kin Kian
-Millenium Falcon & Captain Han Solo and Chewbacca, Protector
-Outrider & Dash Rendar
-Queen's Royal Starship & Ric Olie
-Red Quadron 1 & Wedge Antilles, Red Squadron Leader
-Red Squadron 4 and Derek "Hobbie" Klivian

-Lando in the Millenium Falcon

-Lift Tube

-Corran Horn
-Luke Skywalker, Rebel Scout
-Master Qui-Gon
-Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi Knight
-Princess Leia


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