Lord of the Rings

Trackers and Hunters

This deck is a mix of Isengard Trackers and limited use of the Hunters. Actually, the deck only uses two of the Three Hunters (Legolas and Aragorn), partly because I don't have Gimli, but also because the version of Gimli it uses is actually a little better.
In addition, the deck heavily relies on healing, and skirmish special abilities. Wargs can cause some major problems, as can site control or heavily condition based Shadow sides, but most of the Shadow sides I have played it against have been hard-pressed to do much to it. In addition, it is Isengard Orc proof, at least of the traditional wound during Regroup Phase types, due to large scale healing in the late game.

Starting Fellowship:
-Frodo, Reluctant Adventurer
-The One Ring, The Answer to All Riddles
-Legolas, Dauntless Hunter
-Merry, Friend to Sam
-Pippin, Hobbit of Some Intelligence

Site Path:
-The Riddermark
-Barrows of Edoras
-White Rocks
-Helm's Gate
-Hornburg Armory
-Hornburg Causeway
-Wizard's Vale
-Orthanc Balcony

Free Peoples Side (40 Cards):
(Dwarven: 6 Cards)
-Gimli, Unbidden Guest x2
-Hand Axe
-Dwarven Axe
-Endurance of Dwarves
-My Axe Is Notched
-Dwarven Bracers
(Elven: 5 Cards)
-Final Count
-Long Knives of Legolas x2
-Bow of the Galadhrim
(Gondor: 10 Cards)
-Aragorn, Wingfoot x2 -Faramir, Son of Denethor x2
-Aragorn's Bow
-Faramir's Bow
-Ranger's Sword, Blade of Aragorn
-Sword of Gondor
-Gondor's Vengeance
(Shire: 16 Cards)
-Brace of Coneys x4
-Cliffs of Emyn Muil
-Frodo's Cloak x2
-Hobbit Sword x2
-Mithril Coat
-Shire Countryside x3
-There and Back Again
(I also tweak the deck with 2 of the following cards)
-Gandalf's Card
-Power According To His Stature
-Athelas x2
-Bill the Pony
-Fearing the Worst

Shadow Side 43 Cards:
-Broad-blded Sword x2
-Grima, Wormtongue
-Kill Them Now x2
-Mahur, Patrol Leader
-Many Riddles x3
-Rest While You Can
-Saruman, Black Traitor x2
-Saruman, Servant of the Eye
-Saruman's Staff, Wizard's Device
-Savagery To Match Their Numbers
-Ulaire Enquea, Lieutenant of Morgul
-Uruk Chaser x2
-Uruk Foot Soldier x2
-Uruk Hunter x2
-Uruk Pursuer x3
-Uruk Runner x3
-Uruk Searcher x4
-Uruk Seeker x4
-Vengeance x3
-Weary x4

As can be seen, the deck on the Shadow side relies heavily on trying to exhaust or heavily wound companions, then win skirmishes against them, although not necessarily by a lot, eventually killing off a Fellowship. Saruman and the Many Riddles play a key role in this, allowing the Shadow player to somewhat control the minion assignments. In addition, Black Traitor works excellently against Trust Me decks, Shoulder to Shoulder, or Final Count/Axe Is Notches as well as being a large (if somewhat expensive) minion. It is best to use up him and the Staff as early as possible, so they are there to use at the last site.
The Free Peoples side of the deck relies, on the other hand, on built in skirmish special abilities such as Gimli's and Merry's, but even more on simple possessions. Legolas is the strongest skirmisher in the deck, although Aragorn and Gimli are close seconds. Even if each skirmish is not won, however, some limited archery provides anti-Shadow support, and most characters can be helped enough that they are not easily overwhelmed (except by Armies of the Haradrim, but that is another point entirely). The exertions caused to win fights and the wounds caused by losing them can be easily removed in this deck with the Shire Countryside/Brace of Coneys combo. These cards will play on Frodo for free, and, once set up, allows a trade of 1 burden and 3 wounds for 0 Shadow: can't beat that. Even when not set up completely, there is still a good amount of both burden removal and healing in the deck, rendering the best way to kill companions overwhelming or direct wounds. The bane of the deck is Ulaire Enquea, Lieutenant of Morgul, as it quickly sets up to seven companions, all of which are useful. Enquea tends to knock out Merry or Legolas as opportunity presents, and will render the deck hopelessly coreless without them. In addition, heavily condition based strategies (such as trackers) can cause trouble, as the only condition killers in the deck are Athelas' which do little against site control or other similar things. In this case, the best defense is a good offense, hence Legolas, Dauntless Hunter is used over the more popular Greenleaf Machine Gun. This is because, with Merry and Pippin out, he adds a ridiculous 2 Shadow to all Conditions and Events, slowing such strategies greatly. Raider culture has problems with their boosters in this case...
The deck usually bids 4-5 to go first, and pull Aragorn. Often Gimli and/or Faramir are also in the opening hand, and can be played. This will be a lot of Shadow on site 2, but should be survivable. Of course, now that Enquea has done for me a couple of times, I am leaning more toward staying around 5 companions (although since 2 are useless for skirmishes, this is annoying, and makes me mad about the whole Enquea idea. Bad move, Decipher. He was okay in Fellowship, but is just too limiting from there on. Greed can be a problem too. Anyway, be careful of setting up with weapons too quickly though, as Golden Hall can put paid to a quick setup. Barrows is used in this deck, because there is little reason to hold a card in your hand, and the chance at more of everyone's weapons is a good bet. Helm's Gate is also used, because many people will be armed by then, giving you an edge (and a tossable 7 strength with Merry) at the Gate. Beyond that, run as much as possible, and use the Shadow to slow down opponents. You will probably have to beat them to the end, as the Shadow just can't quite seem to finish anyone off, but if your Search conditions come out quick (and they don't nuke them with Gandalf) you can give them a lot of thinking to do about how worthwhile that second move is. In the meantime, you can heal up, and possible even skip the second Sanctuary, giving an edge that is difficult to match. Overall, a very fun deck.

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