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Forever Friends


Previously I resided at Penobscot Job Corps Center it controled my life. I spent around 3 months in job corps classes then I spent seven months in the Center Directors Office as an administrative assistant (receptionist/secretary). Then on to college (which was my original goal when I came to penobscot. I'm working towards my associates (to become my bachelors). After classes I would try to find time to hang out on and off center with the odd people I've had the pleasure to become aquainted with, though most of them are on their merry way into their new lives. The most important one was still here, and I'd give most anything at this point to keep him with me, though I feared that he too was nearing the end of his Job Corps Career. (If you don't know I was talking about Shawn)

Before my vacation, towards the end of my last semester I would end my days exhausted beyond belief and I'd fall into bed after fighting in a vain attempt to not have to return to "the dungeon", as I had quaintly labeled the room I shared with two others.

Things changed though, I went home for three weeks during Christmas and New Years 2002-2003. I brought my boyfriend Shawn home with me and, my now 2 week old, son was conceived. So I finished up my second semester of college and went home.

Take a gander if you like, meet the friends and aquaintances I've been blessed... *whispers - or cursed* enough to have socialized with during my year and a half in this wonderful, tiny world we all know of as the Penobscot Job Corps Center Program. I MISS THEM ALL SOOOOO MUCH!


Books have always been my greatest escape. No matter what the topic, no matter what the setting or who the characters are, whenever I pick up a book I enter another world. All my troubles fade away. I don't know if I've always had a very active imagination, but as far as I can remember it's always been like this. It's truly wonderful to be able to get away from mundane life, to be able to create your own world and retreat into it whenever things seem to be too much.

Beauty in Nature

I have been blessed with the gift of being able to find beauty anywhere I go. No matter the circumstances or the place I find myself in. I hope that you enjoy some of the pictures and I hope that you may find beauty in everything you do.

Written Work

Not all of this work is mine so please be sure it says By: Cheri Dymond before you copy anything. Please don't take any of these works and attempt to pass them off as your own. It's simply not nice. If you want anything that doesn't say By: Cheri Dymond just email me the title of the work at and I'll send it to you. THANKS!!!
updated January 13, 2003