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F-16C Block 50 / 52 vs MiG-29B
Updated - 11th September 2013

A very interesting account of the Dogfight results between the Bulgarian MiG-29B and F-16C Block 50, straight from the pilot. Do note that the MiG-29B was disadvantaged without R-73 missiles and Helmet Mounted Sight(they were armed with the R-60 missile), while the F-16 Block 50 were armed with the latest AIM-9X and the Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing System (JHMCS). And the result? .. Well, very few engagements are as dramatic as this one. MiG-29 came out on top using just its exceptional maneuverability to aim its R-60s at the F-16s! Read about it in detail below.

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