MMPR, MMPR:TM, MMAR, PRZ Birthdate: January 7, 1971 | Birthplace: Council Bluffs, IA |
* David stands 5'7", and has naturally blond hair.
* As personal hobbies, David has rode Wavejammers, windsurfed, swum, hiked mountains and written screen plays in the "bizarre, twisted" genre. Harold Pinter is his favorite playwright.
* A nomadic child traveling around America, David found himself competing for the State of Montana and the State of Iowa gymnastics until 19 years old. (He was an "excellent gymnast.") Graduating Graceland College soonafter around 1991. He then packed his bags and settled in Los Angeles to wait tables for two months before the auditions for MMPR were ready to role in September of 1992.
* At 16, (circa 1987) David attended four years at Graceland College and left with a degree in Speech and Communications and BA Theatre Arts around 1991.
* To win the role of "Billy Cranston" in 1992, David had to out-perform three to four thousand hopeful actors. It took eight callbacks before David recieved the news.
* These two were David from the original pilot episode, which another actress played the character of "Trini." David's greasy look here was changed drastically for the second pilot episode.
* The following were featured in a Power Rangers magazine around 1994.
* David from late 1994.
* Featured in "Teen Beat" magazine.
* Behind the scenes of the filming of MMPR Season 2 premiere
* In 1995, David starred in his first theatrical release, "Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie," filmed in Sidney, Australia.
* Behind the scenes of the filming of MMPR Season 3.
* When David left Rangers in the Zeo season, he also had a role as "Josh White" in the 1996 movie "Ladykiller."
* When asked about his connections to other PR cast members, David mentioned that they were tightly close at first, then drifted away as the seasons passed. In current times, he has little to nothing to do with his former comrades.
* It's said that when David went to the staff about new ideas for the show, or for personal problems, that he was ignored for the most part, as were most of the cast. However, according to a former MMPR Productions producer, David "thought he was THE star of the show" and wanted a bigger part than the writers were willing to give him. This frustration lead David to storm off the set in the middle of filming in Zeo's mid season. The former producer asked David to return long enough to finish voice overs and to write "Billy Cranston" off the show with David present, but the offer was scornfully rejected. In the end, MMPR grabbed the first voice actor who "remotely resembled David's voice" for "Billy's" farewell.
* When David was spoken to at the funeral of Thuy Trang, he commented that he didn't want anything more to do with Power Rangers, and "didn't care about what the fans thought."
* The writer and director Edward D. Padilla of "Fallen Guardian Angels," a play in the Complex Hollywood in Los Angeles that David starred in 2000, commented that David was a pleasure to work with and a true professional. Edward commented that he and David were working on another project associated with LDI Productions.
* David, along with the cast of "Fallen Guardian Angels," (pictured above) helped to raise over $12,000 towards Pediatric AIDS Research to aid children under the age of 12, paying for medications they couldn't otherwise afford and sending them to a camp where they could have fun and attempt to forget their worries.
* "As David's friend, I do know one thing, he treats everyone equally - gay, straight, lesbian, black, white, whatever. He does not get a thrill thinking someone is gay, or that some dark secret has been revealed. He loves people - all people - and, yes, I've seen him upset, I've seen him hurt, and I've seen him proud and joyful. But, other than a professional obligation (That means he was hired and paid to do this - and he donated his pay to the Childrens AIDS Center) I did not see him once kiss a man on the lips outside of the production." - Edward (This dispells the popularized online rumors of David's sexual orientation.)
* David has also raised money to aid with Breast Cancer Research.
* "...he came to every rehearsal on time - [and]diligently worked to make sure that his character was perfect - and gave a tremendous performance that made the local award voters take notice." -Edward.
* An advid playwright, David attempted to merge all of his screen plays into a collective called "Tribulations of a Fast Food Junkie." The project, however, was later discontinued.
* In 2000, David appeared briefly in one of an onslaught of "Just For Men" commercials. (not for himself)
* Sometime in 2000, David was spotted at Palm Beach sporting sideburns and a goatee, and still worked out religiously.
* David was an extra in an unknown movie comedy in 2001
* David attended the funeral of former co-star Thuy Trang in late 2001
* On November 10, 2002, David appeared at the Stella Adler Theatre in Los Angeles for a one-man production entitled "Windows," written by Edwards D. Padilla.
* David commented that as the MMPR seasons passed, "Billy" and David began to integrate more and more into each other.
* "That there's nothing wrong with being smart, there's nothing wrong with being different. And to stay strong because life gets better- it will."
* On pets, David commented on feeling too guilty to own one since he would be unable to spend much time with one.
* David's favorite color is black; representing "sleekness", "class" and "sophistication".
* His favorite actors are Jack Nicholson and Patricia Arquette, with his hero being Jack and "Darth Vader."
* When it comes to women, David trusts most the ones who can make him laugh. On dates, David prefers either the traditional movie and dinner or the beach and hiking approaches.
* His parents are David and Cheryl Yost, and has an older sister, Chere Yost.
* David works out every night, explaining why the nerdy and introverted "Billy" always had the arms of "Hulk Hogan."
* David's favorite band is "U2," and show was "Married with Children."
* His best quality is that "I'm a good friend," and his worst is smoking, that "I complain and whine too much," and that "I'm a control freak. I want everything to be perfect, so I have trouble watching the show because I pick apart my performance."
* His dream car is the Toyota 4Runner.
* His most intriguing fan present: an evelope with a wedding ring inside.
* David Yost's snail mail address:
LDI Productions
David Yost
4470 Sunset Blvd Suite 497
Hollywood CA 90027
* David produced "Alien Hunter" and was an Associate Producer for the television series "Temptation Island."
* David was originally in the Turbo movie, which was filmed during the Zeo season, but disagreements with MMPR Productions caused him to leave once his contract was up in Zeo's mid season. The Turbo movie script was rewritten without the character of "Billy Cranston."