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Gods existed. However it was not what the humans wished for. The Sinistrals of chaos, destruction, terror, and death controlled mankind from Doom Island in the sky. A hero was born, Maxim stood up against the gods with the "dual blade" a sword that amplifies the spiritual force. The sinastrals were gone, they were banished from earth by Maxim. Mankind recoverd from the despair and prospered once more. This was known as the First Doom Island War.

100 years have past people had forgotten about the First Doom Island War, and prospered. However a desendant of Maxim stood on guard for the sinastrals. There was a girl, Lufia with cerilian hair. She who lost evarything opened her hart to the hero's decendant. The sinastrals whe resurected. Before Lufia, the fated girl, the nightmare island Doom Island once again cast it's shadow of despair on mankind. The boy drew his sword, "Dual Blade" was pointed at Lufia. Mankind could only be saved by sacrificing the girl he loved. The sinastrals disapeared. The humans where once again saved. This was known as the Second Doom Island War.

100 years have passed...

The story.
Growing up as a hunter was a simple life in Patos. Like everyone in the village Wain had a duty, culling of the minor monsters that wandered into the nearby fields. Like everyone in the village Wain knew nothing of the First Doom Island War or the broken ruins that date back 200 years. But one day a fortune-teller from a faraway shore confirmed on the unspoken truth that Wain alone had always known, Wain is unlike anyone in his village, Wain is unlike anyone in his world, and the dark pall swelling above the tower of death is unlike any other evil witnessed by a living mortal. While Wain never told anyone, he has always suspected that the path to his destiny was unmarked and difficult. That's probably why he always relished the simplicity of living in his village. Little did Wain realize that fate honed the skills essential for his survival, skills he would need to save his world.


He was living a life as a hunter in the vilage of Patos. One day a girl by the name of Seena having hair of cerilian blue appered in front of him. Wain decided to go on a journey with Seena. Wain, having a genuine heart full of curiousity, began his adventure.

The beautiful girl, Seena challenges the riddle of the four towers wich have mysteriously appeared. Seena, strong-minded and a little sentimental has begun her journey alone with a certain destiny. Soon after she happened to meet Wain, she felt something inside of him that she never felt in others. Seena asked Wain to join her on her adventure...a journey wich would determin her life span.

He is a likeable robber. his skill is not high as he claims it to be. He is a man of compassion and gives all he takes to the poor, leaving nothing to himself.

She is a monk training herself to be a master of the fist. Aima's master points out that she must first work on her many weakness to become a true master, thus she decides to go with Wain and his friends on their journey.

Princess Melphis was confined to an underground jail due to the betrayal of a subordinate. Because of this experience, she starts to become curious of the world outside her castle. She starts her journey though the world in disguise.

He is a faithful vassal to Princess Melphis. Randalph was called "the master of the twin swords" when he was young. He is now old and not strong as he once was, though his loyalty to the Princess never falters.

His business is pirating, but he never attacks the boat of a good person.

The capsule monster. It can not speak, but seems to have the power to understand the will of humans. It lives far inside the woods and seems to be a creature of great sympathy.

A mysterious wanderer and poet. He seems to have some knowledge of medical science.

She is a glamorous female gambler. Sometimes she cheats on a bet but has never been found out.

He is an inventor and magician. Hae is a descendant of the great Shaia family.

She is the descendant of the elf race who are rare now. Elves love nature more than anything else, and regret the industrialized human society.