
What is your name? I go by many names... well, no not really, I just wanted teh spooky... Tis HANZ stalker queen of the seventh sun. Wait a minute...

What is your address? OOOOH are you gonna send Jehovahs witness's to my house? I loved them gooood... but not Mormans, thems is a scary bunch. Hamsters you know, all of them.

How old are you? Depends - if you're the police then I'm perfectly legal to be driving... My ID? Um, uh... LOOKOVERTHERE!

What is your planet of origin? Hmmmm, they tell me it's Earth, but I've never even heard of Earth... I think I come from that big green and blue one, what's the name, uh... MARS! That's it!

What is your species? My psyhchiatrist asks me the same question! Are you related?

What is your blood type? Purple

Are you an organ donar? I don't think I am... but then I DID wonder where my other arm went last week...

Are you a convicted felon? *Shifty eyes* Not on this planet.

Have you ever commited a felony and were just never caught? Haven't we all? We haven't..? Oops. Well, it's not my fault! That pedestrian had it coming - they were all over the pavement!

What is your Mother's maiden name? I dunno - I don't think I ever met her, unless she was that woman who kept showing up all through my childhood... But I thought that was the FBI agent they sent to watch me in case the aliens came back... I did wonder why they wore a dress though.

What is you Father's maiden name? Did I ever tell ya about the time I got stoned that one night and woke up in this spaceship I'd never seen before? No I'd never heard about it before either... whoever's telling this crud is insane.

Favorite Book: The one that guy on the street gave me! Something about eating your parents or something... I must have read it, oh I don't know... twice.

Favorite Bacteria/Virus: Human

Favorite Word: The Chickenhead curse be cast upon you! HA! Once the curse blooms yee shall have few days left on this planet, in fact only... wait, what are we talking about? I think I zoned out.

Favorite question on this form:

What is your email? bored@theendofthe.wrld

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