I got this from Packing Heat you can e-mail him at funky_stylings@hotmail.com

Seg 1 - Squirrel guy

Lazlow: "Alright, Liberty City, this is your talk radio show Chatterbox, 
        where your opinion matters. Let's go to the phones...hello caller, 
        you're on Chatterbox."
Caller: "Hey, ya ever ate possum, that's some good eating."
Lazlow: "Naah, I really can't say I have."
Caller: "Hell, ya aught to try it sometime, I tell ya man, it's good 
        eating. Possum, raccoons, even zebra meat, cooks up pretty 
Lazlow: "Err, do you have anything else to say, or..."
Caller: "Pigeons. Pigeons are good too. Sometimes, they come with notes 
        attached...it's like...a fortune cookie with wings. 
        Squirrels...squirrels is not so good, they...taste like 
        goldfish...meat's real stringy...ya know what I mean?"
Lazlow: "Ermm, actually, I can't say that I do...umm...but if I did eat too 
        much squirrel and put on a few extra pounds, I'd use the 
        Dormatron...unlike those other exercise machines that require you 
        to be awake, the Dormatron actually exercises you over night."

Dormitron (commercial)

Woman: "I've tried everything, and I just couldn't keep those extra two-
       hundred pounds off! It started to affect my marriage."
Man: "She was too big for me, and I'll sleep with anything!"
Woman: "The Abdomatrix, the Thigh-asizer, tummy stapling, I've had my 
       mouth sewn up, my hands chopped off, you name it, I've tried it!"
Man: "Except for exercising and eating right, porky!"
Woman: "That's right, honey! Then I found The Dormatron! Using a new 
       technology called bio-rhythmic-subconscious-gymnastics, The 
       Dormatron exercises you while you sleep. Just strap in your arms 
       and legs, put on The Dormatron headset, then wrap yourself in the 
       special high-voltage electric blanket. Turn it on to 11 and burn 
       those pounds away while a relaxing nights sleep! Now that I've 
       lost 280 pounds, my husbands all mine again!"
Man: "That's right honey, no more escort services for me!"
Male Voice: "Don't be fat a day longer than you have to! Remember, being 
            fat can even ruin a romantic cruise! *whooo* Call Dormatron 
            now, at 1-800-sleepofflard. Or visit www.sleepofflard.com 
            <http://www.sleepofflard.com>, and sleep your way to a 
            thinner, happier you!"

Maibatsu Monstrosity (commercial)

Man: "I'm a marketing manager who lives in the suburbs and commutes to 
     work on the highway. I live alone, so of course I needed a car that 
     can seat 12 and is equipped to drive across arctic tundra...it just 
     makes me feel better!"
Woman: "The new Maibatsu Monstrosity...mine's bigger!"

Seg 2 - Fake name woman

Lazlow: "Heh, that's a good commercial. I..I love commercials, don't 
        you? This is Chatterbox, we are taking your calls right now. 
        Hello caller, you are on the air."
Caller: "Hi Lazlow, is that your real name?"
Lazlow: "Huh? Of course it's my real name!"
Caller: "Are you Hungarian?"
Lazlow: "Eh-heh...nooo, I'm from up-state."
Caller: "Are you sure that's not a fake radio name, like Andy or Bobo? I 
        thought all those radio people had fake names!"
Lazlow: "Do you have a question, or do you wanna just...sit here all day 
        and talk about my name?"
Caller: "No. That's it. Love the show, Lazlow. Or Mark. Or John. Or 
        Beverly, whatever your name is."

Seg 3 - Vegetable man

Lazlow: "Alright, next caller, you're on Chatterbox. What is on your 
Caller: "Turnips. Root vegetables. You know, albino carrots as they're 
        known back home."
Lazlow: "Okay, here's the deal - this isn't gardening with Maurice, 
        that's on later!"
Caller: "Nooo, he got taken off the air. He lied, I know he did. I been 
        trying to make a hybrid of a peach and a Pekinese midget 
        fighting bitch for the last two years. And it is im-possible...im-
        possible, I tell ya."

Seg 4 - Jane difficult parent

Lazlow: "Okay, and speaking of impossible, Jane from Cedar Grove is on 
        the line, and she wants to talk about how difficult it is being 
        a parent today. Hello Jane..."
Jane: "Hi Lazlow, I love the show, I'm a first time caller. I wanted to 
      say something about these videogames, they are warping our kids 
      minds. My sons dog, Bugle, got hit by a truck, and he says 'Mummy, 
      mummy, where's the reset button?.' Kids these days, they think 
      life is a game. Well it's not a game Lazlow. It is very, very 
      serious. I let my kid play video games, and now, he runs around 
      the house looking for gold coins. This is teaching our children to 
      go chase money. My eldest has been playing this new videogame, 
      called Pogo the Monkey..."
Lazlow: "Yeah, I've heard of that one..."
Jane: "The shop teacher called me today, and Sam made a home-made banana 
      cannon in shop class, and was lobbing them across the street at a 
      fast-food restaurant. And it's all because of videogames.
      Lazlow...life does not have a reset button!"
Lazlow: "Right, but this show does..." *beeeeep* "I love that button."

Seg 5 - SPANKed up guy

Lazlow: "You know, it's never a dull moment on this show. Especially if 
        you're in our key demographic."
Donald Love: "Love Media. Bringing people, and the finest entertainment 
Lazlow: "Alright, hello next caller, you're on Chatterbox."
Caller: "I wanna talk about that SPANK stuff. People say it's bad for 
        you. It's not bad for you at all. Why aren't you talking? Oh, 
        you think I'm strange? Am I on the air? Hello? Answer me, you 
Lazlow: "Err...what's your question?"
Lazlow: "Eh-heh, what about it? I mean that's not really a question. 
        Questions usually start with words like 'how', and 'why', and 
        they end with your voice going up like this..."
Caller: "Don't mock me! I know where you work! You're just like all the 
Lazlow: "How's that?"
Caller: "Word is evil dude. And toothpaste, they use it to control us. 
        Why do you think all the commercials tell you to brush twice a 
        day? I..I've read books!"
Lazlow: "And what book have you been reading that tells you that 
        toothpaste is evil?"
Caller: "Dentures, the Devil, and the Great Cavity Cover-up, by Jay 
        Phillip Higgenbottom. If you'd seen what I'd seen, and if you've 
        heard what I've heard, you'd never brush your teeth again!"
Lazlow: "I suppose you're one of those people that says diet soda makes 
        you go crazy in later life..."
Caller: "I told you before man, don't mock me! My taxes pay your salary, 
        you pansy!"
Lazlow: "Sssir, er, this is a commercial radio-station owned by Love 
        Media. Advertising revenue pays my salary. And on that note, 
        it's been two full minutes since a commercial, but I'd like to 
        say, if anyone else is stressed, might I recommend Equinox from 
        Zaibatsu Pharmaceuticals...we'll be back after these important 
Caller: "Sell out!"

Equinox (commercial)

Woman: "I used to be concerned and nervous about the future. Sometimes 
       I'd get scared before an important event, such as childbirth, or 
       a family funeral. Hey, sometimes you need a little help 
       navigating life's trouble spots! That's when I discovered 
Man: "After the divorce and losing little Tommy, life was getting me 
     down. I couldn't focus on anything at work. After trying Equinox, 
     I've been employee of the month three times in a row! I used to 
     fall unconscious for hours at a time, but now with Equinox, I never 
     need to sleep."
Male Voice: "Equinox is new, from Zaibatsu Pharmaceuticals. Ask your 
            doctor about Equinox...today."
Male: <fast speech>"Equinox may cause nausea, loss of sleep, blurred 
      vision, leakage, kidney problems and breathing irregularities. Do 
      not take Equinox if you are operating any machinery, driving a 
      car, pregnant, a child of low age, unhappy or if your family has a 
      history of mental disorders. </fast speech>
Male Voice: "Equinox...softening life's harsh realities!"

Liberty City Survivor (commercial)

Male Voice: "Tonight...the TV event that will make history...Liberty City 
            Survivor! This takes reality TV to a whole new level! We'll 
            take 20 recently paroled guys, equip them with grenade 
            launchers and flamethrowers...and let them hunt each other 
            down!! It's the reality show where you...just might be...part 
            of the action!!"
Man: "I was grabbing a sandwich in the Happy Blimp, and all-of-a-sudden 
     these guys crashed through the window and started shooting at each 
     other! I was so excited, I didn't even notice I'd been hit! After 
     that, I was hooked on Liberty City Survivor! I watch it every day 
     in the hospital!"
Male Voice: "The game doesn't end until there's only one man left  
            standing!! Tune in nightly, or watch the 24hour live 
            webcast!......Liberty City Survivor!!......Natural selection...has 
            come home!!.......<quiet speech> Sponsored by AmmuNation.
            Please remember to put litter in it's place.</quiet 

Seg 6 - Short guy

Lazlow: "Alright, we're back on Chatterbox, call us on the Chatterline, 
        and tell us what's on your mind, line 4, you're on Chatterbox..."
Lazlow: "Aah, that's lovely, thanks. Next caller, you're on Chatterbox."
Caller 2: "That last guy was so full of crap. Everyone knows women are 
          made from sand."
Lazlow: "Okay, great, another lunatic. Hello, next caller, you are on 
Caller 3: "Yeah, you were talking about short guys and attitudes. Well, 
          you know you'd have an attitude too if you couldn't reach the 
          frigging cheesy-swirls at the grocery store."
Lazlow: "Yeah, I mean, sometimes it seems like the whole world's against 
        ya, I mean..."
Caller 3: "You know, we're not talking about you! What kind of ego-
          maniac are you? You got your own show, how about letting other 
          people talk for a change? You're all the same you giants, 'oh, 
          I'm tall, I'm so important, listen to me talk about my tall 
          stuff. I think I'll put this on the top shelf, hey, what's the 
          weather like down there? How's it going short-stuff? Can you 
          get that, your closer. Why so sad, pee-wee?' Who do you think 
          you are?!?!? Short people are people too!!!"

Seg 7 - Gun caller

Lazlow: "Al-right, another award-winning show on Chatterbox. Today we're 
        talking about anything, it seems. If you have something to say 
        about anything, call now. Hello caller. You're on Chatterbox"
Caller: "Yeah, hi, I love the show, love hearing people's opinions, 
        that's what made this country great. People. And opinions. And 
        stuff. Most of all, guns. I've had it with people whining about 
        'guns kill people,' guns don't kill people, death kills people. 
        Ask a doctor, it's a medical fact. You can't die from a bullet. 
        You can die from a cardiac arrest or organ failure or a major 
        hemorrhage, small piece of metal ain't the problem. Besides, I 
        only use my machine-gun in the safety of my own home and car. I 
        ain't hurting nobody. And countries that don't have guns ain't 
Lazlow: "Y-you know that's a really good point. Countries that don't 
        have guns aren't American. You know, if more people had guns, 
        we'd have less shootings in this country."

Seg 8 - Taxes

Lazlow: "Alright, we're going over here to line 2, hello caller, you are 
        on Chatterbox."
Caller: "Yeah, I'd like to say something about taxes."
Lazlow: "You mean...the lone-star state?"
Caller: "No, taxes. Well, you know, look, taxes are really wrong. My 
        father worked his whole life, he played the Lottery, and now the 
        state wants him to pay taxes on the money he wins from that 
        stuff. Buy your own Lottery tickets, you know, hey!?!"
Lazlow: "Good point, that's a lesson to us all."

Seg 9 - English guy

Lazlow: "Alright, hello, you are on Chatterbox."
Caller: "Hello Lazlow, I'm a first time caller. I recently moved to 
        Liberty City from Hampshire, in England."
Lazlow: "Oh really? How do you like it? I mean, is it hard to get used 
        to the language? Y-you speak English pretty good."
Caller: "Oh thank you Lazlow. Yes, yes I do like it here. There's one 
        thing though that's very different and rather worrying. When I 
        was a boy in England, I had a nanny. She was very strict, 
Lazlow: "Yeah, well, I mean there's excellent child-care here in 
        America, eeerr...you know?"
Caller: "Well, well I'm sure. But, but the thing is Lazlow, when, when, 
        when I was a naughty boy, I, I, I...I would get spanked. 
        N...nanny...nanny would spank me...when I was naughty, and now...now 
        Freddy needs a nanny, because when Freddy's naughty, he needs to 
        get spanked."
Lazlow: "Well, there's some child psychologists, who'd probably say that 
        spanking can be harmful to a child's emotional development."
Caller: "Ab..ab...absolute rot, Lazlow. It's lovely. Freddy needs a nanny. 
        He needs a nanny Lazlow, because Freddy's been a very naughty 
Lazlow: "How...how old is your son?"
Caller: "Excuse me?"
Lazlow: "How old is your son?"
Caller: "I don't have children! I can't stand the little brats! But 
        Freddy needs a nanny..."
Lazlow: "Alright, that's enough of him! God, who gave this guy a green 

Seg 10 - Sine & Cosine guy

Lazlow: "This is Chatterbox, we're talking about short guys, nannies, 
        taxes and anything sane you'd like to bring to the party. Hello, 
        you are on Chatterbox."
Caller: "I was listening to that caller about taxes. His views are a 
        little extreme. How do you expect to be a responsible member of 
        society if you don't understand how the government spends your 
        money? Why are people afraid of numbers? Sine and Cosine are two 
        of the elegant incredible discoveries of humanity. I mean, the 
        Cartesian co-ordinate system has an elemental power I find 
        invigorating and even sexy. And I'm not ashamed to say it."
Lazlow: "Okay, thanks for calling. Now that we've lost 98% of our 
        audience let's reward the other 2% with a commercial. When we 
        come back we'll have a special studio guest, special because he 
        advertises on this radio-station. Remember, it's not a conflict 
        of interests if we own all the radio-stations in town. We'll be 
        right back after this message."

House of Tomorrow (commercial)

Female Voice: "In today's fast paced world, a split second can be the 
              difference between achieving your dreams....."
Man: "Hey, I just won the Nobel Peace Prize!"
Female Voice: "...and not..."
Man (yokel): "I wonder if wrestling's on tonight?!"
Female voice: "More Americans are realizing if you don't have the latest 
              and greatest technological devices...you will fall behind!"
Man 2: "I didn't upgrade my personal organizer, and two days later I was 
       diagnosed with a terminal illness! *cough* ...!"
Female Voice: "That's exactly why you should come visit the friendly 
              people at House of Tomorrow...and they'll set you up with 
              all your twenty-first century technology needs."
Man 3: "I only spent $20,000 and now I can get e-mail in the shower or 
       surf the Internet while I'm driving. I was bored stupid, at my 
       daughter's recitals and my son's little-league games...thanks to 
       House of Tomorrow, I can play wireless head-to-head 3D virtual 
       reality poker...literally anywhere!"
Female Voice (posh): "If it's a flash-in-the-pan technology of 
                     absolutely no use to anyone, you can find it at 
                     House of Tomorrow! Remember...only technology makes 
                     life worth living. House of Tomorrow. We'll upgrade 
                     your system then you can upgrade your life!"

Seg 11 - Fernando

Lazlow: "And now it is my great pleasure to welcome Fernando Martinez, 
        who it says here is the founder of 'Fernando's New Beginnings,' 
        a revolutionary new way of saving your marriage. Fernando, 
Fernando: "The pleasure is mine Lazlow. It is an honour to be here, I 
          feel blessed."
Lazlow: "Err, thanks, so tell me about 'Fernando's New Beginnings."
Fernando: "Truly Lazlow, it is a miracle, a blessing. It is a revolution 
          in the marriage guidance. For my people, marriage is...how you 
          say...sacred. The bond between the father and the mother...it is 
          made in heaven. And, in the bedroom...if you know what I mean."
Lazlow: "Err...I think so...heh..."
Fernando: "For my people, it is the holiest, most sacrosanct thing 
          imaginable. Like a church. Yet, for it to be a happy marriage, 
          it must also be like a brothel. The woman, she must be many, 
          many arts. The skill in making house, cooking, changing the 
          diapers on the babies, and....she must also be a whore. A vixen 
          in the bedroom. Imaginative, exotic, constantly fresh. It is 
          impossible...you change diapers and then you are a French maid? 
          Fernando thinks not. Fernando knows not."
Lazlow: "Well, I mean, you know, it's an age-old problem, I mean, how do 
        you keep the excitement in a marriage?"
Fernando: "Excitement, exactly! Passion, danger...how, Lazlow, how? Tell 
          me how and I give you...a big, big kiss! Like I give a woman. 
          But I am not going to give you a big kiss, not a kiss like I a 
          give a woman, or even a donkey. Because, because...you do not 
Lazlow: "Well, I mean in this case, ignorance...err...kinda seems like 
        bliss...I err...I wasn't really up for kissing on air...or I mean..."
Fernando: "Why not Lazlow? Am I not attractive? Am I not irresistible 
          even to you? Well no matter. Why all this talking about 
Lazlow: "I mea...you brought it up!"
Fernando: "No my friend...you say, you not want to kiss me. I was talking 
          how to say, hypothetically, you make me all personal. It is a 
          big difference. If I say, 'imagine if your wife was ugly', you 
          can nod your head. But if I say, 'hey Lazlow, your wife, she 
          look like yesterday's dinner after I eat.' You not so happy.      
          It is a big difference, my friend."
Lazlow: "'Anyway..."
Fernando: "The marriage is impossible, Lazlow. If a man was born an 
          angel, maybe it possible, but a man...is born...a man. And a man 
          with needs...he needs a woman to tuck his babies into the bed,  
          but for his bed he needs something else. Something magical. A 
          dream. Sueño..."
Lazlow: "So he starts flirting with his secretary, he takes her out for 
        a drink, one thing leads to another, and before you know it, 
        he's found all kinds of uses for the office furniture."
Fernando: "Exactly Lazlow. I know what you are like. I see it in your 
          eyes. A wanderer. A dreamer. A man who has needs. But yet, I 
          can save you. And I can save your marriage."
Lazlow: "Eh-heh, my marriage doesn't need saving, heheh!"
Fernando: "Hey you are the one mentioning the pretty assistant and the 
          office furniture, and the ay-caramba my friend. Listen, 
          Lazlow, and listen very closely. Your marriage is a gift, it 
          is a present from above. You are a man, I think we see by now 
          you are no angel. I can save you. For when the man, he sees #
          wife all fat, all ugly, with the dirty diapers and the dirty 
          babies and the scrubbing brush, who knows what else, he's not 
          thinking marriage bed, he's thinking about what you thinking 
          about your pretty assistant. We already know that, see."
Lazlow: "Aahh...go on..."
Fernando: "But Lazlow, what if you act on your fantasy. For your little 
          secretary with the short skirt and the pretty eyes and the 
          'come-here-and-do-this' smile, and then what my friend? What 
Lazlow: "Erm...I get a sexual harassment suit!"
Fernando: "If you are lucky, my friend. But you, more likely, your 
          marriage is ruined Lazlow. Your sweetheart, she hates you. 
          Your pretty secretary, she wants you to be her man. You back 
          here to square one. My friend, you, and a thousand men like 
          you, for me, once it was so, but then one day, I was driving 
          my car, and I realize, 'Fernando, you are blessed!' You, are a 
          miracle, a thousand miracles rolled into one. You save the 
          marriage, and, you save the man. You don't put the marriage 
          first, and you don't put the man first. Maybe, we call it 'Man 
          Marriage.' Then I think to myself...no...this is a bad name! It 
          sounds really dumb. Then I think, we cal it 'Fernando's New 
          Beginnings.' Because that is...what it is. A new beginning 
Lazlow: "So, how does this work?"
Fernando: "It is a miracle Lazlow, a miracle. A man is a good father, a 
          loving husband, the winner of the bread...six and a half days a 
          week. On the spare half day, I save his life."
Lazlow: "How?"
Fernando: "By giving him what he needs...in a controlled environment. I 
          give him passion."
Lazlow: "What...with you? That kinda sounds like a limited market!"
Fernando: "Lazlow, you are very prejudice, and I no like that. But no, 
          not with me. Passion for life. Passion for love. Passion for 
          women. Which he can take home to his wife, of course."
Lazlow: "What, so you act like a pimp?"
Fernando: "Not a pimp little man, a savior. In a controlled environment 
          I introduce the man to a pleasure he has lost to the miracles 
          of the world. And truly, the results are remarkable. With my 
          unique councelling, a thousand marriages have been saved, and 
          a million more could be saved, everyday."
Lazlow: "Eh-heh...and...and do the wives know about this?"
Fernando: "In their hearts, Lazlow, they know they have been saved."
Lazlow: "Errr...okay. We're gonna open it up to the phones. If you've got 
        any questions for Fernando Martinez, exotic marriage guidance 
        made easy, ring us now...eh...hey cool, we have a caller on line 1, 
        caller, you are on Chatterbox."
Jerry: "Hi Lazlow, hey Fernando. My name's Jerry, and I'm a first-time 
       caller, and I just wanted to say 'hey Lazlow, you were real tough 
       on Fernando back there.' I'll tell you one thing...he's a miracle 
       worker! He saved my marriage...and I married a bus of a woman! Now 
       I don't feel sick every time I open my eyes!"
Fernando: "See Lazlow, you see? I remember Jerry so well. He come in, he 
          is like a broken man. But a half a man... a 'ma', if you will. 
          He has no 'n' anymore, and his marriage is killing him! Where 
          is the passion? She is gone, replaced by ugliness. You see 
          Lazlow...Mrs. Jerry...she is not a pretty lady! She is more like 
          an offensive line, a tiger, big and hairy, but fertile. She 
          gives Jerry five kids. But she is even bigger. Now she is like 
          a whole offensive line...he feels no pride in himself. He has no 
          pride in his marriage. He is ashamed of this wonderful lady, 
          who bears him so many young. And he comes to me, and he 
          cries...'Fernando, save my marriage, I love my wife...even though 
          she is a fat porker!' And I say 'Jerry, you are a man. It is a 
          mans duty to love his wife...even if she is like a farmhouse.' 
          Now, Jerry is saved."
Lazlow: "By...sleeping with other women."
Fernando: "Whatever it takes to save a beautiful union. A blessing."
Lazlow: "A beautiful union by a...an adulterer and queen Kong! That's 
        great. So err...who's on the line now?"
Janice: "Hi Lazlow, this is Janice. I love the show, and always wanted 
        to call in, but you offended me today. Who is this gutter-trash 
        you have on the show?"
Lazlow: "Hey Janice, I share your anxiety...the studio kinda...forced him on 
Fernando: "Hey, you watch yourself mister, and you, Janice, why are you 
          so ugly? Your husband, he not make you happy?"
Janice: "No, he's an idiot! And a jerk!"
Fernando: "But he's probably a good daddy, and you sound very pretty, 
          angry, and a little bit of a know-it-all, but very pretty 
          lady. This is the thing, Lazlow. The women, they think the New 
          Beginnings is only for men! But no, it is for women too! For 
          Janice, if her husband goes to New Beginnings, he thinks that 
          you are wonderful, all over again, and, in the extreme case, 
          maybe she come to work for me. And she get a new beginning 
          herself! She discover the excitement and the passion all for 
          herself. Listen, Janice, you call me...cinco-cinco-cinco-nueve 
Lazlow: "Eh-heh....listen...don't try to pimp-out my listeners!"
Fernando: "That is a very ugly word. A travesty. I work miracles, sénor, 
          not pimping! I save, I give the passion back! And you better 
          watch yourself buddy, because for my people, we take these 
          insults very personally. And then, you no longer Mr. Talk-
          show, you Mr. Who-cut-out-my-tongue."
Lazlow: "Eh-heh...who are your people anyway? I..eh...which exotic location 
        do you come from?!?"
Fernando: "I am...I am Latin."
Lazlow: "Heh, Latin is a big place there buddy. Eh, where in Latin?"
Fernando: "I do not need to listen to the insults. I have pride, I have 
          a calling. Many are called, but few are chosen, my friend. And 
          I was called, and chosen, to work a miracle!!"
Lazlow: "So, err...er...where were you called from, Fernando??"
Fernando: "From off-state, okay, you happy money now? I'm not real 
          Latin, but I provide real Latin passion. I work the miracles, 
          everyday. Listen...wives, children...if your husband, if your 
          daddy, he not happy, send him to me, Fernando, in exchange for 
          a few hours a week...I give you the world!!!"
Lazlow: "Get off, get lost, you're just a cheap pimp from up-state, get 
        out of my studio!!!"
Fernando: "I save your daddy....I save your husband...it is a miracle.....!!!"
Lazlow: "Get outta here...!!!"
Fernando: "It is a miracle!!!"

Petsovernight 1 (commercial)

Kid: "Mom, there's a package for you."
Mom: "But I didn't order anything! What's this? How sweet..."
Puppy: "Woof woof woof!"
Mom: "Gee whilikers...it's a puppy!"
Male Voice: "Everybody loves a puppy! And now you can ship one anywhere, 
            just by logging on to petsovernight.com! 
            Petsovernight.com...delivering little bundles of love, in a 
            box...directly to your door."
Puppy: "Woof!"

Seg 12 - Spank kids guy

Lazlow: "And now it's time for a public service announcement from 
        station owner Donald Love."
Donald Love: "Hello. My name is Donald Love. You're listening to a Love 
             Media station. Enjoy!"
Lazlow: "Alright, we're back here on Chatterbox, the radio show that 
        never gets old. I'm Lazlow, with open ears and a closed mind. 
        Hello, you're on the air, what's your name?"
Caller: "I wanted to talk about spanking!"
Lazlow: "Oh God...not another one...!"
Caller: "I say spanking kids is the only way to teach them right from 
Lazlow: "So you think that teaching kids from an early age that violence 
        is the solution to problems will make them valuable members of  
        our society."
Caller: "Exactly! I knew you'd understand Lazlow! My daddy used to whoop 
        the tar out of me. He once hit me so hard my spleen fell out of 
        my ear. Didn't do me no harm. Look at me now, I'm the best pest-
        control guy in east Portland. I've killed more rats, roaches and 
        vermin that you can imagine, and I love it. This is such a great 
        country, I wouldn't be where I am today if my daddy hadn't beat 
        me senseless."
Lazlow: "Hehh...what are you talking about? Man, I'm starting to believe 
        that guy about the fluoride in the drinking water! Listen...if 
        there's any sane person left in Liberty City that can hear my 
        voice, please, call the show right now, this is an SOS, going 
        out across the city!"

Seg 13 - Killer bees

Lazlow: "Hello caller, you are on the air. Are you sane!?! Eh-heh...are 
        you a sane caller?!?"
Caller: "Absolutely Lazlow. Killer bees!"
Lazlow: "K..killer bees!?"
Caller: "Yes, killer bees! Did you know that the current migration north 
        continues, we will all be dead in 3 years?!? Do you want to 
        become a bee's supper?!? I don't! That's why we must act now!!! 
        Killer bees must be stopped!"
Lazlow: "I wonder why more people aren't talking about this, I mean, 
        killer bees swarming, and it sounds pretty serious!"
Caller: "Aah...but the killer bees are nothing compared to ants! You can't 
        kill them! They are like sheep, they are going to take over!!"
Lazlow: "Alright, thanks caller."

Seg 14 - C.R.A.P.

Lazlow: "Alright, thanks caller. Ants, killer bees, fat people, what's 
        plaguing you? Call now! Chatterbox, hello, you're on the air..."
Caller: "Err yes...I'd like to say something about these damn people on 
        trains and busses in this city who yammer on and on into their 
        cell phones. I'm really glad to hear about what your having for 
        dinner! What we should do, is herd them up, and put them on an 
        island. I am the President of a group called Citizens Raging 
        Against Phones."
Lazlow: "CRAP?!?"
Caller: "Exactly!"
Lazlow: "Your organization's called 'crap,'...wh...what kind of moron are 
        you...you wanna round people up for using a phone?!? But you...your 
        calling up on a phone t...to tell the world about it! I...I mean, 
        how many people are there in this 'crap'?"
Caller: "Citizens are raging against phones, Lazlow!!"
Lazlow: "How many people?"
Caller: "There are three of us. It's hard organizing meetings without 
        the phones though. We've had to resort to carrier pigeons, and 
        they keep disappearing."
Lazlow: "What are you speaking to me on? What...what's that in your hand?"
Caller: "I am not the problem! You are! And you're perpetuating the 
        downfall of mankind! Liberty City was great before phones ruined 
Lazlow: "Liberty City was a church, a cow pasture and 3 houses when the 
        telephone was invented!"
Caller: "Liar!!"
Lazlow: "You're the liar!"
Caller: "Liar, liar, pants on fire!"
Lazlow: "What are...are you three years old?!?"
Caller: "Lazlow's a liar, Lazlow's a liar!! I bet that isn't even your 
        real name"
Lazlow: "Shut up!!"
Caller: "You shut up!!"
Lazlow: "Stupid!"
Caller: "Nanny nanny boo-boo, stick your head in doo-doo!"
Lazlow: "Ohh...we're going to commercials!"

Sue your boss (commercial)

Male Voice: "Is your job affecting your health? Do you become fatigued? 
            Does working take time away from family and social events  
            like watching wrestling? There's an easy solution! Sue your 
            boss!! See, the great thing about this country is you can 
            sue anyone for pretty much anything! And you'll probably 
            win! Or at least get a settlement! At the firm of Rakin and 
            Ponzer personal injury attorneys, we can show you how 
            falling down and howling like a sissy can result in a large 
            damage award from your employer. We also specialize in 
            awards for injuries suffered in auto, bus and train 
            accidents! And can even train you to throw yourself in front 
            of a bus and pretend to be injured. Hey, that's why they pay 
            for insurance! Call the law offices of Rakin and Ponzer, and 
            get ready to enjoy a life of luxury!"

Seg 15 - Puppet festival

Lazlow: "Alright, we're back on Chatterbox, let's...er...go to the 
        Chatterline here...hello, caller...you're on Chatterbox."
Caller: "Lazlow, I just wanted to make your viewers aware that..."
Lazlow: "...Okay, now this is a radio-show, we don't have viewers...we have 
Caller: "...Er...okay...anyway, Lazlow, I just wanted to make your viewers 
        aware the first international puppetry festival is next month at 
        the fairgrounds, bro. If you're interested in becoming a puppet 
        master, or a ventriloquist, you should definitely come down 
        dude, it's gonna be totally killer!"
Lazlow: "Heh, I wasn't aware that there was much demand for puppet shows 
        these days."
Caller: "Oh man, have you been living under a rock bro? Guys with 
        puppets get chicks! I take my monkey puppet to the park all the 
        time, we play hackey sack together, it's rad! But anyway dude, 
        at the international puppetry festival, we'll be having 
        workshops on finger puppets too! 'Hello Petunia the Pinky, meet 
        Barney the Thumb...'. String puppets, club puppets...dude it's gonna 
Lazlow: "Eh-heh...okay, thanks."
Caller: "Hope to see you there, Lazlow. Hey by the way, can you give me 
        that guy Fernando's number?"
Lazlow: "Naah...I'm sorry, Fernando hasn't paid his bills to our ad-sales 
        department. But here's someone who has. And they paid us in 
        stacks of old groats and gold guineas, we'll be back after 

Medieval Millennium Fair (commercial)

Man: "Do you live in the boring suburbs but dream of living in a lonely 
     castle on a windswept moor? Do you long to trade in your sweat suit 
     for a hundred pound suit of armour and swap your SUV for a noble 
     stallion? Do you eat microwave dinners...all the while wishing you 
     were roasting a succulent pig at a pagan banquet? Is your next 
     ideal home-improvement a moat? Well get ready, Liberty City!!"
Man2: "This weekend and every weekend at Liberty City Park, it's the 
      Medieval Millennium Fair. Our band of traveling minstrels, knights 
      and maidens oh so fair are ready to delight you, with tales of the 
      black death, witch burnings, and the joys of being a feudal serf. 
      Forget about air-conditioning and modern medicine...we've got all 
      the leeches, spells and potions you need at the Medieval 
      Millennium Fair. Learn the art of cooking with turnips! Yum yum. 
      Buy genuine reproduction medieval artifacts, including maces, 
      double-handed battle swords, and one-size-fits-all chainmail. And 
      this weekend only...pick up an authentic mechanical Lady of the Lake 
      and Excalibur. It's perfect for your garden pond or swimming pool! 
      And learn how to rid your condo of vermin, using a penny whistle, 
      and a mysterious prancing German named Hans! The Medieval 
      Millennium Fair, every weekend at Liberty City Park."

Seg 16 - Nude dude

Lazlow: "Alright Liberty City, you are listening to Chatterbox, the show 
        that is the number one reason...for the success of the internet. 
        Alright, let's take a call...who's on the line?"
Caller: "Clothes!"
Lazlow: "Wh...what about them?!"
Caller: "Clothes!"
Lazlow: "What are you talking about??"
Caller: "Lazlow...clothes!! Clothes, Lazlow! I hate 'em, I just hate 'em!"
Lazlow: "Eh...we're a...we're all about opinions on Chatterbox, which is 
        er...Liberty City's premiere phone-in station. But...why don't you 
        like clothes...?"
Caller: "I just hate them, they're so constricting! I mean does a lion 
        wear clothes? And the lion is the king of the jungle! So why 
        can't I, a humble citizen, go naked!?!"
Lazlow: "Well I mean I guess a lion has two distinct advantages over 
        you. One, I mean you say a king, and therefore it can exercise 
        it's royal prerogative to not wear clothes, and two, it's a cat, 
        and therefore doesn't have to, and three, I mean...now that I 
        think about it...if you want to try to dress a lion you can, 
        but...I...I guess what we're learning is that life can be a little 
        unfair at times!"
Caller: "I'm naked, Lazlow!! I'm naked!!"
Lazlow: "I...you know...I really didn't need to know that!"
Caller: "Why Lazlow, why? Does it offend you?? I was born naked, I'm 
        gonna die naked! I'm going to live naked! So there! There's 
        nothing wrong with being naked!! It's so invigorating feeling 
        the hot leather of a chair...or the cool wind from the north on 
        your naked body."
Lazlow: "I..I...I'm gonna have to cut you off..."
Caller: "Don't you believe in free speech...and free expression? No, of 
        course you don't...all you believe in is free drinks!! I'm naked 
        and there's not a damn thing you can do about it! I'm naked and 
        I feel sooo good!"
Lazlow: "Wh...what about winter!?!"
Caller: "What d'you mean?!"
Lazlow: "You know...I mea...what about winter?! When the wind blows, and 
        it's really cold...I mean...do you prance about like a ninny waiting 
        for your privates to go blue??"
Caller: "I was born naked and I'm gonna die naked!!"
Lazlow: "Eh-heh...and all shriveled up by the sound of things!"
Caller: "Winter was invented by clothing companies! Clothes are 
        unnecessary. They're ugly! Have you ever cooked in the nude??"
Lazlow: "Nah...look is this leading anywhere, cos I mean, we've got a lot 
        of other people waiting to talk about real things here...!"
Caller: "Nudity is real! Open your eyes! Take off your pants, come on!! 
        Come on Lazlow, you can be a figure-head for Liberty City 
        naturists! We have more members now for the first time since 
        1977. Nudity is back! A lot of people are into nudity and really 
        understand the spiritual side."
Lazlow: "What?!? Hanging out with loads of naked chicks? I mean I see 
        the fun in it, but...I just think that clothes have distinct  
        advantages. Like...like not accidentally cooking yourself, or...or 
        when you're working on a building...!"
Caller: "We're not swingers! It's not about sex. It's about being one 
        with the world."
Lazlow: "Alright dude, groovy, hug a rainbow..."

Seg 17 - Donald Love

Lazlow: "It's time for a public service announcement from Donald Love."
Donald Love: "Hello. I'm Donald Love. Under my guidance, Love Media has 
             emerged as the fastest growing US run media conglomerate of  
             the past five years. With newspapers, radio stations and 
             television across the US and the free world, alongside a 
             wide array of industrial and technology interests, we at 
             Love Media ensure you get the truth behind the story, every 
             time. From films to dog food, from radio to pop music, you 
             can be sure of independent, quality led broadcasting every 
             time you tune it. That's why we're the fastest growing 
             cable supplier and health insurance provider in the north-
             east. And why our new satellite in China is something all 
             Americans can be proud of. Here at Love Media we are proud 
             of what we have done to help America, and to help hard-
             working Americans relax. For investment opportunities or 
             information about our new interactive TV service, please go 
             to www.lovemedia.tv...."
Lazlow: "Ooh, that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy."

Seg 18 - Bob from Pike Creek

Lazlow: "Alright let's go to line 8, hello caller, what's your name?"
Bob: "Bob. Bob from Pike Creek."
Lazlow: "Hey, er...what's up, Bob from Pike Creek?"
Bob: "Well, I been listening to your show, there's always people going 
     on about problems in schools. Guns, people showing disrespect to 
     teachers, drugs...schools are breeding grounds for crime, ain't 
Lazlow: "Well I guess it seems that way!"
Bob: "Well I got a reeeal simple solution! Shut 'em down. Shut down the 
     schools and you shut down the problem. No more dead teachers, no 
     more angry students."
Lazlow: "Well, but you don't think..."
Bob: "No I don't never! Now listen to me! It makes perfect sense! These 
     days, they complain a lot, but you know what...they cost even more! I 
     mean shoes, books, toys, even special tiny furry pets, that sort of 
     crap. It's all about me...me me me me! Well not my Johnny. No sir! 
     Uh-uh! I'm learning him the value of good hard work. Learning him 
     good. At three, we taught him how to clean the bathroom, if he left 
     so much as one hair on the soap it was off to bed with no dinner! 
     You know what? He went to bed a-hungry only 20, maybe 30 times. He 
     learned! Now, he brings his mother lunch in bed every day so that 
     she can sleep in! Let me tell ya, everyone should have their kid 
     serving up food! He even cooks for the whole family! These days 
     he's getting to big to sweep chimneys, so now he's a paralegal at 
     Rankin' and Ponzer! He's seven, and he's making Madge and me 
     twenty-three thousand a year. And on weekends, he doesn't go to the 
     mall, play soccer, read, or do any of that kind of stuff! No no! He 
     works in the basement of a marketing company making photocopies all 
     night. Hell, he goes to sleep during the day, that's another eight 
     grand right there! So now, I'm buying me a fast-boat trailer, what 
     do you say to that ?!?"
Lazlow: "Well it sounds kinda like...exploitation to me!"
Bob: "Exploitation! Man, you bleeding hearts kill me! Johnny's mine, 
     he's my kid, how can I exploit something I own? Exploitation, you 
     sound like a communist! Kids in Russia, they don't work...that's why 
     everything's so messed up over there! You have to wait one month 
     for toilet paper! And their space station...it was made out of milk 
     crates. I tell ya, we're conformed living it the American way! 
     That, and the only thing more American is having folks work for 
Lazlow: "That sounds a little oppressive...and even despotic!"
Bob: "Exactly Lazlow, you hit the nail on the head that time! He's my 
     kid, I'm telling ya, just shut the schools down, make the kids 
     work! That book stuff's all for sissies anyway!"
Lazlow: "A..and doctors, and politicians, and lawyers and p...whatever, 
        you know I can't even be bothered to argue with you, but I do 
        feel sorry for your little Johnny the seven year old cook 
        chimney-sweep paralegal photocopier because..his daddy's an 
        idiot!! Let's take a quick break."

Maibatasu Monstrosity 2 (commercial)

Woman: "Phil and I just had another kid. So of course we need a bigger 
       SUV. Being a mom is hard, with soccer, football and lacrosse 
       practice, so we bought the new Maibatsu Monstrosity. It's so 
       big...we lost little Joey in the back and couldn't find him for and 
       hour! When I'm rushing to the mall, or talking on my cell phone, 
       I know me and my family are safe. The Maibatsu Monstrosity has 4-
       wheel drive, and in amphibious mode...it can cross rivers. So far 
       I've only hit a few puddles, but it's good to know it's there. 
       With the time I save taking shortcuts through the strip-mall 
       parking lot I can focus on the important things. Like gazing 
       longingly at the pool boy or...buying more exercise equipment off 
       the TV. So what if it gets 3 miles to the gallon!? I'm a mom, not 
       a conservationist!"
Woman Voice: "The new Maibatsu Monstrosity...mine's bigger!!"

Petsovernight 2 (commercial)

Male Voice: "Would you like a giraffe?"
Cow: "Mooooo!"
Male Voice: "Have one delivered. Just log on to petsovernight.com, and 
            we'll send you a giraffe...overnight.    
            Petsovernight.com...delivering little bundles of love, in a 
            box...directly to your door."
Cow: "Mooeehhh"

Seg 19 - Linda the Internet woman

Lazlow: "Alright, you are listening to Chatterbox, hosted by me, Lazlow, 
        because I got kicked off the rock station. Let's go over here 
        and talk to somebody about their life. Hello caller, you are on 
        the air."
Linda: "Hi Leslie, my name's Linda. I just love your show. I always 
       listen to you when I'm getting my colon irrigated. I just wanted 
       to say something about the Internet, you know, the information 
       super-highway, the world-wide-web..."
Lazlow: "Yeah, I know...all about it...heh!"
Linda: "Isn't it amazing!? I mean it's just incredible. I know a lot of 
       people say it's absolutely a load of crap, but how could they be 
       so dumb? It's remarkable, I think. Think of all the things you 
       can do. I mean, suppose you wanna buy a new CD, what do you do, 
Lazlow: "I go to a shop...a...and the name's Lazlow!"
Linda: "I know Leslie, I'm a regular listener...well I don't, I buy a CD 
       online, and then, I rip the music into a different format, so I 
       can listen to it while I'm jogging. I mean, it's incredible. I 
       also like jazz, and cooking, and bestiality so the Internet is 
       really good for my hobbies. I think it's amazing. I used to go 
       out a lot, but I don't have to go out, ever again! I don't envy 
       those kids with their stock options and their fast cars, they 
       earned them! The Internet has saved my life!"
Lazlow: "This is really going nowhere, do you have anything interesting 
        to say at all?"
Linda: "Well...um...well, I once conceived the declaration of independence!"
Lazlow: "That's phenomenal! That's probably one of the reasons there's 
        so many single men in this city!"

Seg 20 - Maria calls in

Lazlow: "Alright, let's go over here to line 79, hello, you're on 
Maria: "Hello...er..i..i..is that Lazlow?!"
Lazlow: "Errr...yes!"
Maria: "Heh...oh wow, I'm on a radio, how exciting, oh thank you Lazlow!! 
       Um...is this on the radio, I mean, am..am I actually on the radio 
       right this second??"
Lazlow: "Er..er..yes you are! Er...I'm sure it's very exciting for you, 
        but heh...what do you want to talk about?"
Maria: "Oh man! I mean, what..what else is there, I could go on all day, 
       but you know how it is don't you Lazlow?!?"
Lazlow: "Errr...not really...wh...what's your name, what did you call about?!"
Maria: "I..I'm sorry, I'm Maria, you know Ma-ri-a, like mama-mia, 
       o..only different, you know! But...you know...men, m e n, heh, oh 
       it's a dirty word, only there's only 3 letters. Y..y..you know 
       what I mean, I mean you broadcasters are all the same, aren't 
       you, I mean I heard about you, you're always out on...boys 
Lazlow: "Woow woow, w..what are you talking about!? I...I'm married!"
Maria: "Oh one of those convenience jobs to protect you, I bet?? I know 
       what you're all like! You know more about men than I know about 
       leopard-skin furniture! So less of that clever stuff, and give me 
       some advice!! I mean, come on, I got real problems! You 
       see...okay...I had this boyfriend, and at first he was real kind to 
       me, he was a real gentleman, a little bit older and everything, 
       but he treated me real good, and...then it all went wrong, y..you 
       know, I found someone else...he seems real nice but he don't talk 
       too much, and I really can't tell if he likes me! Well, I guess 
       what I want to know is...you know, how do you tell if a guy's 
       serious?! I mean...you know, he treats me good but...he don't seem 
       real interested in me, you know, he's always working and hanging 
       out with the guys! Um...say...you don't think he's like you, do 
Lazlow: "Wh..what do you mean like me! Wh..what are you insinuating? 
        Th..that he's on the radio!? Well...probably not. Um, y..you're 
        listening to Chatterbox, where your opinion matters, or at least 
        we say that!"

Seg 21 - Jeff - rally in the park

Lazlow: "Let's go over here to line 4, hello caller, what's your name?"
Jeff: "Jeff from Rockford."
Lazlow: "Hello Jeff, what's up?"
Jeff: "I want to tell you and your listeners about a once-in-a-lifetime 
      chance to make a difference. There's a rally tomorrow evening at 
      the park. Starting at 7. Although we'll be painting banners and 
      singing songs and all day to prepare for it. Then, when tens-of-
      thousands have gathered in the park, we're gonna march onto Town 
      Hall. Lazlow, the people have spoken! And they have said 'no, not 
      in my town!' So folks, if you're listening, and want to make a 
      difference, get yourself down to the park, and prepare to bring 
      democracy back to the people."
Lazlow: "So...what's this rally about, Jeff?"
Jeff: "It's about people standing up and being counted. It's about the 
      future. It's about telling those morons in the suits 'no thanks! 
      Not in my town! Not while I have a breath in my body and hope in 
      my soul! I will not, I cannot let this pass!'"
Lazlow: "Let what pass?"
Jeff: "It's about grabbing the town by the balls and saying 'listen son, 
      either put-up, or shut up! No more Mr. Nice-guy. No more easy 
      solutions for difficult problems!' It's about what it means to be 
      an American. It's about giving something back."
Lazlow: "Giving what back, Jeff?"
Jeff: "Hope! Dreams! Belief!"
Lazlow: "Belief in what, I mean, look Jeff, I..I admire your passion, 
        really I do, but...what will people be marching for? Wh..what's 
        your rally about!?"
Jeff: "It's about justice, Mr. Low! A chance to shine and make a   
      difference! About thousands of people walking side-by-side as 
      brother marchers. Only one thing on their minds - the chance to 
      make a difference! Bring your friends! Nothing shows a man how 
      much you mean to him more than the chance to walk together for 
      justice! Bring your kids! They can paint signs, and we'll even 
      have a face-painter, and a vegen bar-be-que. Bring your parents, 
      dude, even the elderly care about tomorrow!"
Lazlow: "I understand that, it sounds like a great rally, but w..we're 
        not a political station and you haven't really told us why 
        people should do this...what is it about?!?"
Jeff: "Look..look, do you wanna help or not??"
Lazlow: "I don't know what I'm helping!"
Jeff: "You're helping America! What kind of patriot are you? It's a 
Lazlow: "You don't know what it's for, do you!?!"
Jeff: "It's for hope. Please come, everybody! It'll be real good!"
Lazlow: "Alright, you fight the power, brother!"

Seg 22 - I'm moving out

Lazlow: "Say, later on in the show, if your into eh... health foods or 
        martial arts, we'll have a special guest just for you. This guy 
        is reee-ally special! Kinda like a romantic cruise, but...he can't 
        walk on water. Alright let's go to the phones, hello caller, you  
        are on Chatterbox."
Caller: "Huhh?!?"
Lazlow: "Heh-eh...you're on Chatterbox, what's on your mind?"
Caller: "Oh wooow, I can't believe it!"
Lazlow: "Eh-heh...do you have a question?"
Caller: "Dude, I call everyday, and I never get through. This is 
        amazing, you do a great show man!"
Lazlow: "Heh...thanks...what's er...wh..wh..what's up?"
Caller: "No man, I'm serious, really great! You're like...a total 
Lazlow: "Eh-heh...and...exactly what have I inspired you about?"
Caller: "Well, okay, right now I live at home, but pretty soon...like next 
        week dude, I'm moving out...it's er...the big 4-0 and it's...it's...it's 
        just time to go."
Lazlow: "Okay...did you have anything relevant to say?"
Caller: "Yeah dude, that bee dude was bo-gus! Really bogus! That's all, 
        great show Lazlow!"
Lazlow: "I..I appreciate that, y'know that's why I went to broadcasting 
        school. Alright, when we come back from these messages that help 
        supplement my meager salary, we're going to talk to Reed Tucker, 
        it's gonna be a great interview. We'll be right back!"

Ares Running Shoes (commercial)

Man: "A good shoe starts from the ground up. At Ares, we make high-
     quality footwear. In fact, you can find Ares running shoes in over 
     140 countries around the world. In the past, there's been some 
     criticism about our workers! That's why I'm here at one of the 
     Ares factories so you can meet some of them...excuse me sir, do you 
     enjoy your job here?"
Kid: "It's fun...we get to play with knives!"
Man: "Heh, I see...is there a real sense of teamwork?"
Kid: "My friend Joey sewed his hands together!"
Man: "Wow, you're learning some real skills. How about the salary, and 
Kid: "Yesterday...I made a dollar!"
Man: "You see, that's the kind of dedication we have to our employees, 
     and the quality of our shoes. Ares running shoes...always 
     running......from something!"

Petsovernight 3 (commercial)

Male Voice: "Buying a gift for the guy that has everything!? Log on to 
            petsovernight.com, we've got exotic pets galore. Including 
Tiger: "Roooar!"
Male Voice: "...Cobras..."
Cobra: "Hsssssssss!"
Male Voice: "...Manatees..."
Sheep: "Ee-ee-ee-eehh!"
Male Voice: "And white rhinos..."
Seal: "Eur..eur...eur!"
Male Voice: "All delivered overnight! Petsovernight.com...delivering 
            little bundles of love, in a box...directly to your door."
Cat: "Miaoow!"

Seg 23 - Reed Tucker
(Reed speaks with a lisp. Lazlow imitates this lisp sometimes.)

Lazlow: "Alright, now joining us in the studio, we have a very special 
        guest, his new book 'Karate and Digestion' has been on top of 
        the 100 best self-help books for the past three weeks. He is the 
        founder of 'Now and Zen' dojo and organic food market in 
        Trenton, his name is Reed Tucker...welcome to Chatterbox, Reed!"
Reed: "Why thank you Lazlow, it certainly is an honour to be here 
Lazlow: "So tell me Reed, where did you think of the idea of combining 
        martial arts and organic food, I..I mean it's kinda like putting 
        ice-cream on pizza, both are great but they really shouldn't be 
        put together."
Reed: "Okay Lazlow, actually it is nothing like ice-cream with pizza, 
      ice-cream is milk-based as we all know, and I am lactose 
      intolerant, and pizza, as you may know as well is a sandwich 
      derivative of Italian origin, but I won't go on. Martial arts are 
      about discipline, and physical empowerment, not watching football 
      and eating junk-food. You have to explore your mind and your 
      digestive system, Lazlow. What you put in...also comes out."
Lazlow: "Heh...especially corn, wh..what's the story with that anyway?"
Reed: "Lazlow, I'm deadly serious now. My mentor was a 430 year old 
      monk, who showed me the way to enlightenment...through carrot 
Lazlow: "Okay...if you have a question for Reed, we'll be taking calls in 
        a little bit. I think we all went through a ninja period, you 
        know, I had the Chinese stars, and the nunchucks....."
Reed: "...this is not a period, Lazlow!! This is the way of life! Thanks 
      to a strict vegen diet, I have the power of nine men. After 
      morning meditation and a three-bean salad, I could chop a bus in 
      half! Sometimes...I even frighten myself!"
Lazlow: "Heheh...no offence, but you're kind of a scrawny, pasty dude, 
        it...and it says on the inside cover of your book that you still 
        live in your parent's basement!"
Reed: "Okay, it...it's not a basement! I prefer a center for spiritual 
      enlightenment. In chapter 17 of my book, which I know you have 
      read, I address the dangers of cynicism. Lazlow, a closed mind is 
      like a closed fist! And karate means 'open hand!' But it might as 
      well mean 'open mind.' If you like wheat-grass, I think you will 
      really like my book."
Lazlow: "Well, I'm not a masticating cow, but I really don't enjoy 
        chewing damp hay, and prancing around in leggings shouting 'hi-
Reed: "Okay Lazlow, I'm warning you this time...do not make me angry! It's 
      bad for my karma, and it will definitely be bad for your karma. I 
      studied the martial arts so I could stand up to bullies just like 
      you! And I encourage everyone listening out there on Chatterbox to 
      buy my book, and learn how organic food and martial arts can help 
      you, too!"
Lazlow: "Eh-heh...and I encourage anyone who needs a doorstop, or booster 
        seat to buy it as well! Let's see who's on the phones."
Reed: "Lazlow, this is your final warning...do not make me go into 
      my...dragon stance!!"
Lazlow: "Hehh...hello caller, you are on the air."
Caller: "Hello Reed, I bought your book, it really saved my life."
Reed: "Why thank you."
Caller: "I wanted to ask about chapter 29 - yoga, not yogurt - I just 
        can't give up cheese...it's sooo wonderful! I've rejected 
        chocolate milk and calf's butter out of my life, I've scooted 
        around the house with my legs in behind my head for 2 days now. 
        Well my husband says I look like the chick in The Exorcist. I 
        even put all the dairy on the top shelf in my fridge, so I 
        couldn't reach it with my legs in behind my legs an' all, but I 
        grow week and start knocking things down with a broom. What can 
        I do, Reed?"
Reed: "Do not fret my child, we are all weak."
Lazlow: "Heh-eh you certainly are!"
Reed: "Shut up you carnivore, why don't you go gnaw on a bone like a 
      gorilla Lazlow! Our ancestors didn't eat chicken wings, they lived 
      at one with nature and their eco-system. Existing on a diet of 
      nuts, berries and leafy vegetables."
Lazlow: "Heheh yes, and they threw stones at their own shadow and died 
        of old-age and fear at 24!"
Reed: "Lazlow...the soul is eternal. When I'm in trouble, or tempted by 
      those all-you-can-eat breakfast buffets with huge pans of juicy 
Lazlow: "Can we get some bacon in here!?!"
Reed: "Hhhehh. Lazlow, I go back to basics. I start the day with a 
      fruity beverage, some meditation and six hours of yoga. Next I go 
      open up my shop 'Now and Zen,' and drink two pints of hand-pressed 
      potato juice."
Lazlow: "And who wants a steak after that?! Okay next caller, you are on 
        Chatterbox with Reed Tucker."
Caller: "Yo Reed, kung-fu movies are dope! How can I learn to beat up 10 
        guys at once?"
Reed: "Okay, first things first, my man. You need to stop the negative 
      thinking. And the best attack I've found is to just run away. That 
      way you instill fear in you opponent. They never know when you 
      might descend from the rafters...LIKE A BAT!!!"
Caller: "I don't want to hear about no tofu running away. I want to 
        learn how to be a ninja, kicking people's arses!"
Reed: "Actually I do cover this early on in the book, in chapter 45. 
      It's called 'Stir-fry your Prejudice.' You see, I once thought 
      like you before my master took me under his wing and taught me the 
      joys of soy and origami. Concentration begins in the mind, and 
      spreads to all the extremities of the body. You must use the 
      language of the body, not the tongue! And the language of the body 
      begins with raw, uncooked, organic vegetables. Just look at me, I 
      could tear a phone-book in half with my bear toes! In fact, 
      Lazlow, I could easily chop this desk into two half-desks!!"
Lazlow: "This desk is made of two inch thick composite wood pulp, and 
        has a mahogany-veneer finish, it has three draws and, knowing 
        this station cost a hundred dollars. In his own words Reed 
        Tucker is about to smash it into two half desks! Take it away 
Reed: "Ladies and gentlemen, I have already visualized the desk in two 
      half desks, and now, I shall make it so! Dragon stance...HHIII-
      YAA...OOOHW...OOW LAZLOW, OOH LAZLOW...I think I hurt my hand!! My...my 
      pinky's all bent the wrong way!"
Lazlow: <mocking> "Listen karate kid...the desk is still in one piece, 
        thanks for coming on the show!" </mocking>
Reed: "Okay Lazlow, mockery will get you nowhere! I think I'm gonna hit 
      you now!!"
Lazlow: <mocking> "Ohh...I bruise easily, don't throw any tofus or bean 
        curds at me!" </mocking>
Reed: "Okay very funny Lazlow, it's easy to make fun of me but it's all 
      the fault of the feng-shui in here, it's damn right disgraceful!"
Lazlow: <mocking> "Yes it makes you talk like this! Okay, the listener 
        lines are open, this is Chatterbox." </mocking>

Seg 24 - Crazy guy

Caller: "Hey Lazlow. That last guy was a lunatic! Where'd you dig him up 
        from, the state loony bin? And that wacko you had going on about 
        killer bees - what a moron!! I mean...just read a newspaper! 
        Killer bees, er..the evils of artificial sweeteners in soda 
        pops, Roswell..i..it's all part of the governments propaganda 
        plan! I might as well wear a satellite dish so they can beam 
        their propaganda right into my brain! C'mon, do you honestly 
        believe the NSA's Echelon system isn't already reading your e-
        mails and recording your phone conversations? It's all designed 
        to frighten us so we don't complain about our rights being taken 
        away and fighting whatever boogie-men they come up with today!"
Lazlow: "Er..well..you realize that the government listens to this 
        station and if they weren't playing particular attention to you 
        before, they're probably gonna be following you now!"
Caller: "Oh yeah! L..look they already got me once! But n-e-ver again!"
Lazlow: "Heh. Do you have anything else to say?"
Caller: "Yeah...FREE KEVIN!!"

Seg 25 - I like working here

Lazlow: "Alright, we're talking about short guys, killer bees, the magna 
        carta, chi...ah, well, the red light on the wall's flashing which 
        means the owner of this station has an important announcement to 
        make. Let's go live to his office..."
Donald Love: "Hello. My name is Donald Love. You are listening to a Love 
             Media Station. Enjoy!"
Lazlow: "Wow man, that was deep! You know, I really like working here, 
        this station i..it feels like my second family. Eh-heh, except 
        that we have a snack machine, and I tell ya', working here beats 
        the hell outta digging sewage ditches outside Kuala Lumpur!"

Seg 26 - Language dispute & hopscotch

Lazlow: "Alright, let's go to the phones! Hello caller, you're on 
Caller: "Lazlow man, I...I was listening to that English wimp you were 
        talking to earlier, I mean, do these guys realize how wussy they 
        sound?! I mean, th..they have the nerve to call 'crackers' 
        'biscuits!' And they say 'al-u-min-ium,' instead of 'aluminum.' 
        I mean...what's up with that!? They all think they sound so smart 
        with their little funny accents, I mean...I got something for 
Lazlow: "Well you know..I think they were speaking English before we 
        were! Th..the people over here were speaking Shoshone and 
Caller: "Man, Cherokee-shmerokee, man! A..and another thing! What's up 
        with them calling 'soccer' 'football?!' Man, y..you ever watched 
        soccer!? Man, that's a boring game, man! I'll tell what soccer 
        is...soccer's for little girls man! Football...now that's an 
        American sport! I..it teaches you good wholesome American values 
        man, like..like stealing other peoples land by force and...and 
        wearing tight pants while you do it!"
Lazlow: "Hehh...what are you talking about!?!"
Caller: "I'm talking about being a man, Lazlow! Something you wouldn't 
        know anything about by the sound of things. I tell ya, I bet you 
        play wimpy stuff like...like touch football, a..a..and basketball. 
        'Look, I'm running around the court bouncing the ball and I'm 
        seven foot three!' I'm telling ya man, I only play man sports! 
        Like football. And hopscotch."
Lazlow: "HOPSCOTCH!?! Th..that's a girls game!!"
Caller: "Man, that ain't a girls game man! Not rugby hopscotch! Now get 
        me in a scrum and I'm dangerous. I'd take anybody down! I'm the 
        hopscotch master! I gots fly skills at hopscotch...you know what 
        I'm saying??"
Lazlow: "Yeah..I..I..I kinda see your point, but you'd be a little 
        cranky too if your empire had fallen apart over the last hundred 
        years! And speaking of commerce, it's time for some commerce 
        here...let's go to commercials, we'll be back after this."

Fernando's New Beginnings (commercial)

Fernando: "Has your marriage gone stale? Has the spark gone out of your 
          love life? Looking to add a little adventure to the monotony 
          of monogamy? Hello...I am Fernando Martinez, founder of 
          'Fernando's New Beginnings,' a revolutionary new way of saving 
          your marriage. We understand how 2 kids and a mortgage can 
          take the passion out of your life. With our three-step 
          program, you'll re-discover romance...guaranteed!"
Phil: "Hi, my name's Phil. I've got 3 kids, 2 cars and a mortgage. My 
      love life was going stale, even before my wife's car accident! 
      Then I called 'New Beginning!' Thanks to Fernando, I'm still 
      married. But on Wednesday afternoons, I meet Barbara at the motel 
      by the turnpike."
Fernando: "See...the passion, she is back. Phil's marriage...is saved. And 
          his kids will have a daddy to look up to. Call 'New 
          Beginnings' today...cinco cinco cinco- nueve dos nueve dos". It 
          will be a miracle, I guarantee it! 'Fernando's New 
          Beginnings,' we turn an ending...into a new beginning!"

Petsovernight 1 (commercial)

Kid: "Mom, there's a package for you."
Mom: "But I didn't order anything! What's this? How sweet..."
Puppy: "Woof woof woof!"
Mom: "Gee whilikers...it's a puppy!"
Male Voice: "Everybody loves a puppy! And now you can ship one anywhere, 
            just by logging on to petsovernight.com! 
            Petsovernight.com...delivering little bundles of love, in a 
            box...directly to your door."
Puppy: "Woof!"

Seg 27 - Inconsiderate people

Lazlow: "Man, who says that e-commerce isn't a brilliant idea? Alright  
        speaking of brilliance, you're listening to Chatterbox, with me 
        Lazlow, let's go over here to the phones and see what's plaguing 
        Liberty City. Hello caller, you're on the air!"
Caller: "Wow, I got through! Uh, Lazlow, I think your last 2 callers are 
        a perfect example of manners in this city! People are rude, and 
        they don't seem to care about anything but themselves. Perfect 
        example. The other day, I stopped at the store to pick up an 
        exercise bar because I hadn't had breakfast or lunch. So I go up 
        to pay, and the lady's like 'A dollar twenty-five please.' So I 
        get out my cheque-book, and this guy behind me is like 'oh come 
        on lady, you don't have 2 dollars?' And I said 'as a matter of 
        fact...I don't! I spent my last 2 dollars last night buying gas at 
        these ridiculous gas prices. And besides, who are you anyway, 
        can't you see that I'm wearing my 'I walked for the cure' t-
        shirt?' People are so inconsiderate!"
Lazlow: "Well, you'll get no argument from me, I mean...I get every 
        inconsiderate moron in Liberty City calling into this show. I 
        mean, people think that I have no feelings what-so-ever!"
Caller: "Exactly! Another perfect example! The other day I'm over at the 
        hospital to have my lunch with my girl friend Cherice, and this 
        maniac comes right up on my bumper, flashing his lights, and I'm 
        like 'hey guy, the light is red, you can't just come up behind 
        me honking and flashing your lights!' Then he gets over this 
        megaphone and says 'to the woman in the teal Maibatsu 
        Monstrosity, please move to the side!' Can you believe it? I 
        mean, who has a megaphone hooked into their car?! People are 
        sooo obnoxious these days! And rude! I mean, I tell my nanny to 
        teach my kids some manners."
Lazlow: "You know, I think that's a lesson to us all! Alright hello next 
        caller, you're on Chatterbox."
Caller: "Hello Lazlow..."
Lazlow: "...uhh..."
Caller: "Did that woman say she was a nanny? Because Freddy needs a 
        nanny because he's been a very naughty boy!"
Lazlow: "NOOO, NO NANNIES!!"

Seg 28 - Military bloke

Lazlow: "Let's go to our next caller, alright."
Caller: "Colonel James T. United Stated Marine Corps Second Battalion. 
        Lazlow that caller made a really valid point. These kids today 
        have no respect for authority! And there is one thing that would 
        whip them into shape!"
Lazlow: "Heh..l..let me guess! The military!!"
Caller: "That's right. The military teaches you respect! Obedience, and 
        it gives you a good pension! These kids that thought they were 
        going to be millionaires, look where the super-information-
        highway has gotten them! Nowhere! It's a dead end! Uncle Sam 
        takes care of his boys! And some girls! If more people would 
        join the military this would be a better country!! I tell you 
        another thing about respect. These kids don't respect veterans, 
        we fought for your freedom! When I came back from the 
        Australian-American war...I didn't get a heroes welcome...I didnp't 
        get a pack on the back from my friends and neighbours saying 
        'thanks for fighting for our freedom James!' After years of 
        fighting in the trenches, I come back here and everyone's 
        watching TV!!"
Lazlow: "Now..I..I..can you tell me what this Australian-American war 
        was...I..I never really heard of it!"
Caller: "God, not another one! Have you read a history book lately son?? 
        The Australian-American war the was the biggest war since the 
        big one! I tell ya, I didn't do two tours and take boomerang 
        shrapnel in my head to come back here, and have a bunch of 
        hippies deny our history! Those Aussies are ruthless! They even 
        wired kangaroos with explosives...come hopping in the camp and 
        knock out ten guys!"
Lazlow: "Well thanks for the history lesson!"

Seg 29 - Toni Capriani calls in

Lazlow: "Alright let's go over here. Hello caller, you're on 
Toni: "Yeah? Is that Lazlow?"
Lazlow: "Yes it is. Who is this?"
Toni: "My name ain't important! It's real un-important, okay?!"
Lazlow: "Er...no not really, I mean this is a radio show, people usually 
        tell us their name."
Toni: "My name I is real un-important! If you wanna keep on being a 
      wise-guy, you'll find out just how un-important....like...un-important 
      I just got shot in the head un-important! Do I make myself 
Lazlow: "Err..yes...wh..why are you calling in today?"
Toni: "Because I need some advice. And I ain't doing any of that shrink 
Lazlow: "Er..i..if you swear again, we're gonna have to cut you off, 
        this is a family show."
Toni: "Sorry sorry, sorry...I'm..I'm..I'm just a little unhappy, a bit 
      agitated. Real angry. It's my ma! She don't think I'm a real man. 
      Can you imagine that? I mean, I do a mans job an all, but, she 
      treats me like a little boy! All I get is 'your pa' this and 'your 
      pa' that and 'you ain't a real man Toni' and it's driving me 
      freakin' nuts!!"
Lazlow: "Well, Toni..."
Toni: "Toni!? How'd you know my name was Toni?? You tracing this call? 
      Cos if you are, you're gonna get real intimately acquainted 
      with...what your brains look like! My name ain't Toni....okay!?!"
Lazlow: "Err...okay."
Toni: "But my ma, she keeps going 'Toni Toni, be a real man, stand up 
      for yourself, don't take no shit!' But all I do is to be a good 
      son, and I want her to show that she cares for me! Show that...she 
      loves me! And you know...say I was a good kid! But...it seems like 
      nothing's ever good enough for her, you know what I mean? What do 
      I do?"
Lazlow: "Well Ton...I mean sir...you know in life we have a lot of 
        obligations, and we just have to kinda...face up to them...and right 
        now, I'm obligated to play some commercial announcements. We'll 
        be back right after this!"

Pogo the Monkey (commercial)

Female Voice: "We've got a new friend for everyone!"
Pogo: "Aauh...aauuh...auuhh!"
Female Voice: "He's got fur, and a tail, he gets in lots of trouble, but 
              he's a bouncy little fellow. Cos he's got springs for 
              legs! *boing boing* Pogo the Monkey, the best new 
              videogame for the whole family."
Girl: "I love you Pogo, you bounce!"
Female Voice: "Help Pogo escape from the evil research laboratory, where 
              the mean old scientists genetically altered him! Uh-oh, 
              the pharmaceutical scientist is going to get you Pogo!"
Girl: "Here you go Pogo, have a gold coin."
Female Voice: "Good thing Pogo has a banana cannon! Those nasty 
              scientists deserved to die! Now get the shampoo 
              manufacturers before they squirt it in your eye!"
Girl: "Here you go Pogo, have a diamond!"
Female Voice: "You'll guide Pogo through tons of adventures, including 
              saving Timmy, who fell down the well."
Timmy: "Heeeelllp!"
Pogo: "Ooh aah ahh aah!"
Girl: "Here you go Pogo, have a big watch!"
Female Voice: "Rescue the cat from the tree with your banana cannon 
Cat: "Meeeeeoww" *boooom*
Girl: "Here you go Pogo, have a fast car!"
Female Voice: "And help Pogo to his final mission...to storm the White 
              House with his friends and become President of the United 
Pogo: "Aauuhh!"
Female Voice: "Pogo the Monkey's the game kids are sure to stare at for 
              hours! Everyone loves Pogo! Idiot Gamer called Pogo the 
              best spring and simian game since Bouncing Bananas! Buy 
              the game Pogo the Monkey today. Right Pogo!?!"
Pogo: "Auuhh...auuhh..aauuhhh!"
Female Voice: <fast speech> "And coming soon...Pogo the Monkey card game, 
              Pogo the Monkey plastic dolls, Pogo the Monkey quilt 
              covers and Pogo the Monkey car covers. For the dad who has 
              everything, why not a Pogo the Monkey tie and sports 
              jacket, for the lady in your life why not Pogo the Monkey 
              chocolates and hygiene products so she smells like a real 
              monkey? And for kids a life size living springing 
              breathing monkey, all available at pogothemonkey.com!" 
              </fast speech>

** Insight **

- "Maria Calls In" is the Maria that you meet in the game. "That guy" 
she talks about is indeed your character, and her old boyfriend is 

- The C.R.A.P. lady talks about using carrier pigeons to dispatch her 
messages, and that they always disappear. The Squirrel Guy is eating 
them... "Sometimes, they come with notes attached, like a fortune cookie 
with wings."

- Crazy guy calling about SPANK, which your character spends much of his 
time thwarting the Cartel's SPANK racket.

- The woman mentioned in a teal Maibatsu Monstrosity is the 
Inconsiderate Woman...

- I suspect the "Taxes" caller may be Joey Leone, but I don't have a 
shred of evidence to prove it, apart from that the caller sounds to me 
like he has an Italian accent, and the idea that no respectable crime 
boss would pay taxes. Again, no proof.

- At the end of the Crazy Guy segment, the caller yells "FREE KEVIN!" 
He's referring to Kevin Mitnick, an amateur radio host who was charged 
with... something-or-other. Anyway, you can read more about it at 

- Jane (the difficult parent) mentions a banana cannon, and rushing 
around collecting gold coins. These are references to Pogo the Monkey, 
the videogame talked about during commercials.

** Contributors and Legal Stuff** Compiled by Packing Heat This document 
Copyright (c) to Packing Heat. I am in no way affiliated with Rockstargames, 
DMA Design, Sony or Playstation(r)2 in any way. E-mail me : 
funky_stylings@hotmail.com if you wish to use this on your site, 
have found errors, or just want to populate your list. Thanks 
to the following GameFAQs users for helping decipher some phrases...
 Jazztronaut, panther V, Nargosi, Alter EGO, allanwu, xSpike28x, 
ernster, ecwraven, Fiend138 Pacdude, Kasper Nymand, Lain_Lover_2005, 
Rob McGregor, Becky Moler, Beto Cárdenas, Peter Veness - various
 error corrections. In listening to the commericial, everything being 
said about the shoe is a blatant attack on Nike brand shoes. There have 
been news reports of Nike shoes being made by children in sweat shops 
for just cents a day. Remember the little boy saying, "Yesterday, I made a 
dollar?" Anyhow, since Nike is the Greek goddess of victory in mythology, 
the name Ares, who is the Greek god of war was chosen as a blatant rip-off 
of Nike brand shoes. - Dr. Nick Riviera Snesman64 - for a whole bunch of 
corrections, an alarmingly good knowledge and frequent use of the word "bestiality",
 and for sending me 2 emails longer than the liquid-viagra ones that used to frequent 
my Inbox on a daily basis. John Mitch - some of the Insight section. Qbsean10 -
 missing text in the Survivor advert. Matt Perry - "I watched for the cure" t-shirt, 
and Shoshone and Cherokee Justin Franzen - numerous corrections, also the Shoshone and 
Cherokee Everyone who emailed me telling me who Maria was. Thanks. You may find this 
document at - www.gamefaqs.com (txt format) www.neoseeker.com (txt format) www.gamefm.net (
HTML format) & random geocities sites That's it. Enjoy!