1a. Dormitron: Woman: "I've tried everything and I just couldn't keep those extra 200 pounds off! It started to affect my marriage." Man: "She was too fat for me, and I'll sleep with anything!" Woman: "The Abdomatrix the Thigh-asizer, tummy stapling, I've had my mouth sewn up, my hands chopped off, you name it I've tried it!" Man: "Except for exercising and eating right porky!" Woman: "That's right honey! Then I found The Dormatron! Using a new technologey called Bio-rhythmic-subconscious-gymnastics, The Dormatron exercises you while you sleep. Just strap in your arms and legs, put on TheDormatron Headset, then wrap yourself in the special high voltage eletric blanket. Turn it up to 11 and burn those pounds away while a relaxing nights sleep! Now that I've lost 280 pounds, my husbands all mine again!" Man: "That's right honey, no more escort services for me!" Male Voice: "Don't be fat a day longer then you have to! Remember, being fat can ever ruin a romantic cruise! *Whooo* Call Dormatron now, at 1-800 sleepofflard. or visit www.sleepofflard.com <http://www.sleepofflard.com>, and sleep your way to a thinner, happier you! =========================================================================== 1b. Maibatsu Monstrosity (1): Man: "I'm a marketing manager who lives in the suburbs and commutes to work on the highway. I live alone, so of course I needed a car that can seat 12 and is equipped to drive across arctic tundra...it just makes me feel better!" Woman: "The new Maibatsu Monstrosity...mine's bigger!" =========================================================================== 1c. Maibatsu Monstrosity (2): Woman: "Phil and I just had another kid. So of course we need a bigger SUV. Being a mom is hard, with soccer, football and lacrosse practice, so we bought the new Maibatsu Monstrosity. It's so big...we lost little Joey in the back and couldn't find him for and hour! When I'm rushing to the mall, or talking on my cell phone, I know me and my family are safe. The Maibatsu Monstrosity has 4- wheel drive, and in amphibious mode...it can cross rivers. So far I've only hit a few puddles, but it's good to know it's there. With the time I save taking shortcuts through the strip-mall parking lot I can focus on the important things. Like gazing longingly at the pool boy or...buying more exercise equipment off the TV. So what if it gets 3 miles to the gallon!? I'm a mom, not a conservationist!" Woman Voice: "The newMaibatsu Monstrosity...mine's bigger!!" =========================================================================== 1d. Equinox: Woman: "I used to be concerned and nervous about the future. Sometimes I'd get scared before an important event, such as childbirth, or a family funeral. Hey, sometimes you need a little help navigating life's trouble spots! That's when I discovered Equinox!" Man: "After the divorce and losing little Tommy, life was getting me down. I couldn't focus on anything at work. After trying Equinox, I've been employee of the month three times in a row! I used to fall unconscious for hours at a time, but now with Equinox, I never need to sleep." Male Voice: "Equinox is new, from Zaibatsu Pharmaceuticals. Ask your doctor about Equinox...today." Male: <fast speech>"Equinox may cause nausea, loss of sleep, blurred vision, leakage, kidney problems and breathing irregularities. Do not take Equinox if you are operating any machinery, driving a car, pregnant, a child of low age, unhappy or if your family has a history of mental disorders. <End fast speech> Male Voice: "Equinox...softening life's harsh realities!" =========================================================================== 1e. Liberty City Survivor: Male Voice: "Tonight...the TV event that will make history...Liberty City Survivor! This takes reality TV to a whole new level! We'll take 20 recently paroled guys, equip them with grenade launchers and flamethrowers...and let them hunt each other down!! It's the reality show where you...just might be...part of the action!!" Man: "I was grabbing a sandwich in the Happy Blimp, and all-of-a-sudden these guys crashed through the window and started shooting at each other! I was so excited, I didn't even notice I'd been hit! After that, I was hooked on Liberty City Survivor! I watch it every day in the hospital!" Male Voice: "The game doesn't end until there's only one man left standing!! Tune in nightly, or watch the 24hour live webcast!......Liberty City Survivor!!......Natural selection...has come home!!.......<quiet speech> Sponsored by AmmuNation. Please remember to put litter in it's place.<end quiet speech>" =========================================================================== 1f. House Of Tomorrow: Female Voice: "In today's fast paced world, a split second can be the difference between achieving your dreams....." Man: "Hey, I just won the Nobel Peace Prize!" Female Voice: "...and not..." Man (yokel): "I wonder if wrestling's on tonight?!" Female voice: "More Americans are realizing if you don't have the latest and greatest technological devices...you will fall behind!" Man 2: "I didn't upgrade my personal organizer, and two days later I was diagnosed with a terminal illness! *cough* ...!" Female Voice: "That's exactly why you should come visit the friendly people at House of Tomorrow...and they'll set you up with all your twenty first century technology needs." Man 3: "I only spent $20,000 and now I can get e-mail in the shower or surf the Internet while I'm driving. I was bored stupid, at my daughter's recitals and my son's little-league games...thanks to House of Tomorrow, I can play wireless head-to-head 3D virtual reality poker...literally anywhere!" Female Voice (posh): "If it's a flash-in-the-pan technology of absolutely no use to anyone, you can find it at House of Tomorrow Remember...only technology makes life worth living. House of Tomorrow. We'll upgrade your system then you can upgrade your life!" =========================================================================== 1g. Pets Overnight (1): Kid: "Mom, there's a package for you." Mom: "But I didn't order anything! What's this? How sweet..." Puppy: "Woof woof woof!" Mom: "Gee whilikers...it's a puppy!" Male Voice: "Everybody loves a puppy! And now you can ship one anywhere, just by logging on to petsovernight.com Petsovernight.com...delivering little bundles of love, in a box...directly to your door." Puppy: "Woof!" =========================================================================== 1h. Pets Overnight (2): Male Voice: "Buying a gift for the guy that has everything!? Log on to petsovernight.com, we've got exotic pets galore. Including tigers..." Tiger: "Roooar!" Male Voice: "...Cobras..." Cobra: "Hsssssssss!" Male Voice: "...Manatees..." Sheep: "Ee-ee-ee-eehh!" Male Voice: "And white rhinos..." Seal: "Eur..eur...eur!" Male Voice: "All delivered overnight! Petsovernight.com...delivering little bundles of love, in a box...directly to your door." Cat: "Miaoow!" =========================================================================== 1i. Pets Overnight (3): Male Voice: "Would you like a garrife?" Cow: "Moooooo!" Male Voice: "Have one delivered, just log on to petsovernight.com and we'll send you a garrife overnight. petsovernight.com delivering little bundles of love in a box, directly to your door." Cow: "Mooo!" =========================================================================== 1j. Pets Overnight (4): Man: "Are you bored with man's best friend?" Boy: "Sorry Fido were gonna have to drown you." Man: "Why not try mans first cousin? At PetsOvernight.com we've got every primate in stock from spider monkeys to gorillas. You'll love your new best friend." Boy: "Mommy, Jim-Jim bit me." Mom: "Oh ya, you just bite him back then. Ok honey?" Man: "PetsOvernight.com, delivering little bundles of love in box, directly to your door." =========================================================================== 1k. Sue Your Boss: Male Voice: "Is your job affecting your health? Do you become fatigued? Does working take time away from family and social events like watching wrestling? There's an easy solution! Sue your boss!! See, the great thing about this country is you can sue anyone for pretty much anything! And you'll probably win! Or at least get a settlement At the firm of Rakin and Ponzer personal injury attorneys, we can show you how falling down and howling like a sissy can result in a large damage award from your employer. We also specialize in awards for injuries suffered in auto, bus and train accidents! And can even train you to throw yourself in front of a bus and pretend to be injured. Hey, that's why they pay for insurance! Call the law offices of Rakin and Ponzer, and get ready to enjoy a life of luxury!" =========================================================================== 1l. Medievil Millennium Fair: Man: "Do you live in the boring suburbs but dream of living in a lonely castle on a windswept moor? Do you long to trade in your sweat suit for a hundred pound suit of armour and swap your SUV for a noble stallion? Do you eat microwave dinners...all the while wishing you were roasting a succulent pig at a pagan banquet? Is your next ideal home-improvement a moat? Well get ready, Liberty City!!" Man2: "This weekend and every weekend at Liberty City Park, it's the Medieval Millennium Fair. Our band of traveling minstrels, knights and maidens oh so fair are ready to delight you, with tales of the black death, witch burnings, and the joys of being a feudal serf. Forget about air-conditioning and modern medicine...we've got all the leeches, spells and potions you need at the Medieval Millennium Fair. Learn the art of cooking with turnips! Yum yum. Buy genuine reproduction medieval artifacts, including maces, double-handed battle swords, and one-size-fits-all chainmail. And this weekend only...pick up an authentic mechanical Lady of the Lake and Excalibur. It's perfect for your garden pond or swimming pool! And learn how to rid your condo of vermin, using a penny whistle, and a mysterious prancing German named Hans! The Medieval Millennium Fair, every weekend at Liberty City Park." =========================================================================== 1m. Aeris Running Shoes: Man: "A good shoe starts from the ground up. At Aeris, we make high- quality footwear. In fact, you can find Aeris running shoes in over 140 countries around the world. In the past, there's been some criticism about our workers! That's why I'm here at one of the Aeris factories so you can meet some of them...excuse me sir, do you enjoy your job here?" Kid: "It's fun...we get to play with knives!" Man: "Heh, I see...is there a real sense of teamwork?" Kid: "My friend Joey sewed his hands together!" Man: "Wow, you're learning some real skills. How about the salary, and benefits?" Kid: "Yesterday...I made a dollar!" Man: "You see, that's the kind of dedication we have to our employees, and the quality of our shoes. Aeris running shoes...always running......from something!" =========================================================================== 1n. Fernandos New Beginings: Fernando: "Has your marriage gone stale? Has the spark gone out of your love life? Looking to add a little adventure to the monotony of monogamy? Hello...I am Fernando Martinez, founder of 'Fernando's New Beginnings,' a revolutionary new way of saving your marriage. We understand how 2 kids and a mortgage can take the passion out of your life. With our three-step program, you'll re-discover romance...guaranteed!" Phil: "Hi, my name's Phil. I've got 3 kids, 2 cars and a mortgage. My love life was going stale, even before my wife's car accident! Then I called 'New Beginning!' Thanks to Fernando, I'm still married. But on Wednesday afternoons, I meet Barbara at the motel by the turnpike." Fernando: "See...the passion, she is back. Phil's marriage...is saved. And his kids will have a daddy to look up to. Call 'New Beginnings' today...cinco cinco cinco- nueve dos nueve dos". It will be a miracle, I guarantee it! 'Fernando's New Beginnings,' we turn an ending...into a new beginning!" =========================================================================== 1o. Pogo The Monkey: Female Voice: "We've got a new friend for everyone!" Pogo: "Aauh...aauuh...auuhh!" Female Voice: "He's got fur, and a tail, he gets in lots of trouble, but he's a bouncy little fellow. Cos he's got springs for legs! *boing boing* Pogo the Monkey, the best new videogame for the whole family." Girl: "I love you Pogo, you bounce!" Female Voice: "Help Pogo escape from the evil research laboratory, where the mean old scientists genetically altered him! Uh-oh, the pharmaceutical scientist is going to get you Pogo!" Girl: "Here you go Pogo, have a gold coin." Female Voice: "Good thing Pogo has a banana cannon! Those nasty scientists deserved to die! Now get the shampoo manufacturers before they squirt it in your eye!" Girl: "Here you go Pogo, have a diamond!" Female Voice: "You'll guide Pogo through tons of adventures, including saving Timmy, who fell down the well." Timmy: "Heeeelllp!" Pogo: "Ooh aah ahh aah!" Girl: "Here you go Pogo, have a big watch!" Female Voice: "Rescue the cat from the tree with your banana cannon Pogo..." Cat: "Meeeeeoww" *boooom* Girl: "Here you go Pogo, have a fast car!" Female Voice: "And help Pogo to his final mission...destroying the White House with his friends and become President of the United States!" Pogo: "Aauuhh!" Female Voice: "Pogo the Monkey's the game kids are sure to stare at for hours! Everyone loves Pogo! Idiot Gamer called Pogo the best spring and simian game since Bouncing Bananas! Buy the game Pogo the Monkey today. Right Pogo!?!" Pogo: "Auuhh...auuhh..aauuhhh!" Female Voice: <fast speech> "And coming soon...Pogo the Monkey card game, Pogo the Monkey plastic dolls, Pogo the Monkey quilt covers and Pogo the Monkey car covers. For the dad who has everything, why not a Pogo the Monkey tie and sports jacket, for the lady in your life why not Pogo the Monkey chocolates and hygiene products so she smells like a real monkey? And for kids a life size living springing breathing monkey, all available at pogothemonkey.com!" <end fast speech>