Customer Testimonials...and stuff...

Okay...It's 'bout time that we had some customer testimonials. (not in any particular order) Not that there's many, yet.

You wanted site reviews..? Hanz - Your site rocks! It's the best site I can still access on the school computers and I loooove eeet. Your quizzes/drawings/useless stuff make me haaappy. I will totally read the whole LTE one day! XD XD XD AAAAH I LOVE YOU!!! ^^; Bethy: hi i never knew there was other crazy pepoles in the world untill i came here i read everything on your site ,yep all of it , and you act just like me! me who is obsessed with canada and raw fish and buck-toothed elephants. i is so happy cause i am not alone! I still stand by my belief that i am the female reincarnation of hitler. And that the russions ate the moon(the one you see is meerly an alionated hologram)

Rabid Dog: I would just like to say that you're awsome, my friend Brittany (an apathetic b****) and I were looking around "funny" yeah.. websites the other day and she told me about your.. Ah, face it, Schizo page. Our obsession with... dictating Russia.. Identifies with some of your wonderful results you got on the quizes!! Go you! Eitherway. just like to say there should more people out there like you, because I'm in denial, and I hate the world. Being insane works, try it. And random too... Bye!

FlyingPiggy: omg chickens r awesome i hav a website called flaming chickens too i had no idea this site existed till i was checkin if google had added mine yet its cool cya

Zep_Fan: (from I Am Bored Site about Monty Quiz) I don't know if one has been posted before, but this is one of the better Holy Grail quizzes I've seen.

Arcane Ethereal Seraph, CHGHKB... (Aka Corey): I don't often send fanmail, but I'll make an exception for something like this! First thing I saw off your site was the phobia listings (I "suffer" from agoraphobia myself, but no one believes me :( ). I gave the url for the state laws thing to my buddy I was talking to on Dragon Warrior Online earlier, and we were just laughing on and on about some of them for a few hours... I'm from Ohio myself, and yeah, the cars do make a lotta noise, though nobody seems to follow most of the laws anyways... I also thought it was really funny how that 12 year old was freaked out by your picture! According to common decency, someone shouldn't call someone else a freak for being all bloody... err... somethin' like that... Also, ever consider looking up some stuff online about making video games? Nowadays, almost anybody can make something... I mean, even I've created a set of 2 full-length rpgs before. I also scored a bloody 20% on the werewolf quiz. One time, I was walking down the street in the middle of the night (long story for...why), a girl screamed "Werewolf" at me... not quite sure why... I don't think I'm that blood thirsty! Anyways, nice site, and hope you keep it up well! Portions of this may or may not have been typed by, Arcane Ethereal Seraph, CHGHKB... (Aka Corey)


Mayachees: Wow...I read the entire LTE. I am so proud of myself...and tired. My eyes hurt.

Sarah: I believe this is the screname for the web page. Nice picture, it actually looks pretty f****** scary. A couple years ago I would have really enjoyed it, especially if the blood was real in which I don't believe it is. I used to be a f****** psycho. I kinda miss those days, but somehow I changed 'cause they put me on some tranqs. I used to be all about killing people, I almost did twice but somehow they survived. But ya I am not gonna go into detail about me 'cause who gives a f***, you don't know me, right? Ya just wanted to comment your picture maybe make you feel a little bit better.

Paris: hello. You have another reader for your longer text ever thingy...i dunno how many you have yet but i am gonna finish it later, im more than halfway done. Its really cool and a lot of fun to read!

Cosh Daddy (speaking of credits result for Montey Python Quiz): The llamas think this is the best Holy Grail test result ever! Really, who would have thought of including this?

sphilips081: Flaming chickens is the most awesome site ever!!! P.S. no im not sucking up.

Ms. Vicki: Jenny is the Queen of all shiny things & flaming poptarts everywhere.

chicadeeloco: hey ok went to your site seems like you know a lot about phobias so was wondering if you could help me or at least tell me where i could get help I am deadly afraid of silence is that even a phobia i dont know just if you write back and tell me please

????:Hey! u r funny as helll whats ur name

CHICKENS FOR LIFE.:hey there- i found your site through quizilla..and you,my friend,might possibly be the funniest person whose "stuff" i've read. neways..just wanted to compliment it,and you can feel special and stuff. lol-bye!

synthia: hello. i just finished reading your LTE. so now you have 3 1/2 readers! by the by, my name is synthia. adios >

I've been to your site. It's awesome! Good job!

-Sarbutt Your site *takes deep breath* IT ROXITROXITROXITROXITROX!!!!!!!!!! I read the whole Longest Text Ever in an hour!!! It so totally rox. Ok, so email me back, Patron Saint of Paperclips! (that's you lol!)

????: Heu i love your site heehee funny! You go ruler of the paperclips!

????: awesome site...i like it...this is the first site ive seen that looks like this...dont get me wrong i like it ~l8r

-reader #3... took me about 3 hours to read your longest text ever... but i did it... and to think, it all started with me going to quizilla. wow. my brain's numb anyhoo, is it alright with you if i put a link to your site on my blog? ttyl

~The Mystical Champion of Gerbils, a.k.a. AD9: your quizzes are backwards. they dont describe me at all. otherwise your website is faboredometastic. i have yet to read the entire longest text. tootles!
(later in the day) I FINISHED READING THE LONGEST TEXT EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it took me a few hourse but I FINISHED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

- Evil Leader of The Flaming Sporks-: haha, i just finished your longest text ever, it took me about to hours. very inspiring, now you have three and a half full readers. and i printed it.. because i'm just do things on the spur of the moment like that... so far it takes up twelve and a half pages. very good. it was very... enlightening. i think i will read it again, because it's still summer for me.. at least untill the 18th. i also am just weird, like you, and i stayed at your site and looked around and took every single quiz. i have too much time on my hands, but alas, you have your own pointless ranting to do. buh bye.

unkeptsoul: i read the longest text ever, very intresting. it took 13 pages to print out!!! i know, because i printed it of course. it's an awesome site.

Sermia: i read the longest text ever!!! it only took me two days! nice topics...never thought of grape pie or the cartoon owl like that before. just thought id let you know, i am like you, with no actual life.

mickeythebunny:ok. Someone gave me the URL to your site, and I went there. My friend and I were just looking at it. Your site was really cool. We randomly posted the thingy about asparagus because we both thought it was funny, and changed my name to "the patron saint of safety pins" I changed all the info back on my user lookup, so that you won't feel that your work is stolen or anything. I'm REALLY sorry if I scared you with all those coincidences.

Nikki M.: I liked it. It was the most piontless website i've ever seen. It's really cool!

Manic Poetic: Ok your site is awsome!!! If you ever run out of room for your stuff... Check out ITS 150 meg free!!!! OMFG its the best thing since mike the headless chicken... (id die after like 2 days with out a head) And your site will be at not site... YAY!!! Just wanted to share the topcities with you...

Jordy: very very interesting about Wal-Mart... made me think ( o no!) You have a very interesting worlds longest text! I enjoyed reading it... 3rd person who has read it! LOL

supa_hot_chick106: your website is REALLY cool by the way! When did you make the site, its sooooooooo cool!

steppani11220: u draw good!!

xjennyxheadrushx99x: thats cool i lyke ur site too its awesome

princess4eva_39: hey!!! i went to ur site by the way i LOVE it it is so cool i love all the weired things!!! well thanks for creating such a great site buh byez!!!

kittylover02468 : I went to your website. It's kinda funny...

??????: you dont know me i loved the realyy long text or what evre its called anyway i read the whole thing believe it or not in 2 hours yup i think that you are a geneus really!!! oh well

???????: You have some very strange and freaky things on your site.

lol lol lol. >I just read the longest text're crazy, just like me! lol. I'm proud to be your 3.5th reader, lol. :-)

football_chick_2002: o, by the way, ur site rox!

wingblade7: I love random quotes (and your site) if you say them in public with no prompting you get the strangest

Rebekah Schiff: Ur site is cool

scsilversongmc: girl u draw like beauty has ever seennnnnn i love ur art so detailed and stuffff urs such a artish me i cant even draw a fish like u would so u make the show i jus make the comments lol ur are soooooooo goood love ur art!!!!!!

darkhunter2k1: this website is really good

superliz: I was just looking at your longest text ever and umm...well.. you have way too much time on your hands!!!

>i_am_beautiful_: Hey. ur website is cool! lol. i read read ur long text thingy(well not ALL of it!) but i copied it (im not gonna steal it! lol) and pasted it on Document word.....there are 10,772 words! bored. cant tell?

mailcallfan50: u hav an awsome site, mine's

pop_soda: its really good :D i liek it a lot

PCOCB: Dood, being such a genius means you are fit to be the ruler of the moon colony! I obey... Xo~ By the way, did you know that even if you buy a piece of moon property from that site, its still open range and any colonists have the right to stake their claim on the territory, so there is still hope yet! Besides which, no particular country can lay claim to the moon, so how can they sell pieces? Won't the Russians be upset?

scutterbotch: I think it is the longest text EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ur web site is cool. (ya I am just e-mailing u cause am brood.)

If you want your testimonial here, just e-mail me at the below link!
