...*pauses* Of course. My FAQ page was deleted. I hate angelfire...sometimes...*sigh* Alright. I'll just put the basics in again.
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Q: Can I be your partner?

A: Sorry, this is a one man...er...girl show. I am, however always looking for guest writers for the OFCEM!

Q: Er...you DO know that the "mongoose" on the Mystical Creature Quiz is a Chinchilla, right?

A: Yes. Yes I do. What's your point?

Q: Umm....when you say "felony", do you mean "melony"?

A: No. When I did the other FAQ, I was stressed, and ranted and raved a bit. Felony means a really, really bad crime.

Q: So...what does "felon" mean?

A: I'd tell you, but I'd have to kill you.

Q: Gee...your last FAQ was longer, and funnier, and more organized and better...etc.

A: That's not a question. I can't remember the previous FAQ's...and I'm still kinda peeved about the whole "deletion" factor. I'm quitin'.