
What is your name? Kyle

What is your address? dunno

How old are you? 20

What is your planet of origin? RX457

What is your species? demon

What is your blood type? o

Are you an organ donar? no

Are you a convicted felon? ...yes...

Have you ever commited a felony and were just never caught? yes...

What is your Mother's maiden name? dunno

What is you Father's maiden name? ...dunno...

Favorite Book: Lord of The Rings

Favorite Bacteria/Virus: all

Favorite Word: flammable

Favorite question on this form: Favorite Bacteria/Virus

What is your email? You know my e-mail!

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Yes! I'm not even bothering to read these! I'm just randomly checking!

TAB reserves the right to accept just about anyone. Proper safety precautions include, but are not limited to: Never throw books at strangers, Do not attempt to feed the books, Never attempt brain surgery unless the victim is unconscious and has no lawyer. TAB is not responsible for any injury, loss of life, limb, head or organs. This is just a fake form. TAB reserves the right to be weird (normal for us). Should you violate this right you may be forced to read a book.

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