Selected Random People's answers!

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Here are the various answers random people have guessed:
Why did the girl kill her sister?

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People who aren't Serial Killers.

AS OF OCTOBER 02, 2003, THERE WILL BE NO MORE ENTRIES ADDED BELOW. As of May 15th, 2004 the statistics will no longer be updated, either...(It's just too much work)


do the 2 incidents even correlate? i think she killed her sister cause her sister stole her ferret. i mean... that's kind of a mean thing to do. I wouldn't kill someone over it, but who knows, someone may have. Or she could have poked her one too many times. That gets really annoying...

Because, her sister was the rich guy's wife.

Her anger led her to take it out on the person closest to her, her sister.

the guy is her sisters husband, he killed her father so she killed her sister so she could tell the police her sister did it and tried to kill her too! but she killed her out of self defense. now she can marry her sisters husband and they can live together forever and never get arrested for murder because her sister did it!

he was her sister's husband

It is impossible to tell with just this information. she may have harbored anger towards her for a long time or maybe the sister got more from the will than she did,

because it was her sisters fiance

they had an unrelated fight

the guy told her to

Because he was her girlfriend

The man was her sister's husband

the sister had an affair with the guy

She realized it was her sisters husband

she just felt like it.

Her sister took him from her

the sister is out to kill her family and she hired the hot guy to murder the girl for her(her being sister) anyways, the hot guys was finding info on girl to murder her. she murdered her sister to protect herself.

She was upset that her father had died.

he planted a thought in her mind?

She wanted to murder her sister so that she would get the man, then kill him - because she was a serial killer

Her sister found the guy she fell in love with and made love to him. This made her jelous so she killed her sister.

Well, she killed her dad because her dad kept something from her, then she found out her sister was dating the guy secretly

because she didnt know his name

It's not fair...She didn't get the guyz name...


Because hr sister wanted the guy too

because her sister slept with him.

She found out the man and her sister were together

because she can

Because she was insane

It was her sister's husband


Because her sister was married and she was jelous

Her sister slept with him

just for fun

she was jealous

because the guy was her sister's husband

She went crazy after not knowing her lover's name.

She murdered her sister because her sister dragged her away from the man so she could never learn his name.

cause her sister was the guys wife

so her sister wouldn't steal her man,or if it was her sister's man she killed her for him to be hers

She was overcomed with grief because of the loss of her father and she snaped and her sister just happened to be in the way.

Over grief for her dead father.

Her sister was dating the guy who she fell in love with.

because the sister knew him.

Cause her sister married the handsom,funny,apparantly rich guy

It was her sister's husband

she was afraid he would fall for her sister?

she killed her sister because she needed to get her anger out on something or someone and maybe her sister was the closest one there or she didnt like her that much and maybe thats why she killed her sister.

because the man was her long lost brother and her sister never told her about it

The guy was her sister's boyfriend/husband

He was her sister

the guy was really a woman.

It was her sister's husband

She wanted to drink her blood

it was her sisters fault

her sister knew his name

Becuase she lost him, and no one deseved to live that she loved

she found out her sister was sleeping with the guy

her sister is a kaniving little bi*** who first killed their father, and plus, she borrowed her favorite black sweater before the funeral and got hairspray all over it.

The guy was a set up by her sister, to lure away her father's fortune


she was crazy

For fun

it was her sister's husband

She murdered her sister because her sister always found the right guy and was always better than her. Finally she finds the right guy and she doesn't know his name so out of jealously she kills her sister.

She murdered her sister because she was so overcome with grief over the death of her father, she was driven to madness.

because it was her sisters boyfriend

her sister was dating the man

she was pissed off she never learned the guys name

it was her hurband

She was jeleous because her sister had learned the guy's name and possibly done more than that with him.

Her sister murdered her father.

she hated her sister

Who cares

she was competition

because she was mad and jelous

because she could

She had fallen in love with her sister's husband.

She did it because it was her sister's husband

Because she reconized the guy her sister was with that night as he, whom she believed she loved.

She found out when the guy was driving home, he was daydreaming about her, and then crashed into a tree, and was instantly killed.

she was mad at herself and she was leting off steam

She had an affair

Because her sister tired stealing the guy away from her and since her sister already gets everything she wants she wont let her have him

cuz she didn't kno the guy's name

it was her sister's boyfriend

it was her sisters boyfreind.

Because her sister dressed up as the handsome guy and she found out

Because she was very sad.

she was sad

The her his name. ::nods:: Had to be it.

the guy was her sister's husband

her sister went out with him or set her up.


Her sister stuck her tonge out at her.

Her sister knew that man more, and loves him also. The girl wanted him all for herself, so she murdered her sister, to keep her out of the way.

emm dunno

because they were twins

it was her sisters husband

no reason


her sister was really annoying

cuz her sister was dating the guy


she recognized him as her sisters fiance

Her sister liked him too.

he was the devil and he told her too!

It was her sister's husband

because the gentleman was her dad and her sister killed her dad.

her sister was a vicious, rabid furby, and also the guy's ex.

Her sister was the guy's girlfreind.

she thought her sister was having a secret affair with the guy and was keeping her from him

Because her sister was dating the guy and wouldn't tell her his name.

her sister had it coming.

She is whacked

temporary insanity

Her sister killed her father

she thought the guy ws dating her sister

because her sister was flirting with the guy u met

the guy was her sister's husband

She was agitated that she didn't get his name and took the anger out on the first person who pissed her off.

she murered her sister because the sister knew his name

because the guy at the funeral told her too

her sister set her up by hiring some actor to pretend to be the ruch guy.

her sister was the guy

for fun

because he was her sister's secret crush

maybe they where twins and she didnt want her to get to him first? and she most be love struck if she'd kill her sister.. or maybe she wanted her dads money..asuming he had some in a will

Because she was upset over her fathers death and she lost the love of her life

because she was stupid not to learn the guys name, I mean come on! How stupid can u get?

the girl was worried that her sister might steal the guy that she had just fell madly in love with. also, her father just died so she was probably angry and sad and had all these emotions bottled up inside of her and she blamed her sister.

because she felt like it.

Because her sister had a relationship with the guy.

because she was his wife

she found the guy and her sister in bed together

because her sister slept with the dude even though she herself planned to the next evening

her sister's in love with the same guy

gone mad

Because she found out that he was dating his sister.

the boy was married to her sister

the guy told her to

Her sister stole him from her

she found out her siser killed her father

Her sister was trying to steal her man

he sister was dating the guy

she found out it was her sisters boyfriend prbably?

He was seeing her sister and the girl was jealous

they were twins

it was her sister's boyfriend

her sister was dating him

the man was her sister in a mask

She was greiving over the loss of her father, and was frustrated at herself for not asking the guy's name - also because she just felt like it.

cuz she was upset and her sister said stuff about her

she didn't know the guy's name

she did itbecause she wanted too. no motivation. she was just crazy

she was insane

It was her sisters husband

The man told her too.

So, her sister wouldn't steal her man

the man was her sister's husband; the girl murdered her sister in hopes that he would fall in love with her when he was single again, but what she didn't realize was that the man and her sister were divorcing anyways, as he was gay.

it was her sisters lover


Her sister was sleeping with the guy


She killed her sister because her sister wanted to get involved with the guy.

She was the person who murdered her father

she never met a guy at the funeral

It was her sisters husband

because she was jealous of her

her sister knew his name and was already dating him

She found her sister in bed with the handsome, funny, apparantly rich guy. the "guy" was actually her sister crossdressing

her sister was his wife?

because The guy was her sisters boyfriend and she wanted him so she had to get her sister out of the picture and he could mourn to her and that would bring the two of them close and they could hook up.

he told her to

the guy was the funeral director

she found out that her sister was a drug dealer and was married to the guy from the funeral who was also her brother and they were married

she was afraid that her sister was gonna fall in love with him too

she was taking out her anger

because she was in love

her sister liked him and tryed to keep him for herself

because she was full of rage at not knowing the guys name

Her sister told her that the same guy had asked her out and she had spent the night with him at his apartment.

the sister ran away with the man

because the guy told her to

So her sister wouldn't try to steal him from her.

She was the serial killer

it was her sisters boyfriend

because she was her twin

the guy was her sister


She thinks the sister new something about the guy and hired the guy to kill her father and got so mad at her sister for killing her father that she kills her sister

Because the man was her sister's husband and she wanted him.

she was hungry

um...because the little bunnies in her ears told her to? 'Cause that's why I killed MY sister... :O

because she is pysco

the guy she met at the funaral was her boyfriend

it was her sisters boyfriend

it was her sisters boyfriend

Because he was her sister's husband.

She was a siamese twin, and her sister knew the guys name and sucked his ****

So she could inherit all her father's estate

Her sister disguised herself as the guy, and the girl went crazy.

She was upset that she hadn't learned the man's name

Her sister and the boy were found in bed together.

he was her sisters husband

he was her sisters husband

She was already planning to kill her sister before she met the guy and he had nothign to do with it

they handsome guy was her sister

She was a black widow serial killer who "fed" on her family members while under the guise of a mourning relative. Her infatuation with the man threw her plan's schedule off. She meant to wait at least 3 months before executing the next murder.

He brainwashed her into doing it.

because she felt like it?

Her sister pissed her off.

to make sure she does not fall in love

Her sister was about to marry him.

Who cares

People who are Serial Killers

so that she could see the guy again at he rsister's funeral...duh

So that he'd come to her funeral too

she wanted another funeral so she could meet him again

In hopes that if there was another funeral, the man would come again and she could see him.

Cause the man asked her sister out.

She hoped to see him at her funeral since he knew her father.

To see the guy again, if he turned up for a family member then it stands to reason he'll turn up for another, at least then he'll get his name. .

So they guy would go to her sister's funeral

she hoped the man would be at her sister's funeral so she could see him again and get his number

so she could get the guy's name

She wanted another funeral so the man she fell in love with would be there. Thus, learning the name of the man she loved.

Because she saw the guy at a funeral and wanted to see him again!

so she could see the guy again

She wanted to see the guy again.

She wanted to murder her sister in hopes that she may see the guy she fell madly in love with at the funeral.

so there would be another funeral,so she could see the guy again.

because he was a friend of the family, so if someone else died, she could meet him again

She did it because she figured that if the man was at her father's funeral he was a friend of the family. If she killed her sister, he would be at her funeral too.

she killed her sister in the hopes that the Charming Man would show up at that funeral too.

so the guy would come to the funeral and she could get his name

so she could meet up with the guy at her sisters funeral and find out his name

she thought that the man she fell in love with would go to her sisters funeral and she could find out what his name was

She murdered her sister so there would be another funeral and so she could see the hott boy again. Duh.
So that he would attend her sisters funeral and she could find out his name.

to see the guy again

so he would go to her sisters funeral

He'll show up at the next funeral?

To see the man again and hopefully gain his name

To see the guy again

because she was hoping that he would come to her funeral

To meet the guy again

so she could see the guy again

She wanted him to come to the sister's funeral

she wanted to see if the guy wpuld come to her funeral

because she hoped to meet the guy she was madly in love with

She wanted to see him again, so she figured he'd come to another funeral

she wanted to see him at the funeral.

To see the guy again

she hoped to see the same man at her sister's funeral because he must know the family. He was at the father's funeral

She thought that since the man was obviouslyfriends with her father he would have known her sister as well and will go to her funeral. She killed her sister so that she could tak=lk to the man again

She hoped to see him at her funeral since he knew her father.

she was hoping to go to her sisters funeral and meet the guy

She wanted to see the guy again.

So she could see the guy again

To see the guy

she wants to see the guy again

so she could see the guy at the sisters funeral

so as to see the guy again

so she could see him at her sister's funeral
