Andy's Images!

Well, here we have a stroke of genius on my part. Since angelfire is annoying and doesn't like to let my images be shown on the image url slot, i have decided to make a gallery!!! That way you can use my images too, if you want! YAY! My images will generally be anime, but occasionally I will be showing a LOTR piccy or a piccy of me or my friends. so yes. And beware, as some of my images are rather disturbing. all no more than PG-rated though. Unless i note otherwise. which i doubt will happen. I'm not THAT perverted!!!!! If there are any links that don't work, let me know. I probably typed "flaminsoul" instead of "flamingsoul". Enjoy!

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DISCLAIMER: I don't own any of these images. Nor do I own any of the anime or movie characters that may appear on this site, though they are quite welcome to spend the night at my house anytime. Especially orlando and kenshin. *__* And Chichiri, definitely Chichiri.

A picture of kenshin! IN CHIBI FORM! Squee!

A pretty elf! I think it was supposed to be deedlit, but I can't really tell...XD

a HOT picture of duo! HE IS SO FINE! *__*

Heero looks so pretty in this picture! One of my favorites.


This is an AWESOME picture of kenshin. yet another of my faves.

Poor legolas, being swamped by those evil fangirls...*legolas walks by* SQUEE! *tackles*

A funny kenshin animation. I wish it was a little bigger, though...;__;

Vash as a cyute little angel! AWW!

Vash looking all peaceful-y. yet another favorite.

awww...von looks so cyute when he's miserable...XD

Aya looks so cool in this picture! I really like it for some odd reason.

A weiss boys group picture. similar to the one on my assignment notebook, but that one has a cooler backround. pretty...*__*

*sigh* Tsuzuki's got the best looking eyes since Orlando Bloom...

Kenshin...with his hair down...OWOW!!!

HEE! Hiei is so funny

Another legolas-humor picture. an ultra-favorite of mine.

Duo is soooo cyute in this one!! AWWWWW! *huggles duo*

Ooh! It's my wallscroll that kim and julie were kind enough to buy me! THANKEE!!

Cool! Chibi Kenshin doing nifty sword moves!

Bad editing, funny picture. More legolas humor.

MORE legolas humor?!?! and who would have expected a got milk? ad??

one hell of an awesome kenshin picture!


awww! it's ryoki!!! cyute!

One of my favorite parts in the two towers! I've gotta admit, Aragorn looks very cool in this scene.

Another very cool picture. Aragorn and his women. XDD

Awww, bredlegs and toey got married! Must have read OFUM to get this picture.

A picture of Legolas and Aragorn in Moria, looking quite freaked out.

Woohoo! More legolas eye candy!

A rather strange picture of Legolas...

O__O pretty...prettyprettyprettyprettyPRETTY!

OOH! Merry telling off the ents! GO MERRY!

Pippin! Looking all pretty-like! *__*

Ok, this is one seriously messed up picture.

It's LEGO-las!!! XDD

Like the above, except as Kenshin. ^_^

Holy frigging crap, is this a hot picture. Heero...*__*...oh wait, I gave him to Katie. Fudge.

A sweet picture of a sword that I found. I intend to make it into an LJ icon.


Here, you will find real pictures of me and my friends. Be afraid. *evil grin*

Me, spazzing over Kenshin. XD

Erika and I wearing medieval-style dresses at a coolio store called "enchanted knights" in Mackinaw City.

Bridget and I with our faces painted at the CBT waterfront.

Katie and I wearing handmade "free hugs" signs at Lifest. We were boycotting the T-shirt trend. XD

A CYUTE hedgehog plushie that I saw in a store in Mackinaw City.

A candid of my brother. Mwhahaha.

A few of the kayakers, sitting by the rapids while waiting for the last kayak to be portaged.

A guy Katie and I saw at Lifest. Seriously, any guy who has enough self-confidence to wear a kilt in public DEFINITELY has my respect.

This is a picture I took of Kime on the ferry to Mackinac Island. I LOVE THIS PICTURE!!!

A picture of Kirsta and Nyssa at the trading post doing...actually, I have no idea what they're doing, but it's a funny pic nonetheless.

A picture of Katie and I being goofy during the Apologetix concert.

Kirsta and Nyssa performing their rendition of "Oklahoma". Where the sun comes rolling down the plains!

Me wearing both Psycho Author hats.

My most hilarious camp picture, Nyssa with tent fever. XDD

Nyssa and I posing as gangsters. Yo!


Here we have several product of pure boredom on my part. Inspired by the LOTR captions on, I have taken random pictures from all over the internet and added captions. I hope you like them! If you have a picture you want to add, email it to me at If you have a picture you want me to put a caption on and then put on the site, also send it there. Thanks! And remember, I did NOT create these images, and I do not own the rights to Lord of the Rings characters. Sadly. I only tinkered with them a bit for the sake of humor. ^.^

Dunno what to say to this one...a>

Aragorn gets in touch with nature.

One of the joys of being a Frederick.

Warning: May cause scary mental images.

This is the last of the new additions that could cause bad mental images.

Must have read Legolas's VSD for the Two Towers to understand this one.

LOTR and Matrix slash. Whee!!!

Aww, Fwodo cares for the fwoggy.

Must have seen above caption to get this one.

Must have seen "Noises Off" to get this one.

WARNING: Due to the incredible gorgeousness of Kenshin in this picture, I must remind you that he is MINE and not yours. Thank you for listening, you may now proceed to view the picture.

More Kenshin hotness. Refer to above warning.

XDD Hah! I like this one. Aragorn.

Boromir!!!!! ^__^

The true reason I created the captions section. I saw this picture, and it was just begging to be captioned. Aragorn and Legolas.

I pretty much snagged this one from I thought the song quote fit pretty well, though, so I changed it. Legolas and Gandalf((so I got the quote wrong. give me a break))

Can't think of anything to say without giving it away. Legolas.

LOL this is one of my favorites. Random LOTR extra.

XDDD I loooove this one! This is SO funny!

A creation of Nyssa's mind. Beware. XD


NOTE: All of the following images were created by me, thus they are owned by me. If you wish to use them on your site, I request that you ask me first and then include a link to my website on your page. Thanks!

This is a drawing of one of my characters in my new short story, Heaven's Chosen Few. ~NEW~

I was feeling sappy. ^_^ Not perfect, but not too bad a drawing either.~NEW~

This is how I picture Kryst in my mind.~NEW~

This is my vampire roleplay character. She rawks.~NEW~

A prettyful drawing. Sorry about the random smudges, I couldn't erase them all.~NEW~

Holy crap, I did a decent fanart!! ::dies::~NEW~

OMG! I DID ANOTHER ONE!! This one isn't as good, but I still did pretty darn well.~NEW~

Davaraean, one of my RP charries~NEW~

I was reading Demon Diary and was inspired. I is VERY proud of this one!~NEW~

This one took FOR-EVER, but I finally managed it. I eventually intend to give her purple scales.~NEW~

Brenda asked me to draw an anime version of Pooh. This is the product.~NEW~

Random girl based off of Belldandy. yay! ~NEW~

Keyan, the Earth Immortal.~NEW~

Miatra, the Fire Immortal.~NEW~

Westrionalor, the Master Immortal. He's of the General element.~NEW~

Not exactly my greatest work of all time. In fact, I despise it. But if I'm going to include the other Immortals, I have to include him too. One of my favorite charries, not my favorite drawings. ^_^; ~NEW~

The Sky Immortal, Cilanthro. NOT Cilantro. XD~NEW~

Water Immortal, Dalinadras. He's one of my favorite Immortals. =)~NEW~

Etrail, the psychic Immortal. He's my definite favorite Immortal.~NEW~

This one turned out surprisingly well. Yay!

I drew this one while listening to the song "sleeping wolves" on the wolf's rain soundtrack. I rather like it. ^.^

This is a random hottie elf. I drew him for Julie. He has a whip! Whee!

I might end up using this one as a model for a character in GOTU.

Bad paper, good drawing. Yay!

MYILA!!! And no, it's not just a blank page either. XD

The Penguin Series! Yay!

Saint Tail!

Random guy with a sword. Yay!

Random girl with a sword! Yay! ^.~

Here is an image of a future character. Not a good person to pick a fight with, her weapons collection is not limited to what you can see. ^__^;;;

Lelina!She also kicks some serious butt. She used to have long hair, but then I saw this one drawing in my "How to draw Manga" book and decided that was much more Lelina-like than what I had. So...ta da! XD

Serina!!! I love drawing her. This is one of my ultra-favorites when it comes to my drawings.

Here is a map of Tahara If you need help reading my handwriting, email me.

Here is a map of the Unknown! Once again, if you need help reading it email me.

Xantos!! And no, he is not wearing whitey tighties. *shudders at horrible mental images*

The Duddlemen preforming "Let me be with you"!!! Whee!!


Note: I drew all of the following pictures. They are the products of my hard work and uber-boredom, so there is to be NO using them without my permission. Most of these probably don't even qualify as doujinshi, cause they don't really relate to an anime, but I just like the word. ^__^ Now, with that out of the way, LOOK AT MY DRAWINGS YOU PUNY MORTALS!!

This is a product of algebra/finals boredom. V. amusing!

This is a dual work. Alex wrote the story, I illustrated. There are multiple pages, and I will post them as I finish them/gain access to a scanner. Page: 1

This isn't really a doujinshi, but I'm putting it here anyway. Be afraid.


Here you will find originals by Andy's buddies. Mostly Ryan, but there is one here by Kirsta too. And I could be REALLY evil and put up that one Katie did, too...::maniacal laugh::

This one is by Roikus himself. I love it SO much. It rawks.

Ryan did this one, too. Kirsta's favorite. =)

Luna did this one! It came with the first letter she ever sent me, and I LOVE IT SO FORKING MUCH! And she says she's a bad artist...yeah, I say that she's insane too.

This is born of a particularly hilarious inside joke. Drawn by Kirsta.

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