You're Obsessed When
Tehe! Well here it is! How Obsessed are you? Tehe! Some of these were even made by made by me! I hope you have fun!-Zenzi
You have some? Well just send them in here! And I'll put them up!
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1.You start believing that there is such thing as magic.
2.You want to dye your hair red-orange; if you like Bloom, Blonde; if you like Stella, Jet-black; if
you like Musa, Light-brown; if you like Flora, Purple; if you like Tecna.
3.You want a bunny for your birthday (I have 2)
4.And you'll name that bunny Kikko.
5. You start going shopping for clothes that look just like the Winx girls.
6.You get lost in the woods at night, on purpose! And call your boyfriend on your cellphone and say you need to be rescued from a giant ogre. He doesn't really believe you, but he says he'll come anyways. And expect him to come in a Red Fountian uniform.
7.You hang pictures of Prince Sky (or any other Red Fountian guy) all over your room's wall.
8.You want to go to a college that majors in magic (tehe! But I don't think there really IS any!).
9.You start looking for Winx Club fan sites.
10.But you can't read French, German or Italian, so you kinda give up hope.
11.But then you find my site, "Floating Hearts"! And you think it's the best site ever! (tehe!)
12.You want to go to Italy and meet the creators.
13.You think you can control fire like Bloom, and start playing around on the oven while you're cooking eggs or whatever. But you end up setting your clothes on fire! (OMG!).
14.You have dreams of growing wings and flying.
15.You make you're onw Winx Club fan site!
16. You joined one of the message-boards on
17.You have all the Winx dolls.
18.And you play with them all the time, no matter how old you are!
19.You wish you had long hair like Stella.
20.Or you wish you were as smart as Tecna.
21.You wake up in the middle of the night yelling "I hate you ICY!!!"
22.You buy fake fairy wings.
23.And wear them everywhere, even at school!
24.You start picturing the mean girls at your school as Icy, Darcy and Stormy.
25.You start buying Winx merchandice.
26.You think elves and pixies exsist. (I do! I did even way before I saw the Winx Club!)
27.You sing the Winx Club theme song over and over and over........
28.You start drawing fanart, posters, ect (I drew lots of posters!)
29.You record every episode! (I do! Tehe! My little sister really got me into it!)
30.You start acting like Stella by swinging a long stick around and smashing bugs, thinking it's a septer-wand.
31.You start acting like Musa, and listen to music all the time! (I listen to music all time! I got so I can't live without my Mp3-player!)
32.All You Can Talk About Is The Winx Club.-Florays
33.All Of The Sudden, You Act Like Flora And Be Obsseses With Plants.-Florays
34.You buy a pet rabbit and name it
35.You start acting like you were all the fairies combined!
36.You flunk 5th grade by telling lies for an excuse just for you to skip class!
37.You help your Mom do gardening!
38.You explode the radio for turning the volume too high on Winx music!
39.You invent a robot to do your work!
40.You mess with FIRE even when your not suppose to!
41.You even break a universe record for acting the most!
42.You just talk, talk, and talk until you can't anymore of Winx!
43.You saw your room into three equal parts, decorated each side, and pretended to be a fairy in one part, a warrior in another, and a witch in the last part!
44.You glue long pieces of string to your finger, so that when you wave it around, it looks like magic!
45.You went to your principal and try to breath fire but end up spiting in her/his face!
46.You try day after day trying to figure out how to make a pencil
47.You took a spelling test and you pretend it was a Magical Reality Chamber
48.You even think a Spelling Test include doing
49.You pretend that your diary is your book of secrets to you
50.You punch yourself to get a loose tooth, then you put it under your Pillow so at night so you can ask the tooth fairy if she goes to
51.When a dangerous storm is coming, you think stormy is up to no
52.You download everything about the Winx Club even it is speaking a different language!
53.Your icon become someone from the Winx Club!
54.Your nickname becomes your favorite character in the Winx Club!
55.You sing around your house singing every Winx Club song they have!
56.Every night you and another Winx Clubfan in your family plays a episode of the Winx Club!
57.You get so so so pissed off if you missed and tiny bit of the show!
58.You've taped every Winx episode since ep 5 and ep 14 (due to VCR problems)!
59.You ask for only Winx stuff for Christmas!
60.You've never missed an episode!!!
61.You wake up at 7:30 every Saturday morning to tape it even though you could set your VCR to tape for you!
62.You realize episode 4 aired on your birthday!
63.You clean your entire closet so your Mom will buy you a Bloom doll!
64.You watch Winx all the time even though you have six brothers and two sisters and not a single one likes it!
65.You hang a Winx poster in your room!
66.You have a dream about being a fairy!
67.You watch a Winx episode at least three times a day!
68.You have to many fan-fictions about it to count!
69.You have at least sixty-five custom backgrounds of it with pictures you found on the Internet!
70.You vow to tape all the Winx episodes that you have missed and, once you have them, to copy them onto another tape so that there are no commercials!
71.You write a story about it!
72.You can't stop thinking about it in school!
73.You Know You Watch WAY To Much Winx Club When....... -Thairen Sassafrase
74.You sing the opening theme song over & over again!-Thairen Sassafrase
75.You change Windows start up and shut down sounds to Winx Club music!-Thairen Sassafrase
76.You have your own personal library of VHS tapes with every Saturday FoxBox block recorded with Winx Club episodes!-Thairen Sassafrase
77.You wonder where the Red Fountain Halloween Costumes are?-Thairen Sassafrase
78.You get your parents hooked on Winx Club! (Sweeeeet!)-Thairen Sassafrase
79.You get mad at Kay Bee Toys employees for not knowing what Winx Club is!-Thairen Sassafrase
80.Being a child of the 80's, back then everything was Smurfy, but now everything is so Winx!-Thairen Sassafrase
81.You spend three weeks designing a Winx Club Fan Site!-Thairen Sassafrase
82.You rejoice after getting 100 hits in under 24 hours since posting said site!-Thairen Sassafrase
83.You buy a bunny and name it Kikko!-Thairen Sassafrase
84.You ask any girl you meet if they're a fairy or a witch!-Thairen Sassafrase
85.You convince your roommate to watch Winx Club with you and they become a fan!-Thairen Sassafrase
86.You go on internet everyday just to see what's new on the Winx Club web site!-Thairen Sassafrase
87.You get mad when you miss one of the episodes!-Thairen Sassafrase
88.You get mad when you can't draw the Winx Club characters just right!-Thairen Sassafrase
89.You like it when you see sneak peeks of the new episodes!-Thairen Sassafrase
90.You don't like it when the witches attack!-Thairen Sassafrase
91.You clean the house with a bucket on your head, afraid paintings will fall off the walls!-Thairen Sassafrase
92.You learn how to draw humans when you originally terrible just for the sake of the Winx Club!-Thairen Sassafrase
93.You create a fan character that's a Winx Club fairy/witch/something!-Thairen Sassafrase
94.You create a fan character that is a Winx Club fairy AND a witch AND something else!-Thairen Sassafrase
95.You talk about it FOREVER in places that are probably half-filled with people that just don't watch it (from my experience, video game message boards or school)!-Thairen Sassafrase
96.You make your OWN Winx Club merchandise!-Thairen Sassafrase
97.You go and sue Mattel for not making Winx Club dolls of EVERY character!-Thairen Sassafrase
98.You not only buy the original Winx Club DVDs, but you learn Italian so you know what they're saying!-Thairen Sassafrase
99.You buy a Tecna doll tie her skateboard piece to a string and wear it as a bracelet!-Thairen Sassafrase
100.You tell you mom she looks like one of the witches!-Thairen Sassafrase
101.You pick a pumpkin and try to turn it in to a girl!-Thairen Sassafrase
102.You dress up as a fairy for Halloween!-Thairen Sassafrase
103.You ask a blonde girl if her name is Stella!-Thairen Sassafrase
104.You ask you friends if they know the winx girls' emails.-Thairen Sassafrase
105.You email Michael and you accadently call her musa!-Thairen Sassafrase
106.You write a book about fairies!-Thairen Sassafrase
107.You talk about it all day Winx Club! This Winx Club that you just talk about it over and over again you
get on the internet everyday too see what's new your just so hooked on the winxclub!-Thairen Sassafrase
108.You dress like them buy the same shoes as them, paint your hair, and act like them, even decide to be a fairy for Halloween!-Thairen Sassafrase
109.At night you go outside and tie some roman candles to your hands, light them and it looks like you have magic powers!-Thairen Sassafrase
110.You make your own Winx Club posters!-Thairen Sassafrase
112.You get in a fight with people that work at Wal*mart cause they dont know what winxclub is!-Thairen Sassafrase
113.You feel like you want to explode when you find out theres no Winx Club Halloween costumes!-Thairen Sassafrase
114.You spend days trying to make a Musa or Flora costume!-Thairen Sassafrase
115.You go to a costume party and they have a costume contest, and you go dressed like Flora and win! Then you explode in a joy of glee!!!!!!!!!!!-Thairen Sassafrase
116.You love it so much that you go sky diving so that it looks like your flying!-Thairen Sassafrase
117.You make your own song up of the winx club!-Thairen Sassafrase
118.You record the show every saturday!-Thairen Sassafrase
119.You record the Winx Club theme song on your karioki machine!-Thairen Sassafrase
120.You go all the way to Dallas, TX to find Winx Club merchandise (I live far from there)!-Thairen Sassafrase
121.You love it more than anything in the world or in the entire universe or any realm or planet! -Thairen Sassafrase
122.You learn to play the flute so that you can be like Musa!!!!!!!-Thairen Sassafrase
123.You and 4 friends come together including myself and make a club and call it Winx Club!-Thairen Sassafrase
124.For Christmas your parents know you love Winx Club so much they buy you a Juice Box and the chip of the Winx Club show!-Thairen Sassafrase
125.You buy a Winx Club backpack and even though your 11 years old going to high school you wear it any ways!-Thairen Sassafrase
126.You decide to cut the top of your hair so that a little bit sticks up just like Bloom and Flora!-Thairen Sassafrase
127.You start acting like you were all the fairies combined!-Thairen Sassafrase
128.You think the army of decay is entering you home when it is just mold, termite, bugs and other creepy crawlies.-Thairen Sassafrase
129.You go to Italy to by ALL Winx Club Merchandise (PS: I went to Italy with my Best Friends and we are only 10 years old)!-Thairen Sassafrase
130.You want to SUE Mattel for not making ALL the Winx Club dolls!-Thairen Sassafrase
131.You get the Brandon/Sky doll before it comes out!-Thairen Sassafrase
132.You buy ALL the Winx Club dolls and put them in each little (BIG) space you have in your room!
133.You forget about your old favorite quote and use the Winx Club's quotes (my favorite quote was Right On! Now it's Winx Club's quotes)!-Thairen Sassafrase
134.You die your hair each week so it will look like the Winx Girls hair color!-Thairen Sassafrase
135.You get a dream that you are with Daphne (Bloom's Guardian) and then you see her on your way to school!-Thairen Sassafrase
136.Your worst enemy makes you mad and you hit her with a some fire coming out of your hands (it REALLY REALLY happened to me!)
137.You get everything the Winx Girls have!-Thairen Sassafrase write a book about fairies/witches-Kelly stop sleeping friday night cuz you are afriad you will over sleep and miss winxclub-Kelly walk arond looking for a blonde girl and when you see one you ask: "um excuse me but is your name stella"-Kelly
137. you see 3 women who look like the witches and start attacting them-Kelly