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Picture Galleries
**Recently Updated**
Archive of Local Rarities (53 Photo's)
Mallorca - May 2003
- Sept 2003
- October 2004
- April 2005
- October 2005
** - April 2006 **
Lesvos - April 2004 (47 Photo's)
This section has been in need of a major overhaul for a while , hopefully it won't take too long but should be worth the wait. I've left one old gallery in place for you to browse.
Ducks , Sawbills and Grebes (28 Photo's)
**All pictures copyright Simon Mackie 2006**
Copyright and all intellectual property rights in this web site and all the information and graphic representations or images belong to Simon Mackie , subject to any contrary indication. No copying is permitted without the permission of the webmaster for this site.
The contents of this web site are for general interest only and are not intended to be relied on by any user for any other purpose