Audouins Gull Pto Pollensa All dates
Bee eater Depuradora 28th April
Blue Tit Mountain areas 27th April
Booted Eagle Bocquer 26th April
Cuber Res. 27th April
Casas Veyas 29th April
Black Vulture K26 viewpoint , road to Soller 27th April
Cuber Res. 27th April
Blue rock thrush Mirador De Albercutx 26th April
Bocquer 26th April
Black-winged Stilts Albufera 24th/28th April
Albufereta 28th April
Blackbird Any All
Black-headed Gull Depuradora 28th April
Blackcap Postage stamp wood 26th April
Cuber Res. 27th April
Chiffchaff Postage stamp wood 23rd April
Pto Pollensa 26th April
Collared Dove Any All
Common Sandpiper Smelly stream , Pto Pollensa 24th April
Albufera 28th April
Depuradora 28th April
Cetti's Warbler Albufera All
Crested Coot Albufera 24th April
Chaffinch Mountain areas All
Crag Martin Mirador De Albercutx 26th
K26 Viewpoint , road to Soller 27th April
Cirl Bunting Cuber Res. 27th April
Curlew Sandpiper Albufera 28th April
Cormorant Albufera 28th April
Common Tern Albufera 28th April
Cattle Egret Albufera All
Depuradora 28th April
Albufereta 28th April
Corn Bunting Depuradora 28th April
Albufereta 28th April
Crossbill ( ssp. balearica ) Casas Veyas 29th April
Cuckoo ( Heard ) Casas Veyas 29th April
Coot Albufera All
Dunlin Albufera 28th April
Eleonora's Falcon Mirador De Albercutx 26th April
K26 Viewpoint , road to Soller 27th April
Albufera 28th April
Casas Veyas 29th April
Fan-tailed Warbler Siller , Pto Pollensa 25th April
Depuradora 28th April
Albufereta 28th April
Firecrest Cuber Res. 27th April
Casas Veyas 29th April
Goldfinch Any All
Greenfinch Any All
Great-crested Grebe Albufera 24th April
Greenshank Albufera 24th/28th April
Great Tit Any All
Grey heron Albufera 28th April
Gadwall Albufera 28th April
Depuradora 28th April
Great Reed Warbler Albufera 24th/28th April
Hoopoe Bocquer 26th April
Albufereta 28th April
Casas Veyas 29th April
House Martins Pto Pollensa All
Mirador De Albercutx 26th April
House Sparrow Any All
Honey Buzzard Coll De Siller 25th April
Kestrel Bocquer All
Coll De Siller 25th April
Cuber Res. 27th April
Depuradora 28th April
Kentish Plover Albufera All
Little Egret Albufera All
Pto Pollensa 24th April
Little-ringed Plover Albufera All
Depuradora 28th April
Little Grebe Albufera All
Long-eared Owl Pto Pollensa 25th April
Little Stint Albufera 28th April
Linnet Depuradora 28th April
Marsh Harrier Albufera All
Depuradora 28th April
Mirador De Albercutx 26th April
Moustached Warbler Albufera 24th April
Balearic Warbler Coll De Siller 25th April
Mallard Albufera All
Moorhen Albufera/Depuradora All
Nightingale Postage Stamp Wood 26th April
Albufera All
Cuber Res. 27th April
Night Heron Albufera 28th April
Osprey Bocquer 26th April
Cuber Res. 27th April
Red Kite Bocquer 26th April
Cuber Res. 27th April
Pied Flycatcher Any All
Purple Gallinule Albufera All
Albufereta 28th April
Purple Heron Albufera D28th April
Albufereta 28th April
Pochard Depuradora 28th April
Pheasant ( Heard ) Bocquer 24th April
Pallid Swift Mirador De Albercutx 26th April
Casas Veyas 29th April
Red-rumped Swallow Smelly Stream , Pto Pollensa 24th April
Red-legged Partridge Coll De Siller 25th April
Redstart Bocquer 24th/26th April
Postage Stamp Wood 23rd/24th/26th April
Casas Veyas 29th April
Ringed Plover Albufera 28th April
Depuradora 28th April
Red-crested Pochard Albufera 24th/28th April
Ruff Albufera 24th April
Raven Bocquer All
Coll De Siller 25th April
Cuber Res. 27th April
Casas Veyas 29th April
Serin Any All
Swift Any All
Swallow Any All
Sardinian Warbler Any All
Spotted Flycatcher Any All
Spotted Redshank Albufera 28th April
Snipe Albufera 28th April
Shoveler Albufera 28th April
Sand Martin Smelly Stream 24th/26th April
Coll de Siller 25th April
Stonechat Bocquer 24th April
Cuber Res. 27th April
Shag ( ssp. desmarestii ) Pto Pollensa All
Stone Curlew Bocquer 24th/25th April
Albufera 28th April
Sanderling Albufera 28th April
Tawny Pipit Cuber Res. 27th April
Turtle Dove Bocquer 26th April
Casas Veyas 29th April
Whitethroat Bocquer 24th April
Whinchat Siller , Pto Pollensa 24th/27th April
Cuber Res. 27th April
Wheatear Smelly Stream 24th April
Siller , Pto Pollensa 24th/25th/26th April
Woodchat Shrike Bocquer 24th/26th April
Siller 25th April
Albufera 28th April
Depuradora 28th April
Willow Warbler Any All
Wood Warbler Postage Stamp Wood 23rd April
Pto Pollensa 24th April
Wood Sandpiper Albufera 24th April
Depuradora 28th April
Wood Pigeon Any All
Wren Bocquer 26th April
Wryneck Cuber Res. 27th April
Yellow wagtail Smelly Stream 24th April
Albufera 28th April
Albufereta 28th April
Yellow-legged Gull Any All