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How to Colour in Photoshop!
Photoshop's Layout!


Photoshop's Layout

Scanning and Cleaning

Laying Down the Flats

Shading (type 1)

Shading (type 2)

Special Effects



In this section, we'll explore the layout of Photoshop. Below is an image of the screen when you first open Photoshop (after all the loading). Click on the number written on the image to view their descriptions (or scroll down).


1. The Menu Bar

a)File b)Edit c)Image d)Layer e)Select f)Filter g)View h)Window i)Help

a) File: This is a typical optionin all programs. So it is pretty self explanitory. This is where you Open images, Save images, create New images, Import images from another source (like a scanner), etc.

b) Edit Here's another typical menu option. This is where you can find Undo, Cut, Copy, Paste etc.

c) Image: This is where you can find ways to manipulate the image as a whole (meaning ALL layers). You can Crop, change the Image Size, the Canvas Size, the Mode type, etc.

d) Layer: This is where you can find ways to manipulate the layer that is currently selected in the "Layers palette"(detailed below). You can find Merge Layers, Duplicate Layer, Delete Layer, Group/Ungroup, etc.

e) Select: This is where you can manipulate your selections done to the image. You can select the entire image from here, Invert a selection, Expand or Contract the selection, etc.

f) Filter: This is where you'll find all those need effects that you can add to your images like the Lens Flare or adding in a pattern to your image, etc It's best to eperiment with this section and what it has to offer...but don't let it be a crutch.

g) View: Here you can find the Zoom In/Out option, to Show the Rulers, etc.

h) Window: This place is where to go if you closed down a pallete and want to have it showing again.

i) Help: And here is another typical option on the menu bar. It should be self explanitory.

2. The Tool Bar


3. The Tool Menu


4. Palettes

5. The Canvas