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The GM3ITN Story
An update of the shack and QTH etc.

GM3ITN was first licenced in October 1950 aged 15 holding for the first year a 25watt CW only ticket. He held the call DL2YI 1954/55 with BAOR, also VP8ITN was his call when invited to the Falklands in 2002 by the F.I.Government, a veteran of the 1982 Falklands War. Les was a member of the first DXpedition GB2AC to Ailsa Craig in 1959 and has been actively chasing DX for the last 50 odd years and received ARRL's DXCC 1 Honor Roll back in 1983 and now has the Highest DXCC(mixed) score for Scotland and is equal#1 in the U.K. with 379 confirmed countries with DXCC on 160 metres also over 300 countries on RTTY and first British station to have more than 1000 IOTA Islands confirmed. World's highest score of Worked Antarctic Stations Award 2000, Empire DX on CW in 1958 and WAS/WAZ RTTY. He is a member since 1981 of the Royal Order of Trans-Atlantic Brasspounders and A1OPS, Old Timers Club and holds the YASME Supreme Award amongst the many other DX awards.

GM3ITN and his XYL were invited guests of the Falkland Island Government as Falkland War Veterans to the 20th Liberation Celebrations in June 2002 and received the callsign VP8ITN

VP8ITN QSL Cards are available direct from GM3ITN via address with an IRC

DL2YI in Germany 1954 300Kw on 3cm!!Radar op.

GB2AC First DXpedition to Ailsa Craig July 1959

Early 1960's Dunbartonshire NFD winners GM3ITN/P and GM3KBZ/P

The DXTerminator-Jones Key

My Shack Oct.2002

GM3ITN was awarded DXCC#1 Honor Roll in Sept 1983
Present DXCC mixed score is 375 confirmed

A group of Scottish Radio Amateur friends taken at a Convention around 1980 at Cardonald
GM3AVA, 3OM, 4FVQ, 3BLJ, 6MD, 4FDM, 5RV, 8MJ, 3ITN, 4KHE.

A photograph of a ORM in Glasgow with a group of RSGB members in the 1950's including GM6MD,GM3JRP,GM3HOM,G3BVG,GM3NFC,GM3MBC,G3AAE,GM2FHH,GM3AHQ,GM6MS,GM3BDA, GM3KTZ,GM3EHI,GM3LYS,GM3OGJ,GM6TF,GM3CSM,GM3IMR,GM3ITN,GM3EDZ.

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