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20th Anniversary covers Falkland War

These covers have been postmarked Clydebank, Scotland 2 April 2002, 20th Anniversary of the Argentine Invasion of the Falkland Islands also postmarked Stanley, Falkland Is. on 14thJune 2002, 20th Anniversary of the Liberation by British Forces.

These Five Special covers A1-A5, of 1-18 were were signed by the Veterans on their visit to the Falkland Is.June 2002, the other 13 covers were post marked at Fox Bay

Front of cover

The cover is signed by His Excellency Donald A.Lamont, Governor of the Falkland Is.

General John Reith, Commander Joint British Forces and Brigadier(Ret'd)David Morgan OBE Gurka Rifles.

Back of cover

The back of the cover is signed by Rear Admiral(Ret'd)JFTG Salt CB Commander HMS Sheffield, Brigadier(Ret'd)Roderick Macdonald CO 59Ind Commando Sq., Brigadier(Ret'd)David Chaundler CO 2 Para, Lt Col(Ret'd)E Southby-Tailyour OBE RM, Capt(Ret'd)G R Green DSC Commander Sir Tristram, Dr.Alison Bleaney OBE MO KEMH Stanley, Wg Cdr Rad Greene OC 216 Sqn RAF, WO2 W Slaney Mt Tumbledown Battle, SSgt(Ret'd)Keith WalkerBEM RE, and the flight crews of the Tristar on the 20th Anniversary flights Brize Norton-Ascension and Ascension-MPA on the 11th of June 2002

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