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The Truth About OGS


     Truth: OGS is nothing more than a few dope addicts trying to start a       useless rebellion.


This page has been created to retaliate to anything OGS dishes out, and in addition let people know the real story on the "rebels". They think that they got something special going and so they're gonna keep it up until they finally realize that all they are doing is wasting time. Sure they can draw pictures and sh!t, but it means nothing. We're not gonna sit around and let them get away with it though. Our own propaganda is being created as you read this; not out of revenge but just for the sheer fun of it. Of course, starcraft is just a game...and it's all fun and laughs until someone goes insane about it (*cough* firecrotch *cough*).

Remember, anything OGS can do we can do better ;-)

Click here for propaganda..



You know who you are...

"The fires burn bright, yet there is nothing there to be burned."

"Now that I have missing teeth I have an excuse for not brushing them!"

"Sometimes it's good to have your chest sticking out....if you're a girl that is."

"His girlfriend is like the toys at the doctor's office; you play with em' until you realize where they've been."


"The mole isn't always browner on the other side."


"Guys, guys...I got a new dance move; ok everyone push your noses together and do the bump! Glaaah"

"I'm gonna buy StarCraft...oh wait, it's not kosher!"

"Ah, Ah, Ah.....JEEEEWWWW! Bless you!"


More fresh baked quotes on the way..