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Here Are Some More Pictures I Have Decided To Upload.

Okay, so here is the lowdown.  As you can tell, most of the pictures on this page are flowers.  There are however a couple where I will explain where the place is.  First off though, I thought I'd say small things about some pictures right now. The first picture I really like.  The lone blue flower just stood out more in that it was blue, but also that it was the only flower of that type as well.  Also the rose with frost reminded me of things that are beautiful but cold and harsh as well.  *shrug*

Now, as for the view of the ocean.  That is actually looking back to the mainlain of England.  That picture was taken on the Isle of Wight, from a double decker bus as we went up a really windy road at the top of a huge hill on the tip of the island. 

The picture with the tree and stone wall and road and bike is right outside my window.  That's what I see every day.  Granted, that picture is a better day than usual English days are, but hey, I take pictures for the moment, not the weather channel.  :)

And the last picture is of a sunrise just coming up and it looked so awesome with the church and everything, I ran back to my room just to get my camera to take this picture.  Worth the effort huh?