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well, its now march of 2004 and last month we got a new member so were a 4 piece. the bean is now on bass and kevin and i both play guitar. we played our first out of town show, though kevin couldnt make it so our next show, march 27, will be our 1st show all toghether. thats it for now...

Not a whole lot to say here. Uhh, basically I wanted to be in a second band and one that I played guitar. I talked to Kevin about doing vocals cause he wasn't in a band at all and I knew he wanted to be, he was all for it, so i just needed a bass player and a drummer. I was at a party one night, really not sober, and found myself talking to some guy I didnt know that was also not sober and had a social d shirt on. We ended up having a lot in common and I eventually found out he was a drummer and was really interested in playing in a punk band. After a few weeks I finally got a hold of him.(Pat) and the three of us got together. I was trying to get a friend of mine from high school to play bass, but couldnt get ahold of him that day, so Kevin picked up the bass and played it that first day and did just fine so we thought, HEy why not just be a three piece and we'll both do vocals. So, we were a band and eventually decided on Harass & Abuse for our name and thats all there is too it. later, H&A

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