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                                 ...Trust in the Heart


        Doom Organization and the Oracle Curse



New Series - After the Battle City Tournament, a new series started in Japan.  It focuses on a new shadow of evil called the Doom Organization.  It is not taken from the manga. The anime skips the manga episodes about the Pharaoh recovering his memory because the animators thought it would take to long and people will loose interest.



     Doom Organization – Seal of the Oracle Curse

Episodes 145 - Present in Japan

Introduction:  After the Battle City Finals at the Alcatraz everyone goes their own way.  Marik, Odion, and Ishizu go back to Egypt.  Kaiba, Mokuba and Duke go to America.  Even Mai and Serenity leave on their own.  Yugi decides it is time to get his memory back and goes to see the Stone Tablet in the Domino Museum with the Egyptian God Cards.  Unfortunately, a strange ritual seals the  tablets and the three god cards are stolen.  Yugi fails to recover his memory.

A new enemy, the Doom Organization, performed the Ritual.

Their leader, Dartz, wishes to revive his queen.  To do so, he needs the three God Cards and the souls of duelists.  He has stolen the cards from Yugi and now he whishes to collect souls.  His faithful Doom warriors, Amelda, Varon, and Raphael each target the strongest duelists in the world: Joey, Kaiba and Yugi.

Amelda decides to go after Kaiba because of personal issues with the Kaiba Corporation.

Varon decides to go after Joey because he already has a follower who will make Joey fall.

Raphael is left to go after the Nameless Pharaoh, Yugi.

The Doom Organization has the power of the Seal of the Oracle Curse.  Doom Warriors are given the magic card, Seal of the Oracle Curse that makes them stronger than ordinary duelists.  The card has certain effects.

  1. Most importantly, at the end of a game with the Oracle Curse, the looser must sacrifice his soul or “Tamashi.”
  1. When the card is activated, an Oracle Curse ring surrounds the field, no one can enter or exit until the duel is over.
  1. Only the same kind of Oracle Curse magic can break the Curse.  Magic cards, Trap cards, or the Millennium Items can’t negate the effect of the Oracle Curse.
  1. The player who activates the card receives Dark Power and his monsters become dark monsters and gain 500 attack points.
  1. A player can now summon a maximum of 10 monsters on a field instead of 5.

The Doom Organization promises power to weaker duelists.  That is why many join, such as Mai, Rex Raptor, and Weevil Underwood.  They feel that they are loosing influence in the World of Duel Monsters and wish to become champions again.

Since the Doom Warriors have the Seal of the Oracle Curse, they are stronger than ordinary duelists and even those with Millennium Items.  Thus, the power of the Three Sealed Dragons is needed in order to beat the Doom Warriors.  Only those having true hearts of duelists are chosen to receive the power of the Dragons.  They are Yugi, owner of Timaus, Joey, owner of Hellmos and Kaiba, owner of Critias.

The dragons are located in the world of Duel Monsters where Dartz’s Dark power is threatening all Duel Monsters.  When a player needs the strength of a Sealed Dragon, they are brought to the Duel Monster world to awaken it.

Since the beginning of the series in Japan, many battles have been fought, and souls have been traded.  Here is a summary of the battles…




Doom Warrior            defeated    Rex and Weevil without the dark power…their souls were taken

Yugi                            defeated    Doom Warrior to take back the souls of Rex and Weevil…

Mai (w/ dark power)    defeated    Pegasus and stole his soul

Amelda                        tied           Kaiba while impersonating Pegasus, Neither souls was taken

Joey                            defeated     Mai (w/ dark power) though Mai was saved by Varon and her soul saved

Raphael                       defeated    Yami Yugi but took Yugi Mutou’s soul by mistake.

Joey                             defeated    Rex Raptor (w/dark power)

Yugi                            defeated     Weevil (w/dark power)