THE HEART OF THE CARDS ...Trust in the Heart
Episode # 6 - First Duel Mai challenges Joey to a duel, thinking he is just a weak duelist with no skill. This is partly true, Joey has never dueled before. His attitude vanishes after one move. Mai is able to play without looking at her cards. He forgets everything that Yugi's Grandpa had told him about Duel Monsters and starts to make poor decisions. He is really scared and can't think straight. Mai uses a Harpies Lady deck which is really powerful and thought out. He can't figure out how Mai can play without seeing her cards. Yugi and the others cheer from the sides and tell him to trust in his cards and concentrate. Joey closes his eyes and notices many different smells. He realizes that Mai can tell what card she is playing by the different type of perfume fragrance. Mai uses and Elegant Egotist magic card to multiply her Harpies Lady to Harpies Lady Sisters. She is angry that Joey discovered her secret but promises that she won't loose. Joey trusts in the heart of the cards and draws the Time Wizard, the same card Yugi gave him. Joey has a Baby Dragon on the field and decides to take the chance with the time wizard. If the spinner lands on a castle, 1000 years would pass on the field. But if it lands on a skull, Time Wizard will self destruct and take a chunk out of Joey's life points. Everyone watches as the spinner starts spinning. It slowly comes to a stop right on the castle segment. 1000 years pass on the field and Joey's Baby Dragon grow up into the much more powerful Thousand Dragon. Mai congratulates him but says her Harpies Lady Sisters are still more powerful than his new dragon. Joey tell her to look at her monsters. They have aged a thousand years and have grown weak. He attacks and take out Mai's life points. Mai gives Joey his star chip but she is not kicked off the island because she had already beaten another duelist. Before she leaves, Joey tells her she has to find a better reason to duel besides the money. You have to learn to care about someone. Mai tells them that she will do things her way and leaves. Summary By YamiHikari (A much better Summary is coming soon...) Screen Shots (Coming Soon...) New Characters: None Characters Shown: Yugi, Joey, Tea, Tristan, Mai Cards Featured: (Coming Soon...) Episode Rating (1-10): 8. This was some great dueling. Mai's character was really displayed with her sharp tongue and wit. Joey also earned a name for himself and showed us that he wasn't the push over duelist he was in the first four episodes. |