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                                 ...Trust in the Heart




               Episode # 146 - The Seal of the Oracle Curse

     Yugi continues his duel with the Doom Warrior.  The man has played the Oracle Curse and was able to summon the god card, Obelisk.  Yugi takes down Obelisk with his Magnet Warriors.  From the top of a nearby building, 3 mysterious guys watch the duel.    They tell Yugi that they have the souls of Rex and Weevil.  If Yugi wins, he will get them back, but if Yugi is defeated, he will loose his soul as well.  Yami realizes that his is the same power that Pegasus had with his Millennium Eye.  Yugi is eventually able to win with a combination of his Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl.  His opponent gives Obelisk back to the three guys on the roof before his soul is sealed in a card.  As promised, the souls of Rex and Weevil are released.

     The guys on the roof introduce themselves as the Three Doom Warriors; Amelda, Varon, and Raphael.  They leave without explaining anything.  Tea sees a glowing green stone on left behind and takes it to Yugi.  He sees strange markings on it and saves it for later.  It’s definitely a clue.

     The next day, Yugi and his friends try to get information out of Rex Raptor and Weevil Underwood but they don’t know anything.  Then, a pretty young girl comes over and says hello to Yugi.  She is Rebecca, the girl from America who once dueled Yugi.  She invites Yugi and his friends to see her grandfather, Professor Hawkins at the Domino Museum.  They accept and follow her.  At the museum, Professor Hawkins is standing at the sealed tablet.  He greets Yugi as “Pharaoh” and tells him they have something very important to talk about…

          Summary By YamiHikari

(A much better Summary is coming soon...)

Screen Shots:  CLICK HERE

New Characters:  Amelda, Varon, Raphael

Characters Shown: Yugi,  Joey,  Tea,  Tristan,  Rex, Weevil, Doom Warrior, Amelda, Varon, Raphael

Cards Featured: (Coming Soon...)

Episode Rating (1-10): Coming When I get to see the episode in English.