THE HEART OF THE CARDS ...Trust in the Heart
Episode # 41 - The Wrath of Rebecca (1) Mokuba wakes up to see a normal looking Bakura helping him up. Tristan, Tea and Joey come in and are glad to see he is alright. Yugi walks in behind them and Joey asks where he was. Yugi tells him he had something to take care of and doesn't mention Shadi to his friends. Mokuba just calls for his brother. In a different part of the castle, Kaiba wakes up too and starts to look for Mokuba. Yugi starts to wonder who attacked Pegasus. It couldn't have been Bakura because he was with Mokuba the whole time. Croquet shows up and offers Yugi the prize money for winning. Joey accepts it from him Yugi's reward is knowing that his Grandpa is alright. By now the sun is setting at Duelist Kingdom and everyone goes out into the courtyard. Mokuba again calls for Kaiba and a happy smiling Kaiba comes out of another part of the castle. The brothers embrace, happy to be together again. Mokuba says that he protected the secret of the Kaiba Corp and no one was able to take it over. Kaiba says that Yugi saved Mokuba and that he owes him one. That's as much as a thank you that Kaiba ever says. Kaiba looks forward to a rematch sometime and Yugi agrees. He turns to leave and Mokuba goes with him. Back in Domino City, everyone has gathered at the hospital. Suddenly Grandpa appears at the end of the hall and Yugi runs to embrace him. They go back to Yugi's house and Grandpa congratulates Yugi on winning the tournament. Yugi says he had help from all of his friends. Later that day, they run into a pretty blonde girl who wants to meek Grandpa. She is about Yugi's height and holds a teddy bear in her hands. She introduces herself as Rebecca. She claims to be a prodigy at Duel Monsters. She's only eight but a chamion in America. Grandpa asks her why she is in Japan and she accuses Grandpa of stealing her grandfather's Blue Eyes White Dragon. Grandpa says the card is very important to him because it was given to him by a friend. Joey tells her that he was second place in Duelist Kingdom. Rebecca says she knows he was and that Yugi won. Nobody cares about anyone but the champion. (Right Teddy?) Yugi doesn't believe Grandpa could have stolen it and says there must be some mistake. Rebecca says she isn't mistaken and she will duel Granpa. The winner gets the Blue Eyes. The gang arrives at Kaiba Land and they ask Mokuba for a dueling arena. At first he says they are reserved, but then he lets them use it because Yugi had saved him. Rebecca is anxious to start dueling. Grandpa is still tired from his stay at the hospital and Yugi offers to duel in his place. Rebecca excepts and says it is impossible to beat her so it doesn't matter. (Right Teddy?) Joey says she is the most stuck up person in the world. Rebecca tells Yugi it wouldn't be easy to beat the American Champion, (Right Teddy?) She calls herself a genius and begins playing. She plays the Black Witch of the Forest (1100/1200.) Grandpa has a flash back of a duel where his opponent did the same thing. Yugi decides to take care of it now and plays Celtic Guardian and Rebecca already is at 1700 LP. Rebecca doesn't seem made and starts talking to her Teddy. It "reminds" her that when Black Witch of the Forest is sent to the graveyard, she can take a card from her deck with less than 1500 defense points. Yugi says to play her turn and she tells Yugi to stop bothering her. She plays Sagan (1000/600) and talk about how "cute" it is. Yugi attacks Sagan and takes her down to 1300 LP. She "can't believe" it was destroyed and again her teddy bear "reminds" her of a special effect. She is allowed to take one monster from her deck with less than 1500 attack points when Sagan is sent to the graveyard. Tea says this girl can't be the American Champion and Tristan says geniuses don't act that way. Grandpa remains silent. He remembers a duel that started out this way. He's seem Rebecca's style before. Rebecca is a lot more serious now and Yugi sees it to. He thinks she's toying with him Rebecca plays Welcome the Dead. If she sacrifices one card from her hand, she can destroy one monster on the field. She targets Celtic Guardian. She plays a monster card in facedown defense mode. Tea warns Yugi to watch out, she's still a champion. Yugi plays Summoned Skull and attacks. The face down card was Millennium Shield (0/3000) and his attack is deflected bringing him to 1500 Life Points. Joey and Tristan start to see she is no ordinary duelist. Grandpa has a flashback of one of his own duels. He tells Dr. Hawkins to make his move. Dr. Hawkins tells him to call him Arthur. He used the Millennium Sheild just like Rebecca. Rebecca tells Yugi it it only gets better from her (Right Teddy?) She plays Ring of Magnetism on Millennium Shield. It lowers it's defense points by 500 but it does something else. Yugi doesn't know what though. He decides to pass on his turn and watch. Rebecca is disappointed he didn't do anything and starts her next turn. She plays Cannon Soldier (1400/1300) which can sacrifice a monster on the field to do 500 points of damage to her opponent. Yugi has to take down the Cannon Soldier before it uses it's special attack. He declares he's attacking with the Summoned Skull. Rebecca laughs and says that he forgot about the Ring of Magnetism. The attack goes to the Cannon Soldier but then hits the Millennium Shield. She explains that all attacks Yugi declares have to hit the Ring of Magnetism attached to the Millennium Shield. Rebecca draws Shadow Ghoul but thinks it isn't time to use that yet. Instead she plays another Black Witch of the Forest and activates Cannon Soilder's effect. Yugi falls to 1000 LP. With Black Witch's effect Rebecca gets another card from her deck. Joey says she really is a good duelist. Grandpa figured it out. Her name is Rebecca Hawkins, Arthur's granddaughter. Yugi knows that Dr. Hawkins is Grandpa's best friends. Rebecca swears she will take revenge for her grandfather... Summary By YamiHikari Screen Shots: Coming Soon New Characters: Rebecca Characters Shown: Yugi, Joey, Tea, Tristan, Bakura, Pegasus, Croquet, Rebecca, Mokuba, Kaiba Cards Featured: (Coming Soon...) Episode Rating (1-10) 7.4 A filler but still, new character. Rebecca is a weird duelist that's for sure. She uses her "little girl" act to distract her opponents. Inside, she is a great duelist. On Yugi's half, bad dueling. |