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The HPRP Rules Of Play

Joining HPRP

Visit The Site

There is no better way to establish yourself than to visit the site and have your say in those sections. The guestbook is regularly reviewed for people asking to join and for anybody who likes the site. It is very easy to join the site once people know of you.
Sign Up

Now you have to fill in the form at The Signup Page, your form will be reviewed, please remember that there will be a lot of possible applicants and many may be rejected if we feel they cannot assert themselves in a caption. Eventually you will get a reply saying that either your banner is being made or that you are rejected.
Wait Until Your Banner Is In The Character Page

This may take a while, Tiff is the only one we have on banners at the moment and it's not polite to hurry her. It should not take too long, it all depends how many people are expecting their banners. It could take a long while before it is up and I am afraid you will recieve no notification, we have a high demand list here.
Join The Fun

Now you are a full member of HPRP, join the forums, we have lots, take advantage of our features, suggest ways to improve and ask other people if they would like to join.
Join The Fun

Be a true member. If you are a member of HPRP act like one. Stick with HPRP through all its changes (and believe me there will be quite a few).