6 - 27 - 2002 I had a strange dream last night. I dreamed I was in this huge old manor house living as the servant of a coven of vampires. They tormented me constantly, and made sure I was aware that I lived only because they allowed me to. I tried escaping, but they hunted me down after dark and brought me back. When I woke up, I had to keep telling myself it was only a dream because it felt so real.
I'm not sure if this dream means anything. It could just be the fact that I've had this page on my mind for a few days.
6 - 29 - 2002 My wife told me that she had a conversation with a man claiming to be a member of a group of vampires today. My wife works for the local Red Cross blood services as a phlebotomy tech...a long name for the folks that wield large needles and drain your blood (hmmm...maybe I should interview her for the page). Anyway, she was talking to this young man about blood, and he happened to mention that he was a member of a 'coven' of vampires. Not being used to strange things like this, she didn't ask any questions and got away from him as quickly as possible. I pressed her for more information, but the only other thing she knows about this guy is that he has been at other blood drives in the past. I've asked her to get me in touch with this person so that I could ask him for more information. She's working on it, and I hope to get an interview with at least one of this group soon.
7 - 8 - 2002 I've been in Portland Oregon for the last 4 days. We went to Seaside to see the fireworks display, so I haven't been here to make any journal entries. I do have some new developments to write down today though. I've been in touch with the vampire from the last journal entry. He seems hesitant about doing an interview with me. I'm awaiting his final decision. I've talked with him on the telephone, but I still don't know anything new about him other than I have confirmed from him what he told my wife... that he is part of what he calls a 'coven' of vampires. I'm hoping he will be a little more willing to do an interview once he's met me in person. I'll keep you posted.