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Some Miniatures I've Painted

Here are a few not great pics of some minis I've done. They were all done a while ago, and dust has settled upon them, and dulled the finish somewhat. Other than that, they're pretty okay. ^_^

Witch Elf, Evil Pegasus

I forget her name, but she's riding a horse that has leathery wings. ^_^

Cauldron of Blood

Witch Elves are badass. These three here have wild ceremonies that involve skinning their victims alive, and then drinking and bathing in their blood. I dunno, I think that cauldron's a bit too tiny for bathing in, but then I'm not, like, an inch and a half tall, either. ^,^;

Bolt Throwers.

More Dark Elves with their own ballista apparatus thingee. ^_^ Couldn't manage to get a decent picture of this one, because the little trees were in the way.