Word Of the Day: Kablobby
Poop that runs down your leg.
ex: Man, I gotta take a crap! Nope, wait, I just had a kablobby.
Source: Urban Dictionary
July 18, 2004
Quite a few new features have been added. Check out the "Pwn Sayings", poll, and guestbook on the left. Be sure and sign the guestbook with some supra cool quote. Be sure to click on Mr T. also... he has a very heart felt message for you.
July 19, 2004
Not too much to report. Ian and I have added a few things including Ian's Poetry, Ian's Paintbrush (art), and a second page to my Personal Pictures. We are looking at the possibility of getting some web space of our own... this free stuff is all right to a point.
July 21, 2004
The site is continuing to come along. Added a new flash banner today. A video of Beavis (from "Beavis and Butthead") headbanging to "Hells Bells" has been added... it's quite entertaining.
July 25, 2004
Lance Armstrong has fought seemingly terminal cancer, and now has come back and won his 6th straight tour, winning by over 6 minutes ahead of everyone. He is a god among cyclists - one of the great athletes that ever existed. He slaughtered the Tour de France this year.