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Evelyn and Tiron
"Good evening and welcome, my dear. I am Lady Evelyn and this is my husband, Lord Tiron. We are the stewards of their highnesses, the Great Women, and it is our job to attend to all the mundane business and various necessities attributed to running the castle and the nearby village while the Great Women travel the more illustrious and mysterious planes of existence and fight the greater battles of of truth and justice and righteousness. We recieve all guests and visitors; please stay as long as you like and ejoy yourself. We are hosting a Grand Ball tonight and would be most honored with your presence; it's just a little anual thing. Every year, all the nobles and leaders of all countries and peoples, and even a great many commoners, for it is open to all (don't worry, we always make sure there's plenty of food for all), get together and feast and dance and make merry, and afterwards when everyone is sufficiently drunk and complacent and inclined to be reasonable, they all sit and talk through any disputes they may be having. It is like one giant, univeresal peace conference. Please do join us; we would welcome a stranger and would love to hear stories about your world and hear your unique point of view on various matters. Before you continue, I must warn you that when I say all countries and peoples, I mean all countries and peoples including those below the sea, below the ground and in the air, and some from some place in between. Do not be alarmed by any stranger personages you may meet."
Evelyn and Tiron came from here.
Enchanted Hollow Castle Pixie Certificate

Pixie KnightPixie Knight


The Ballroom


World Summit



