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Wizard's Workshop



"Be wary stranger. Here we train and keep those of magical gifts, some of which later move on to make there way in the world as they please, the rest of which stay on to aid the king and queen in their mission to protect and nuture the nation. As guardian of magic and enchantment, I watch train novices and guard the workshop's secrets. These rooms are not to be wandered lightly. It is imperative you do not repeat anything you see. There are mystic secrets here, and magics and enchantments, the likes of which are unknown to the world outside the workshop and could be indescribably dangerous in the wrong hands. I implore you watch your heads, don't drink or eat anything suspect, don't step in anything, beware flames and flying objects and over all just don't touch."

Alasia came from here.
Amanda's Castle


The Magic Shelf

The Witches and Wizards
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Johanna Pieterman
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W - By Kells