The Purifier

Written 06/26/2004

Disclaimer: "The Chronicles of Riddick" is copyright to Universal Studios, Vin Diesel, David Twohy, and Jim and Ken Wheat. (Plus anybody else I might have missed. Just, definitely not me. Nope, no way. I ain't ever gonna see a dime off this sucker.)

Summary: A once-in-a-million 100-word drabble. The Purifier's POV. Set during "Chronicles of Riddick".

The Purifier

He'd had a name once. One he'd been proud of. A family and a home, too. Freedom. Peace. Identity. He'd fought for it, defended it. Resisted. Fiercely, passionately, with every last ounce of his being...

Until it was gone. Everything. Purged through pain. After that, his name had become irrelevant. 'The Purifier' needed no name.

It was the Necromonger way.

He was respected and obeyed by all but the Lord Marshall, now. It was his duty to convert others to the Faith. He was good at it. He was the High Priest. But once, he remembered, he'd been called...


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