Written 09/11/2009
Disclaimer: Transformers toys, comics, and characters were created and are owned by Hasbro. The 1984 cartoon on which this story is based was produced by the Claster Television production company, a subsidiary of Hasbro.
Author's Notes: This totally doesn't count as part of the porn ping-pong. It's not even enough to be a side-story, more of a side... drabble. Or drabble-and-a-half, I guess. Follows on from When the Cat's Away, The Mice Will Play, which is a sequel to Obscene Comm Calls by Katsuko, which is a sequel to Size Doesn't Matter, Except When It Does by me, which was written in response to this prompt at the Transformers Anonymous Kink Meme. Still with me here? ;)
“Where’s Rumble going?”
Ravage sighed, head down on his paws. “Probably off to meet Starscream again.”
“Why? I thought he didn’t like Starscream?”
“So he says. Starscream doesn’t like him either.”
Ratbat cocked his head sideways, which considering he was currently hanging upside down from Lazerbeak and Buzzsaw’s perch actually made him easier to look up at.
“Why’s he keep going to meet him if he doesn’t like him?”
“Because he’s an idiot who can’t say no to what they’re doing.”
“What are they doing?”
Ravage shuddered. “Don’t ask. Ugh!” He shook his head as if to knock out the mental images. “I think I need to go kill something now.”
Ratbat chirped. “Okay! Can I come? I like hunting bunnies!”
“Sure,” Ravage stood and stretched. “Let’s go kill us some rabbits.” And if I’m really lucky, it’ll overwrite what I saw them doing in the washracks last night.
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