Ach, ja. The rules. You all love ‘em! C’mon, admit it!! Oh, I’ll try to go easy on you...

1. I’d love to see a website, but if you don’t have one, that’s okay too! If you don’t, then just put "none", "n/a", or something in the form for "URL".

2. Your page doesn’t have to be dedicated to the Tallest, or even to "Invader Zim", but no Tallest or Zim bashing!

3. Code MUST be up in an easy-to-find spot! PLEASE!! (I’ll give you about 2 days to get it up, but I recommend putting it up before or right after signing up)

4. On the form, where it says ‘Why do you like the Tallest?’, put ‘Because they’re tall!!’ in the blank, so I know that you read the rules. I am sneaky... :)

5. I’d appreciate it if you signed the guestbook and if you checked out my fanart galleries, but it’s not required.

6. NoNe Of ThIs KiNd Of TyPiNg!!! My vision’s bad enough as it is...

7. No hentai, ecchi, yaoi, yuri, porn, or nudity on the site! And please keep the swearing to a minimum. Please no Zim & Gaz Romance or anything like that. Kids enjoy "Invader Zim" sites, too...