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Disclaimer: *scribbles on paper* My To-Do List... *thinks* ah-ha! *more scribbling* 1. Kidnap FF8 gang from Squaresoft...*puts pen down...sighs* Nope, not mine yet, but will be soon..... mwahahahaha... *notices audience's stares* WHAT?!?..... O.o;;; Warnings: THIS IS A YAOI FIC! That means that there will be M/M sex... If you don't like the idea of two males getting each other off or if you are under the age of 17, Tinky Winky's calling you ...Oh, wait... he's gay too ^.^.....Oh, well. Anyways, If you are of legal age and you luv male on male action, scroll down!!!.. I'm still looking for my cookies!! ^_~

******************************************** As I carried my cafateria tray towards a secluded seating area, I noticed that my name was being called. I sighed when I noticed that it had been Selphie who was trying to flag me down.

"Oh Squall... Squally... over heeeerrreee!!! SQUALL!!!" yelled the brunette, waving her arms up and down like a mad cow.

Since she saw that I had seen her in her desperate attempt to get my attention, I slowly made my way over to the crowded table.

"Hey, Squall...." I heard Quistis greet me in a stern voice as I took an empty seat between Zell and Irvine. I just nodded to her and proceeded to poke at my salad. They continued on with their conversation and words like 'Rinoa' and 'hooker' caught my attention being the fact that they were used in the same sentence. Rinoa and I had broken only a few weeks ago because she claimed that I was being a bastard, not giving her my full attention 24/7. She was an annoying bitch, what can I say? Apparently, many others around campus had agreed with me and with very dirty words, forced her to want to leave. Good riddance. From what I heard from Zell, she had moved to Galbadia with no money, and prostitution was the only way out homelessness for her. I tried my best to drown the rest of the conversation out...... I didn't really care to hear any more about Rinoa's whore of a life.

Endeavoring to ignore all that was being said, I turned my full attention to my very soggy salad, only to look up again when I heard Qustis speaking about Seifer.

"Guess who has just been reaccustomed to the Garden," Quistis voiced, smiling sweetly yet secretivly, her left eyebrow slightly arched, eyes twinkling..... Selphie had to be the one to start guessing.....

"John Williams?" "Nope" "Donnie Timberman?" "Nuh uh," Quistin teased, still smiling. "Umm...ehh...OH! Kenny Ekkins?" ".......Nnnnoooo......" Quistis answered slowly, the truth being that she had absolutly no idea who the hell that was... Oh well. Poor Trepe. "WHO?!?" Zell yelled, impatient and obviously sick of hearing Selphie endless guessing.

Quistis glanced around the table before speaking," Seifer Almasy"

I smiled inwardly at the dead silence that overtook the table as everyone took a moment to let the sudden imformation sink in. After only a few seconds of perfect silence, a loud 'thud' took its place. Jerking my head in the direction of the noise, I noted that Zell had fallen flat on the floor feigning faint. Snickering could be heard from where Selphie and Irvine sat together. Turning back to where Zell lay spread out on the floor, I saw Quistis fanning her hand in Zell's face. Shit, she was easily convinced. I just kept my normal stoic expression.

"Damn," Irvine muttered, looking over at me, "he tried to kill you, Squall."

"I'm perfectly aware of that, Irvine. I was there." I said promptly, only looking forword, the word 'DUH' written all over my face.

"So, w-where is he," Irvine stammered, evidently full of fear, but tried to cover it up by sitting up trying to look proud and manly. Oh, please, Kinneas! Try again cowboy!!!

Quistis, still fanning Zell had opened her mouth to speak, but I spoke up instead, "He's in my room.".....More silence.

"Why is he in your room," Irvine inquired with concern and confusion in his eyes.

"Cid made me room with him. He said that there was no more room left."

"You've gotta be shittin' me!" He half laughed. I just gave him a 'why-the- fuck-would-I-be-joking-about-this' look.

By this time, Zell had opened both eyes wide. Turning his attention to me, he said, "Poor, Squall" When Quistis noticed that he hadn't really passed out, she stood up and kicked him in his thigh, hard.

"OW!!! GODDAMNIT, QUISTIS!!!" He caught the attention of the whole caffeteria, while Quistis just sat down, quietly giggling. Still grumbling, Zell found his way back to his seat. I couldn't help but smile.

"Listen," I start, catching everyone's attention, "I'm gonna go ahead and go to bed, k?" I hardly touched my salad, but I needed an excuse to get out of there, fast.

As soon as I stood up to go, I heard Zell speaking to me, "I sure hope Seifer doesn't murder you in your sleep-- OW!....STOP IT, QUISTIS!!!" Quistis didn't think it was right for Zell to be talking about Seifer in such a way, and she told him so with a hard kick to the shin.

As Quistis and Zell started bickering, I quickly exited the hectic Cafeteria.

To Be Continued...


Author's notes: Does it suck yet??? I have the perfect idea for the third chapter, so I'll be able to update really, really soon. In the meantime, remember: REVIEW! REVIEW! REVIEW! Be it good or bad..... thx to all those who reviewed my first chapter and encouraged me to continued.... ^__^


Layout by Aya & Raiha-chan.