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INSIDE OF ME, is the material that accounts about the subject. It is written by the subject in order for the facts that will be written will be the truth. This is a one character that describes the subjects and gives an identity to the subject. Ideally, the subject molds complex biographical facts written in a book that has the independent vitality of any creative work, but is at the same time,"true to life".In a sense that all written here was based on the real life of the subject.


NAME:Rohinii E. Marsan

PSEUDO: Rohinii

AGE: 14

BIRTHDATE: March 11, 1989

ADDRESS: BC-032, Beckel, La Trinidad, Benguet



SONGS: Any Country Songs

MOVIES: Kind of Adventure, Comedy and Action

FOODS: Any kind of Vegetarian Foods

CELEBRITY:Britney Spears

SPORTS:Chess and Table Tennis

BOOK:Reader's Digest

QUOTES:"Laughter is the Best Medicine."

PLACE:In a green and calm environment

ANIMAL:Cougar and fishes