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PDS Screen name(s): chickenman224
Other Screen name(s): Sk8r224 (AIM)
Real Name: Adam
Nicknames: none, although some people from school call me Shane...
Gender: Male
Birthday: 2/8/88
Country, State/Province: US, Massachusetts
Likes: Diablo II, pr0n (hehe), video games in general
Dislikes: Snobby girls, Ass-headed guys, Suicide
Favorite color: Green
Favorite console(s): SNES
Favorite game(s): Diablo II: LoD (PC), FF3 (SNES), Kiby Super Star (SNES)
Genres of music you listen to: Metal
Favorite band(s): too many :P, but i do like Opeth and CKY
Favorite song(s): Can't decide
Favorite author(s):J.D. Salinger, H.P.Lovecraft
Favorite Book(s): Chaos: A New Science, Go Ask Alice
Favorite Movie(s): Mafia
Your message to everyone who reads this: AOL Sucks

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