Epoch/Sock Fish
PDS Screen name(s): Epoch
Other Screen name(s): ADJ2321, SirJoshuaofAdams
Halo and such names: Epoch, Dark Ewok, Clandestine Ebb, Ebb
Real Name: Joshua A. A.
Nicknames: Josh, Joshy, etc...
Gender: M
Age: 17 1/2
Birthday: 06/21/86
Country, State/Province: USA, Melbourne Florida
Likes: Girls in general, LAN gaming, Chirst, music, talking for no reason, ATV's, shooting stuff, snow related sport, basketball, good and classic video games in general, roller coasters, the Orlando Magic
Dislikes: Squash, butter beans, annoying people, shallow people, Stereotypical peope, stuff like that
Favorite color: Green/Silver
Favorite console(s): SNES
Favorite game(s): DKC series, HALO, GE/PD, Contra, FF8, OoT, Mario bros, Advance wars
Genres of music you listen to: 80's, bugglegum punk through to metal, I like most everything except most rap and a lot of country. Oldies a lot though.
Favorite band(s): Relient K
Favorite author(s): Tolkien, Clancy, Crichton, Tom Wolfe, etc..
Favorite Book(s): Catch - 22, The Right Stuff, LOTR, the Bible <3, umm other stuff.
Favorite Movie(s): Stuff with Denzel Washington in it, LOTR, Star Wars originals, Citizen Kane, Kill Bill, other stuff
Your message to everyone who reads this: "I am not a liar" *holds up fingers Nixon style*