PDS Screen name(s): Kesa440
Other Screen name(s): Kezza440, Kezz440 (AIM), Kinslayer (mainly for games)
Real Name: Kieran Gamperle (My last name pwns on yours)
Nicknames: Kezz, Kezza
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Birthday: 28th August 1986
Country, State/Province: Christchurch, New Zealand
Likes: Metal, Video Games, Anime
Dislikes: Rap, Mainstream, Mankind
Favorite color: Black
Favorite console(s): Gamecube
Favorite game(s): Final Fantasy Series, Zelda Series, Wolfenstein Enemy Territory (aka Wolf ET)
Genres of music you listen to: Metal, a bit of techno ('specially when playing CS)
Favorite band(s): Symphony X, In Flames
Favorite song(s): The Odyssey
Favorite author(s): The authors of the Dragonlance series (multiple authors), JRR Tolkien, Tom Clancy
Favorite Book(s): Lord Of The Rings, Dragonlance series
Favorite Movie(s): Matrix, LOTR
Your message to everyone who reads this: You cannot rely on anyone in this world, it is up to you to make your own life good.