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PDS Screen name(s): Graveland
Other Screen name(s): Evil Arse 2 (shared), many banned accounts
Real Name: Maxime Dorion
Nicknames: Ask Daed, he probably has a list of them.
Age: 17
Birthday: June 21st
Country, State/Province: Quebec, Canada
Likes: Music & girls
Dislikes: Humanity as a whole
Favorite color: Black (oh I like black, I must be goth)
Fav console: PC
Fav game: Half-life
Anything else: I can't think of anything to add right now.
Genres of music you listen to: Metal (mainly Black and Doom), Classical, Ambient
Favorite band(s): Graveland and Nargaroth
Favorite song(s): Screw that, I have way too many
Favorite author(s): Molière (Dom Juan and Tartuffe were great), Kant, Oscar Wilde, Tolkien of course, Bernard Werber, Kundera, and many others.
Favorite Book(s): See "Favorite song(s)"
Favorite Movie(s): See above.
Your message to everyone who reads this: I don't have anything to say in particular.

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