AIM Screen name:You ask for it
PDS Screen name(s):MI4 REAL
Other Screen name(s):NGs:MI4_REAL_2001 Area00:blam Battle.net-MI4_REAL_2003
Real Name: Eric
Nicknames: PDS calls me "the posting robot" as well as MI4, and Emmy
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Birthday: 4/6/82
Country, State/Province: Central USA
Likes: Video games, Metallica, Hanging Out, Girls, and anything involving romance and love!!
Dislikes: Assheaded people, hypocrites, liars, and people who sugar-coat a lot, or otherwise are too scared to tell you anything.
Favorite color:Light Blue and Red
Favorite console(s): Gamecube, NES, SNES, N64
Favorite game(s):Too many to list! But to name a couple [Perfect Dark] [Final Fantasy 2] [Mario Kart 64] [Super Smash Bros Melee][More]
Genres of music you listen to: Metal, Rock, Thrash Metal, Light Rock, Mood, Classical, Hard Rock, Alternative
Favorite band(s):Metallica, Def Leppard
Favorite song(s):Battery, Disposable Heroes, Damage Incorporated, Blackened, Fight Fire With Fire, No Leaf Clover (live), Fuel, Call of Cthulu, Ride the Lightning
Favorite author(s):None in particular
Favorite Book(s): Ah, from the old days [Ribsy] [Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing] More I'm surely forgetting
Favorite Movie(s): Men In Black 1&2, Rambo First Blood Part 2, Goldeneye, Independence Day
Your message to everyone who reads this:Love and Friendship is what makes life worth living. That and video games!